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Outsourcing Recruitment Process

In this article, you’ll discover all the details on what is recruitment process outsourcing, the types of it, and what RPO model recruitment will fit your company’s needs.

RPO Overview and How It Works

RPO meaning: recruitment process outsourcing, refers to the process of outsourcing part or all of a company’s recruitment function to a third-party provider. This provider acts as an in-house recruiter and offers benefits of recruitment process outsourcing such as increased efficiency and flexibility to the recruitment process. Using RPO, employers, and HR professionals can reduce administrative burdens and deliver a high-quality candidate experience. The recruitment process outsourcing services offered through a comprehensive partnership can range from talent consulting to onboarding support.

RPO recruitment professionals work alongside your company to understand your hiring needs and develop strategies for attracting candidates. They handle the recruitment process from start to finish, including evaluating resumes, overseeing interviews, and recommending the best-matching applicants to the clients. 

How to Determine if RPO Is Suitable for Your Organization

RPO services usually were meant for large corporations to streamline their hiring process. However, as technology advances, medium-sized companies have also begun utilizing RPO solutions for their recruitment needs. The IT recruitment process outsourcing can be wise for any business that regularly hires employees, as it can provide significant financial, organizational, and strategic benefits.

When considering outsourcing recruitment, employers should carefully evaluate their current staff, processes, and technology. If any of the following issues are identified during the assessment, it may be time to consider RPO services:

  • Lack of experts in the hiring team
  • Inefficient recruitment processes
  • Changing hiring demands throughout the year
  • Compliance risks associated with recruitment
  • High costs associated with recruitment
  • Natural growth, mergers, acquisitions, or expansions

RPO is a viable option for enterprises anticipating speedy expansion and immediate staffing needs while retaining their unique brand identity and culture. Its cost-effectiveness increases over time as more employees are hired, ranging from tens to hundreds or even thousands annually.

RPO recruitment is ideal for businesses requiring professional HR resources to manage recruitment without hiring full-time employees. It is a flexible option that allows business owners to work with RPO recruitment process outsourcing companies only when they need new candidates.

Three Basic Types of RPO Engagements

RPO has three primary engagement models:

On-demand RPO

This model provides a contract-based engagement between a qualified contractor and the hiring organization, allowing for flexible and rapid changes to recruitment efforts based on hiring needs. With an on-demand RPO engagement, the recruitment process outsourcing providers are well-versed in the organization’s messaging, processes, and necessary outcomes. As a result, when the company suddenly needs to increase hiring efforts, RPO recruitment companies can easily step in and provide services as an extension of the organization’s recruitment team.

Function-based RPO

The function-based RPO model involves the provider taking responsibility for a specific piece of an organization’s recruitment efforts, such as sourcing or interviewing. In contrast, the internal recruitment team continues to handle the remainder of the hiring process. This model is ideal for companies with a well-functioning recruitment team but requiring specialized assistance for certain divisions or positions.

Full RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing

This model involves the RPO provider taking over the entire recruitment process for the organization. The recruitment process outsourcing providers handle all aspects of the recruitment process, from sourcing to interviewing and onboarding. Full RPO engagement ensures that experts execute every aspect of the organization’s recruitment efforts in recruitment and outsourcing. Additionally, the recruitment process outsourcing RPO companies  acquire extensive resources and expertise that can be available to hiring managers and HR leaders who want to handle some of the processes independently.

These types are flexible and can be tailored to meet each client’s needs. 

Since recruitment process outsourcing providers specialize in various recruitment activities, their clients get a scope of needed resources and expertise.

Benefits of Outsourcing Recruitment

Employers can leverage RPO services to optimize their budget and enhance productivity, particularly during periods of rapid change. Other recruitment process outsourcing benefits include the following:

  • Reduced turnover

Streamlining hiring and onboarding processes to professionals reduces employee turnover, resulting in higher engagement levels and lower attrition rates.

  • Vast talent pool

RPO providers can help employers access diversified talent pools through established partnerships with diverse organizations, networks, and colleges, which can help attract underrepresented talent. 

  • Lower costs

RPO services can provide advanced cost savings over traditional hiring agencies, which typically charge 20-30% of the salary for each placement.

  • Higher expertise

RPO recruitment outsourcing professionals, like tech headhunter IT, work with businesses across different industries, giving them a broader perspective on recruitment practices and access to the latest HR technology. Through real-time data and benchmarking, RPO services can help guide a company’s recruitment strategy, including tracking the hiring process and evaluating applicants to ensure the best quality candidates.

  • Better quality of candidates

RPO recruiters are experienced in understanding what skills and experience a candidate can offer and can ask the right questions to screen potential employees. The outsourcing recruitment process provider will find candidates based on the positions your business seeks to fill and the tasks the roles will be responsible for. Additionally, the right RPO recruitment companies can identify barriers and continuously fine-tune processes to ensure accountability and speed up the hiring process.

  • Fully adaptable

Recruitment outsourcing process services are fully scalable, meaning a company can use them as required, depending on its needs. Moreover, delegating hiring to a recruitment process outsourcing company can improve outreach by leveraging their extensive networks and partnerships with various organizations, colleges, and community groups. It will result in attracting a more diverse and qualified pool of applicants.

Employers can benefit from a recruitment process outsourcing service to optimize their budget, enhance productivity, and increase employee retention, particularly during rapid change. Outsourcing talent acquisition can provide additional advantages, such as reduced turnover and streamlined hiring processes that result in more engaged employees who are less likely to quit.

Differences Between RPO and Other Outsourced Recruiting Options

Although there are many various methods for outsourcing, there are three most popular approaches to outsource HR functions:

Managed Services ProviderRecruitment Process OutsourcingContingent RPO
Focuses entirely on contingent workers, like freelancerProvides a full end-to-end solutionCombines MSP and RPO work principles
Provides services according to non-employee programCan easily be scaled up and downIs a competitive advantage in a talent short market
Helps to fulfill a temporary needIs often based on-site to be embedded in your culture fullyHelps to reorganize and re-engage existing talent pools

While an MSP solution gives access to numerous vendor sources for the placement of contingent workers and the implementation of an effective contingent workforce management strategy, a recruitment process outsourcing solution assists in locating highly skilled full-time applicants for the needed positions within your company.

Or, in case you need a high number of contingent workers and want to stand out from the recruitment competition, you can combine best practices from both options, like IBM recruitment process outsourcing. It all depends on your project’s requirements and your resources.

Obstacles When Hiring in Another Country and How to Overcome Them

The necessity to hire employees outside of their home country is at the top of the list for businesses trying to take advantage of the opportunities offered by today’s increasingly globalized business environment.

Managing a recruitment program has its hurdles, but those challenges increase significantly for businesses aiming to grow internationally or increase their global presence.

The main concern for any business to have a fruitful worldwide hiring campaign are:

  • Cultural difference

Teams need to be knowledgeable about cultural practices and the differences in viewpoints regarding workplace cultural context within their hiring group to accomplish efficient recruitment and a great onboarding experience.

Our primary priorities, languages, body language, gestures, and responses can vary. When these differences are not completely recognized, they can generate a gap, and if handled improperly, they can prevent your organization from attracting top personnel.

There also should be considerations for things like education level, living standards, and working conditions when dealing with a particular country..

  • Communication gaps

Due to slow communication, most applicants drop out midway through the hiring process. When they receive no reaction from the HR staff, they begin exploring elsewhere for employment options since they believe that the position at your company has already been filled. They may even believe that the company doesn’t care about potential employees. This may cause your business to pass up on qualified candidates. The candidate will always be informed of the most recent details on the job opening and his application if there is a continuous and prompt dialogue between the prospective and recruiters. If an applicant is kept consistently informed, he is less likely to abandon the application process. By doing this, you can increase the number of potential employees you have and find better ones.

Also, international hires face greater integration difficulties than local hires because they must adjust to a different culture and working environment. So, effective communication is essential to ensuring that the employee succeeds in the role and becomes familiar with the tasks as quickly as feasible.

To assist them in settling into their new workplace, you can, for example, provide them with tools to improve communication with coworkers at work, such as language lessons, cultural immersion events, and more. Another good example is to choose a “buddy” as their point of contact for non-HR issues and introduce them to the team by setting up regular check-ins to stay informed of any potential issues or difficulties.

  • Financial Challenges

Companies are typically expected to support international in-house employees with the costs associated with the transfer, including logistics, lodging, travel, allowances, paperwork submissions, and more.

All these expenses are irrelevant with remote employment, so you can save money. Nevertheless, businesses might be required to offer technical assistance to ensure that the remainder of the staff can operate remotely without any issues.

  • Legal Issues

The hiring managers have to familiarize themselves with national and international employee regulations and laws or work closely with a legal advisor.  

While recruiting internationally widens the market for brilliant applicants, you now compete with national and foreign companies for the same talent pool.

At the same time, widespread recruitment issues continue to exist globally. HR managers must overcome the additional obstacle of language and even cultural differences to find the right personnel from a broader group of candidates and match their skills to internal corporate needs.

Here is some additional advice for overcoming these difficulties:

  • To focus your search, consider countries where you can find like-minded candidates in accordance with your budget.
  • Do the extra effort to carry out a global screening so you can confirm the experience and skills of the prospective applicant
  • Combine a variety of intelligence and competence tests and behavioral interviews to evaluate candidates most effectively.
  • Have an organized hiring procedure to guarantee the candidate has a positive experience

Mobilunity provides recruiting services to more than 40 clients from 15 countries. Our objective is to connect businesses from various countries with brilliant specialists worldwide. Throughout years of work, we’ve established practical international recruitment methods to benefit our clients. For example, we have a case of full-cycle hiring cooperation with a client from Japan: overcoming cultural and communication challenges to find a perfect team of candidates based on the client’s needs. Our hiring staff has a keen eye for unusual abilities. We identified 145 potential prospects during the two months, received 13 CVs, conducted 6 interviews, and presented 4 applicants to the customer. You can find the details of this case here.

RPO Outsourcing Services Pricing in Different Countries

The role a recruitment process outsourcing company plays in its client’s business is highly adaptable. Companies can choose to outsource all aspects of the hiring process or keep some tasks in-house. The pricing plans for the recruitment outsourcing process will also vary depending on the level of involvement required and the company’s specific hiring needs. Below, you’ll find the average salary of a virtual recruiter in different countries. 

CountryMonthly Rate
the USA$5,000
the UK$3,974
the Netherlands$3,259

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Hiring virtual recruiters in Ukraine is the best choice, as you get talented specialists at lower recruitment process outsourcing rates.

Mobilunity, a Reliable Provider of RPO Services in Ukraine

Finding the ideal candidates is the main goal of Mobilunity’s services, which is all about helping your company reach its maximum potential. Our strategy is straightforward: after hearing what you need, we develop a talent acquisition methodology that can change and advance your company. For more than ten years, we have collaborated with clients from all sectors of society and built custom recruitment process outsourcing solutions for various scales and complexity requirements. During this timeframe, we built more than 100 committed teams from scratch, interviewed about 3000 candidates, and developed our skills to find the perfect match for each client.

We offer both cooperation models: pure recruitment service (for cases when the client has a few positions to be filled) and sourcing dedicated recruiters (for cases when there is an instant flow of vacancies). 

The cases speak for themselves.

1) Our client, Qrates, is a Tokyo-based company with a distinctive vinyl music record platform. It is an independent market where performers produce vinyl records for their fans on demand. We’ve helped them to build a strong team based on their needs and hire an individual UX designer. Details can be found here.

2) To acquire a project in the banking sector, another client, 3e Joueur, an agency from Canada, was searching for the ideal candidate in the short term. It was crucial to have team members who would fit into their company culture, and it was one of their top goals. Our recruitment team rapidly found such a technically skilled talent acquisition specialist from a list of candidates they had quickly assembled. More details on this case and others are here.

Mobilunity is a proven expert among top recruitment process outsourcing companies.

Need a dedicated outsourcing recruitment process company? Contact Mobilunity, and we’ll discuss all the details. 

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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