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Hire SAP® Architect

With the development of computer technology, companies have increased the interest in automating various business processes, as this would replace unproductive and error-prone manual labor. To create applications that help achieve this, companies hire staff developers or custom software development companies. In this article, we will talk about SAP® technology, how it changed the business environment, why your company needs to hire SAP® architect and where to find it. A SAP solution architecture is a blueprint for designing and implementing a customized SAP system that meets the specific business requirements of an organization. Also, you can read the essential information about Hybris consulting services and SAP® Hybris architecture which can make a profit for business needs.

What Is SAP® Technology and Architecture and How It Works

The Systems Applications Product has a modular architecture, the central core of the system is called SAP® R/3. SAP® process integration architecture has such functions as Financial, Material Management, Sales, and Distribution. SAP® industry solutions include a set of modules and other SAP® components that allow you to implement different features of business processes in every solution. The SAP® architecture is effective only if the enterprise has a process structure and all its processes are aimed at improving product quality.

A particularly important change in architecture was the creation of extensions. These small programs, installed on top of the base applications, contain new additional features that make it unnecessary to change the base applications. If an improvement appears in several extensions for enterprises, then most likely it will soon become a part of the basic application: all changes and improvements are first offered as extensions. Accordingly, if SAP® ABAP developer can incorporate industry solutions into the system in this way, it can also use the switching architecture to deliver new improvements to clients. Thus, SAP® solutions architect can import all improvements into the system, and only those that a company needs can be activated eventually. This is how the enhancement framework works. All enhancements are delivered through enhancement packages. Enhancement packages include a simplified user interface (making transactions easier to run), functional and industry-specific enhancements, and enterprise services.

Solutions Architect and Software Architect: Key Roles and Difference

SAP architect is responsible for creating, documenting and communicating a common technical solution for the entire system. He finds out the needs of a client, develops the concept of a software solution, and then transfers the project for technical implementation. SAP® CRM architect is the person that looks at the development of the system from above. He has a clear vision of the architecture of the future product and all its parts, which an architect builds in the form of various diagrams and representations.

SAP® solution architecture and software development are different but equal directions in the career path. The task of an architect is to see the whole project structure, he doesn’t have to work with the code so often. Often, an SAP® developer implements an architectural concept on its own. Implementing a solution design in a quality manner is as important as coming up with this design.

Hiring a dedicated solutions architect provides the following benefits:

  1. The correct selection. If SA is involved in the development, you can be completely sure that the new software product will solve the key business problems. This means that at the end of development, the company receives not just a working application, but a product that will lead to scaling.
  2. Effective communication. The business owner talks about reducing costs while programmers take care about the engineering matters. The solution architect acts as a mediator between them. A solid understanding of industry requirements and experience in the programming languages help a developer deliver best-suited results and satisfy a client’s needs.
  3. Resource management. Everything requires management, including technology, timeline and budget. A solution architect can see a full picture in order to select the best options for solving problems and optimally allocate resources.
  4. Risk reduction. The responsibilities of a solution architect are aimed at the gradual and successful completion of the project. He is responsible for all the consequences. Watching the development of a software product, SA can identify problems that were missed by other project participants and find a solution for them.

The Main Processes Covered by SAP® Solution Architecture

First of all, the architect analyzes the client’s business goals associated with a new product. He/she focuses on the requirements that will affect the architecture, software and its components. Then the engineer designs the solution and defines its architecture. The architect determines what components the product will consist of and decides whether to develop them like a brand-new or use available components.

For some parts of the solution, SA makes a proof-of-concept – a small experimental research task to understand whether it is possible to implement one or another function. Architects communicate with clients, evaluate how effective architecture of an existing solution is for the assigned tasks and whether it should be optimized.

What Is an SAP® HANA Architecture and Its Main Features

SAP® HANA architecture is a modern platform for transactional applications and real-time analytics. SAP® HANA helps to analyze business transactions that use a large volume of detailed data. The response time of the system when working with business users is a fraction of a second in applications based on SAP® HANA. SAP® HANA developer can leverage cutting-edge technology by combining column data storage with mass processing.

SAP® HANA solution architecture has the following features:

  • Data origin tracking
  • Tracking changes in data and its structure
  • Comprehensive understanding of metadata
  • Support of the required level of security
  • Centralized monitoring

One of the significant advantages of SAP® HANA is that all calculations of aggregated data are performed directly during the formation of an analytical query and are immediately displayed as a result.

SAP® Solution Architect Roles and Responsibilities

  • Clarification of project requirements and communication with the client. Most often this happens at the stage of presale or discovery. Architects help to make a commercial proposal to the client – for this, they communicate a lot with him directly to look at the work of the business from the inside. Sometimes, if necessary, client’s advice on technical issues or a technical audit of existing solutions is added to this.
  • Technological research and prototyping. Usually, at the start of a project, the architect may not be aware of some of the nuances of applying the necessary technologies, so there is a need to study and understand more deeply the capabilities and limitations of certain solutions. To do this, he develops prototypes – small parts of the system that are needed to make sure that the ideas that the architect comes up with are really working.
  • Defining architecture of the final product. Having formed a technical solution, Solution Architect presents it to the client and coordinates all the details. At this stage, the architect prepares a description of the high-level architecture or some of its parts that are being an understudy.
  • Supervision. In most projects, each team member works on its part of the solution, and for large systems, there should be a person that understands the picture of SAP® Hybris technology and architecture as a whole, general principles, and agreements.

If you are aimed at building an architecture of complex enterprise projects, it is recommended to get SAP® architect certification from the American SEI or European Iasa.

The career path of an architect consists of five steps:

  • SA-1 knows basic architecture practices and has high expertise in at least one technology stack.
  • SA-2 has practical experience as an architect, already works in several technological stacks, can independently carry out medium-sized projects.
  • SA-3, Senior Solution Architect is an expert in any large technological or business area, can conduct serious projects and represent the company at the account level.
  • SA-4, Director of Technology, plays a leading role, often responsible for managing the technology in large programs.
  • SA-5, CTO, leads large technology operations at the company or large account level.

SAP® Solutions Architect Salary Rates: How Much Does It Cost to Hire Solutions Architect

  • The USA$117,855
  • Germany – $86,152
  • Denmark – $96,155
  • Switzerland – $141,734
  • Ukraine – $14,636

Thus, SAP® Hybris architect consultant market rate for the optimization of business processes and the creation of conditions for scaling is an average of $100,000 per year. Still, the solution architect receives not less than $80,000 in different countries. However, the Ukrainian IT market is still in the process of development, therefore, outsourcing to Ukraine is very profitable.

Why Ukraine Is a No. 1 Destination for Hiring an SAP® CRM Architect

  • A large pool of specialists. The country has a large reserve of talented employees with rich experience and large technical background in the industry.
  • Cost optimization. Despite the fact that the salary rates are considerably lower for West Europe and the United States, the quality of provided services is world-class.
  • Digitalization in the Ukrainian IT market. Quite steadily, Ukraine develops its digitalization status and remains to be an attractive destination for outsourcing IT specialists.

Mobilunity As One of the Top-Level SAP® Architecture Consultancies

Mobilunity has been on the market for over 10 years and can find specialists of rare technologies at ease. We offer SAP® architecture consultancies that are backed by our profound expertise and rich experience of every delivered professional. We constantly monitor trends, study new technologies and, whenever possible, immediately introduce them into our work. Looking for expert help with hiring a top-level SAP Fiori developer for your company? Get in touch with the Mobilunity team and get real results!

Nearshoring model benefits:

  • Cost optimization. Reducing expenditures directly affects the volume of productivity, because the bigger amount is saved, the more you can invest in other needs.
  • Highly-qualified employees. Our company is known for its highly qualified specialists among the countries of Western and Central Europe. Due to the high level of education, our labor force is really in demand.
  • The global diffusion of knowledge. Ukrainian IT companies have deep technical expertise. Over the past few years, companies are oriented towards providing clients with solutions and services that make their business more efficient.
  • Increasing the complexity of the information system. Our SAP® services can include industry solutions in the system, it can also use the architecture for switching to deliver improvements to clients.

Looking for new ways to fully rebuild your software, then to hire SAP® architect is your chance to make it right. Contact Mobilunity to build your dedicated team!

Disclaimer: All the mentions of SAP® services and products are registered trademarks of SAP® SE in Germany and other countries. Mobilunity is not related to, affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by the SAP SE.

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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