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Hire PostgreSQL Developer

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational DBMS – a program that allows users to operate databases like abstract objects. It was created in 1986 by a team of enthusiasts and does not belong to any corporate or private entity, making it an open-source solution. Just like SQL programmers, PostgreSQL specialists can operate on every major modern OS and work with all kinds of materials such as texts, music, or videos. Among the languages that are being supported by the PostgreSQL are PL/Perl, PL/Python, PL/pgSQL, and other non-standard for this system ones – Ruby, Java, and PHP. 

PostgreSQL Development Stats and Facts

According to the Stack OverFlow 2020 survey findings, PostgreSQL is one of the most loved databases out there with 63.9% of votes. Its market share is also quite impressive – 4,56% in comparison to other popular databases such as Apache (1,38%), MongoDB (3,12%), or Oracle® (2,01%). Currently, there are over 7,000 websites that are using this technology on a daily basis and their number is only growing. 

In 2020 popularity of the PostgreSQL database is rising, making companies like Spotify or Instagram use it in their development process. Such increased popularity can be easily explained by the number or languages that are being supported by a PostgreSQL – .NET, C++, C, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and such. It can also be supported by three major cloud providers – Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. 

PostgreSQL Programmer: Role and Responsibilities

Over the last couple of years the role of the PostgreSQL developer has grown tremendously. As we have mentioned before, even huge companies like Spotify or Instagram are interested in having at least one PostgreSQL certified engineer on their team. So what is it that a professional PostgreSQL engineer does? Typically, a PostgreSQL programmer would take care of the product’s development process, PostgreSQL software installation and maintenance, product integration process and further quality control of the results. 

How can companies benefit from having an SQL developer PostgreSQL on their team? First of all, this database is very lightweight and easy to install. Unlike some competitive ones, it is easy to move around which makes the whole development process easier and times faster. Another great benefit is increased flexibility, which means that a PostgreSQL SQL developer will be a great addition to the team regardless of the company’s size. Finally, a PostgreSQL database developer will be able to tailor this technology specifically to your business, as it offers plenty of plugins and adjustment variations. 

PostgreSQL Application Developer Main Skills and Qualifications

If you have decided to hire PostgreSQL developer, then it is necessary that you get familiar with the list of the necessary skills that such a specialist should have. So the PL SQL developer for PostgreSQL should be an expert at the following:

  • Impeccable knowledge of the PostgreSQL and MongoDB development
  • Ability to work on several tasks simultaneously
  • Knowledge of the full development cycle from the beginning to the end
  • Knowledge of at least two of the main programming languages, used along with the PostgreSQL – Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.
  • Knowledge of schema design for the multi-tiered distributed systems
  • Experience working with several operating systems
  • Experience working with 24/7 databases
  • Profound JSON knowledge and its compatibility with PostgreSQL
  • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
  • Experience developing with SQL, Oracle
  • Understanding of work principles or such code writing tools as Git and Jenkins
  • Experience with Python multiprocessing
  • Experience with Django and Celery Async frameworks
  • Deep knowledge of Javascript, Jquery and CSS web development

For you to get a clearer understanding of how a decent PostgreSQL developer resume should look like, please take a look at the sample below:

PostgreSQL Developer Salary Rates Comparison

There is more than one PostgreSQL development company out there and all of them offer different prices for their developers’ services. Why does that happen? First of all, it is a matter of location – PostgreSQL developer remote services will be cheaper than if you were to hire an in-house specialist. While choosing a coder from a PostgreSQL development company you should also consider their country of origin, level of skills, and number of necessary certifications. Let’s now take a look at a comparison table of PostgreSQL developers’ rates around the globe:

  • US – $71,000
  • UK – $46,000
  • Canada – $52,300
  • Switzerland – $92,000
  • Ukraine: $23,600 (based on our Recruiting Team research over several local job portals)

As you see, Ukrainian PostgreSQL developers have the lowest rates, however, the quality of their services are worth much more. Ukraine became one of the most loved outsourcing destinations over the last couple of years. All of that due to the fact is that this country offers the perfect ratio of the cost-effectiveness, quality of the execution and number of the available specialists. 

How to Get Outstanding Developement at Cost-Effective Costs

There are many companies out there that offer PostgreSQL services, however, if you are looking for a reliable dedicated teams provider – take a look at Mobilunity. From 2010 this company is providing nearshoring and offshoring services and up to this day has over 40 loyal clients. Just take a look at the list of their benefits to make the right decision:

  • Huge talent pool. Mobilunity will make sure that you have talented specialists including Microsoft Dynamics consultant and freelance SQL programmer to choose from who’ll suit your needs and project’s goals ideally.
  • Flexibility. This company’s specialists will do their best to find the decision that is the best for you and is being tailored to your requests. Whether you need a Java developer with PostgreSQL skills or any other type of specialist – consider it done!
  • Swift recruitment process. It takes from 3 to 6 weeks for a candidate to start working on your project. 
  • Convenient location. Mobilunity’s office is located in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, which is just 2-3 hours away from many European cities.
  • Transparent prices. You will always know for sure what you are paying for. 

So if you are looking for talented PostgreSQL database developers – contact Mobilunity’s specialists right away to get the top-notch service!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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