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The Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks in 2024

Nowadays, JavaScript is the most popular programming language used by web, desktop, and mobile developers, sysadmins/DevOps, and data scientists all over the globe. Moreover, JS holds the leading position for the seventh year in the row.

Top JS frameworks and functional JS libraries are used in the development of 94.6% of all active websites. Knowing the most popular JavaScript frameworks, one can create simple to complex projects. Therefore, both programmers and businesses looking for development solutions should be aware of the most used JavaScript frameworks, make a JavaScript frameworks comparison once in a while, and keep an eye on JavaScript frameworks.

To stay ahead of the game, companies should consider engaging an ERP technical consultant, partnering with skilled Xamarin UI designer, and building strong co-located teams, to ensure that they have the resources and expertise needed to leverage the most popular JavaScript frameworks and deliver innovative solutions to their customers.

There are many reasons why companies use client-side JavaScript frameworks and best JavaScript libraries worldwide. The utmost benefits include:

  • A variety of frameworks and libraries for any project.
  • Fast development speed (the easiest JavaScript framework options has a “recipe book” documentation).
  • Efficiency (the fastest JavaScript framework allows writing less code, and there are pre-created functions and templates).
  • Low costs (a lot of open-source front-end and backend JavaScript frameworks).

With JavaScript, programmers can create not only basic things like web and mobile applications but also smartwatch apps, chatbots, presentations, digital art, 3D and VR games on devices, and even autonomous flying robots and drones. However, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest JS frameworks, as the newest JavaScript framework options appear every month, while the existing ones get updated, modified, and, inevitably, become outdated. Currently, there are 14,190 repositories for JavaScript UI frameworks and libraries on GitHub.

So, to choose a JS single page app framework that will be suitable for a particular project, a developer needs to be aware of the pros and cons of JS front end frameworks and back-end solutions. Also, they need to consider whether to go for MVVM or MVC JS frameworks and make sure the selected lightweight JavaScript framework is the right tech for the task. E-commerce software developers are increasingly adopting the most popular JavaScript frameworks to create dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly online shopping platforms.

Although it may be hard to find the right JS framework that will fit your project needs perfectly, knowing about the most popular frameworks, libraries, and app platforms and their specifics, can help to settle on the optimal tach. Below, we will explore the top-ranked JavaScript frameworks that developers all over the world choose for their projects, considering their specifics, strengths, weaknesses, costs, and more.

“JavaScript is doing remarkably well. It certainly is not perfect, but at the moment, it is hard to beat – and things are only getting better.”

© Axel Rauschmayer, in his book “Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers”

“I’m really excited about the way JavaScript has been growing, especially the last couple of years. It seems like more and more exciting new proposals are coming in. I can’t wait to see what happens to the language next.”

© Mathias Bynens, a Google developer working on V8js

“Always bet on JS”

© Brendan Eich, at the end of each speech

“Thanks to Node.js and the module ecosystem it spawned, JavaScript has moved strongly into servers and IoT devices. People are now even doing machine learning in JavaScript. I expect these trends will continue over time.”

© Brendan Eich, JavaScript creator

“Nowadays, JavaScript runs not only in web browsers but also in Node.js, in React Native, in Electron… It even runs on IoT devices, and I’ve recently been told it even runs in space. JavaScript is everywhere nowadays.

© Mathias Bynens, a Google developer working on V8js

“Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript.”

© Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow and Discourse

React: Most Loved JS Framework 2019 with Same High Demand

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
JavaScript library380,16471,70%146,000
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

As seen in the Developer Survey Results in 2019 conducted by Stack Overflow, React is the most loved JS framework. It is a part of “The Big Three,” that is, the three most popular JavaScript frameworks, namely React, Angular, and Vue.js. Although often referred to as a framework, it is actually a JS library. However, many developers call React a framework because it gives much more freedom than other actual frameworks from “The Big Three.”

It is fast, secure, and scalable, ensuring amazing developer experience and user satisfaction. It is an open-source and free tool that also adds points to the popularity of React. By the end of 2019, the number of React.js package downloads has increased significantly compared to popular Angular and Vue.js, exceeding the double of their figures. React is considered to be a current leader among  JavaScript UI frameworks, and, initially, it was created by Facebook for building large-scale apps with data that changes over time. Here are the seven reasons why React is a preferred option for a lot of programmers worldwide, as well as some of its cons:

Probably, the main feature of React if we had to highlight one is its flexibility. You can use the React library to create a simple page, but it’s also possible to combine React with other frameworks and libraries to create a more complex application. No wonder that many companies, from small startups to global corporations outsource React programmers for their websites and apps:

  • Airbnb
  • Uber
  • PayPal
  • Netflix, among others.

The framework is also widely used for:

1. Social networks

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat

2. Media sites

  • Yahoo!
  • Medium
  • Reddit

3. SaaS tools

Thanks to its flexibility and versatility, it is possible to create almost any front-end project with React. Taking into account the high demand for this technology, it’s no surprise that React developers are among the highest-paid JavaScript programmers. An average React JS developer salary goes about $91,000. Just to compare, a full stack JavaScript developer salary is about $78,413, meaning that specialized programmers with narrow competencies are in higher demand.

Let’s take a look at the salary rates of a certified React programmer in different countries:

  • USA: $92,232
  • UK: $78,528
  • Switzerland: $127,011
  • France: $50,879
  • Ukraine: $27,200*

* Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

As there is an increase in the percentage of seasoned JavaScript coders preferring to work remotely compared to previous years, both businesses and employees benefit from hiring a React developer remote. In short, React is amazing for building sites that heavily rely on user interaction with the UI elements, such as navigation pops ups, login forms, shortcuts, and buttons change after a click. The library allows changing the content dynamically and scaling the application easily when needed. Thus, businesses hire React developer if they want to build complex software.

Angular: Google-approved Reliable Framework

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework706,48921,90%59,000
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Angular is the second in the list of the most popular web frameworks among professional developers in 2019, closely following React, and it keeps its position. It is also a part of “The Big Three” most-used JavaScript frameworks together with React. For many years, developers have been arguing which technology is better, React or Angular. The answer lies in the applicability, strong, and weak points of each framework. Simply, they can benefit different projects.

Let’s highlight the main specifics of Angular:

  • It is an open-source full-featured Javascript framework developed by Google.
  • By using HTML as the template language, the framework allows extending its syntax to create components of the app quickly and easily.
  • Has an ever-growing demand and stable popularity among both programmers and businesses.
  • Mostly used for single-page apps (SPA) and dynamic web apps but can be utilized for any project.
  • Two-way binding, templates and modularization, RESTful API and AJAX handling, among other features.
  • The use of TypeScript in Angular allows for increasing the maintainability of code and the performance of the app or site.

This JS single page app framework has 59,000 stars, 16,300 forks, and 1,106 contributors on GitHub. Notably, among the 706,489 live websites built with the help of Angular, 2.88% are in the top 1m websites, and that’s more than any other framework can boast of. Moreover, Angular has strong Google support, and 21.9% of professional developers all over the world chose this framework for their projects.

Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of this framework:

In spite of a great number of Angular’s features, programmers mention that the framework can be perceived as rich and complex compared to the existing solutions on the market. Because of its complexity, the framework offers too many ways to perform a task, and for an Angular JS programmer it may be hard to determine the most optimized way. It is great for creating such projects as eCommerce websites and shopping apps, video streaming applications, weather sites, social apps, and so on.

Angular.js can boast of a long list of companies using the framework for their development needs, including Google, Amazon, PayPal, Upwork, The Guardian, HBO, etc.

The development cost mainly depends on the scale of the project and, thus, Angular developer responsibilities. Angular developer salary rates differ a lot, depending on the place of work, so let’s take a look at how much Angular JS developers earn in various countries:

* Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

When talking about the best country not only in terms of development costs but also in terms of Angular proficiency, the recent research showed that the most skilled programmers live in:

  • The US
  • The UK
  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • Germany

Given the difference in salary rates, many companies tend to hire development teams working remotely. While an AngularJS development remote team may be needed for an enterprise-scale app, a remote Angular developer can deal with building and creating not-so-complex websites and applications. Angular is mainly used for long-term, complex, and expensive projects where a steep development speed is compensated for by the stability of the framework and the easiness of further maintenance. That’s why many businesses still hire Angular programmer to benefit from the developing solutions it offers.

Vue.js: Flexible and Light

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework (can be used as only JS library)241,61540,50%161,000
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Although React holds a leading place, and Angular has a stable position among JS front end frameworks, the popularity of Vue.js grows tremendously. According to the State of Javascript report, the number of developers who have used and would prefer to use the Vue.js framework grew from 28.8% in 2018 to the whopping 49.5% in 2019. It is the seventh in the list of most popular web frameworks in 2019 and the closing framework in “The Big Three” group. The latest trends show that we can expect Vue.js to be in higher demand among developers.

One of the main features why programmers prefer using this technology and turn to the Vue.js framework, is that it is easy to learn. Thanks to the developer-friendly official documentation, you can download and start using Vue.js to make your first Vue app right away. While other frameworks are much heavier for the simple tasks at hand, Vue.js shines as an optimal solution, as it can be implemented gradually beginning from certain pages that makes the development easier. Neither React, nor Angular allows for such a functionality. Vue.js consists of a core library with the focus on the view layer, as well as an ecosystem of additional cool JS libraries that allow a Vue.js front end developer to build amazing single-page, large-scale apps. Want vue js developers for hire to start working on your project right now? Contact us and get a dedicated professional!

There are 241,615 live websites built with Vue.js, with 1.5% of them being among the top 1M sites. The framework has 161,000 stars and 24,300 forks on GitHub for a reason. Here are the advantages and pitfalls of this JavaScript framework:

Despite its pitfalls, programmers note that there’s a lack of some plugins, as the framework is relatively fresh. However, thanks to the flexibility and versatility of Vue, an in-house or Vue.js remote developer can find a solution for any project.

Many companies have built successful projects with Vue.js 9GAG, GitLab, Glovo, Accenture, Trustpilot, among others

Moreover, there are hundreds of successful projects created by Vue coders, from eCommerce projects to analytical apps. No wonder that there’s a Vue.js developer needed in numbers of companies.

Vue.js developer salary rates are to be expected that differ in various countries, similar to the situation with other frameworks. Here is how much Vue.js developers for hire can earn, depending on the country of work:

  • The US – $116,615
  • UK– $80,698
  • Germany –  $67,911
  • France –  $59,562
  • Ukraine – $30,000*

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Although the framework was presented relatively not so long ago, in 2014, it won over the hearts of thousands of coders worldwide and is unlikely to fall out of favor in the near future. In September 2018, Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, announced the release of Vue 3.0 with compiler and runtime improvements and high-level API changes. It is expected this year, so by that time, any developer can convert into a Vue.js programmer mastering the existing powerful Vue iteration.

Ember.js: Convention and Stability

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework (also named as a modern JavaScript compiler)20,9853,60%21,400
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Ember.js is a powerful, battle-tested JS framework for creating “ambitious” web apps, according to its creator Yehuda Katz. It includes everything a programmer may require to build rich UIs that will work on any device.  It is among the strictest built JS frameworks, meaning there’s always one right way to perform the task. Although it limits the freedom of coding, this feature actually eases the performance of web developers and makes the development process fast and smooth.

There are 20,985 live websites built with Ember.js, and it is mostly used for IT, finance, and educational projects. Ember.js has 21,400 stars, 4,200 forks, and 784 contributors on GitHub, being quite popular among developers.  It stays within the three most popular frameworks in many countries, including the US, Canada, Brazil, Germany, and others.

Angular and Backbone.js are the main competitors of Ember.js. Although Angular has advanced configuration options and is great for large projects, Ember.js acts as an all-tools-in-one solution that can be utilized now and make things work together well. The programmers that switched from Backbone to Ember admit the style and structure of the codebase that is easy to learn and use further.

Ember.js gets lots of love from developers who make use of it. Here are the benefits and costs of this framework:

Some of the renowned companies that prefer Ember.js include:

  • Netflix
  • Square
  • Intercom
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • LinkedIn, etc.

There are many popular apps built with the use of this framework, for instance, Discourse, a chat-forum of the new generation. Also, Ember.js was used for creating Ghost, Wordset, HospitalRun applications, as well as a well-known video streaming platform Twitch.

There’s a demand for a seasoned Ember JS developer on the market, with Ember being among the most popular JS frameworks 2019. However, Ember developer salary rates vary from one country to another:

  • The US – $105,514
  • The UK$92,174
  • The Netherlands – $73,951
  • Switzerland$147,723
  • Ukraine – $30,000*

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

So, many businesses tend to outsource a dedicated Ember developer with great proficiency and at an affordable cost instead of hiring a local Ember programmer needed. If you want to find Ember programmer to outsource your project development, take into consideration the countries and service providers with positive feedback and affordable rates. Although Ember.js is not the best pick for dynamic apps with constantly changing data and high traffic, it is genuinely great for complex apps with mindful development and long-term support and maintenance. So, before you hire Ember JS developers, make sure that your project is in line with the applicability of the framework.

Meteor: Fast and Furious

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
App platform8,6744%41,700
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Meteor, previously known as Skybreak, was released as a full-stack solution that consists of libraries and packages for creating web, mobile, and desktop applications. The framework is known as the fastest way to build an app, thanks to the smart Meteor packages that save a Meteor JS coder a lot of time otherwise spent on code lines when adding various features.

Real-time development brought the framework fame of being “fast and furious,” as this feature speeds up collaborations significantly. Here are all the pros and cons of Meteor at a glance:

Meteor is appreciated for its flexibility and less code needed in the development process that translates in less possible bugs and, thus, a high-quality and stable software. However, the fact that the framework utilizes JavaScript only and lacks proper support from the creators makes it a shooting star for small brands, but not a preferred choice of corporations. If a business plans a large-scale project and has a sufficient budget, it would undoubtedly go for a more compatible and reliable framework.

However, there’s not a small number of companies using Meteor for their programming needs, and these businesses include Accenture, FashionUnited, Deloitte, TUI Group, and others.

Such apps as Rocket.Chat, Nelio, and Edools are also built with this tech. It is mostly used for creating apps in Computer Electronics & Technology, Lifestyle, Science & Education, and Business & Consumer Services industries. Nowadays,  8,674 live websites are built with Meteor, with 566 of them being in the top million sites by traffic. It is widely used in the US and many European countries, such as Germany, France. Switzerland, etc. Meteor has 41,700 stars and 5,100 forks on GitHub that show the popularity of the framework.

Its main competitors are SailsJS and Jade. However, while Meteor is known as an all-in-one solution, SailsJS is more about being a project generator and middleware and templating engine, and Jade is only a template engine. It means they don’t provide such a variety of programming perks as Meteor does. Although a Meteor developer is not in such demand as React or Vue programmers, a lot of companies are eager to hire a Meteor developer remote for their projects. Companies look for outsourcing a Meteor JS programmer because of the possibility to get the end result quickly and the difference in development costs in various countries.

Here are salary rates in different countries to compare:

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

To sum up, as this framework allows for fast development, it’s great for building MVPs within 3-4 weeks, and many startups look for a Meteor developer for hire. It has a lot of useful packages for less coding and high-quality end results, but seasoned coders rely more on the most used JavaScript frameworks in terms of flexibility, reliability, and community support.

Node.js: One of the Best Back-End Frameworks

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
JavaScript runtime (server) environment190,68849,90%69,000
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Node.js is not a framework but a JavaScript runtime (server) environment, powered by Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, and it started the era of server-side JavaScript, making it a preferred full-stack tech for web app development. Node.js is an ultimate #1 among JS technologies chosen by professional coders in 2019, according to Stack Overflow. When it comes to backend JavaScript frameworks, Node.js definitely continues to grow in terms of performance and features more rapidly than other solutions on the market. The framework has 69,000 stars, 16,600 forks, and 2,676 contributors on GitHub, and merely any framework can boast of such a community.

Node.js allows for creating real-time web applications using push technology over WebSockets so that both the client and server can initiate communication and exchange information. Here are the pros and cons of Node.js to give a full picture:

The framework is part of a MEAN tech stack that also includes MongoDB, Express.js, and Angular. However, any Node.js programmer will confirm that Node.js is the most important component on the list, and through many years since it’s launch, one can hardly name as powerful back-end solutions as Node.js. As for now, there are 190,688 sites powered by Node.js. The framework is mostly used by IT companies and the Arts & Entertainment sector. It is widely utilized in many countries, and business has the most likely opportunity to hire Node.js developer in the US, the UK, and Germany.

Node.js is a crucial part of the technology stack of many medium-sized companies to global enterprises that benefit from its unique features Uber, Netflix, Twitter, Reddit, Figma, Slack, eBay, Coursera, just to name a few.

As a fast and scalable solution, Node.js is perfect for data-rich, real-time web apps, and IoT devices. From social media to live chats and gaming apps where speed matters a lot, Node.js allows Node.js developers to create various applications that involve video and audio broadcasting, multi-upload, and much more. Such apps as Slack, N26, Revolut are also built with Node.js.

As with all other frameworks and development costs, Node.js coder salary rates differ in various countries:

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Given the difference in development costs, businesses tend to outsource Node.js development to countries with lower rates and hire a remote Node.js developer instead of an in-house one. Node.js is not perfect for every project, but it’s great for many web solutions. It should definitely be in the back-end developer toolkit. If your company plans to build fast and scalable web apps or network programs, such as web servers, it is worth hiring a Node.js development team.

Polymer: Scalability and Simplicity

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework + Polymer library935,20%21,400
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Polymer is a front-end framework presented and promoted by Google, with several Google Services (YouTube, Music, Cloud) being redesigned with its help. It is a free, open-source JS library made for creating web apps with the use of the Web Components. However, Polymer hasn’t reached the desired popularity, nor didn’t it move off the way React and Angular. At the same time, the interest in hiring Polymer JS developers in Web Components continued to rise.

As of today, 93 live websites are built with the use of the Polymer framework. Notably, it is widely used for game apps, as well as for the Education & Science and Art & Entertainment sectors, with IT projects leading the list. The biggest number of Polymer JS developers can be found in the US, Russia, and China. The framework has 21,400 stars on GitHub and takes the twelfth place among the most popular JavaScript frameworks.

Polymer engineer salary rates of American and European specialists differ a lot, and a Polymer JS programmer in Canada can earn much more than a Polymer front end developer from the Czech Republic. Some other countries are known for hiring Javascript developers and affordable rates for the companies that consider the cost-effectiveness of development outsourcing.

  • The US – $83,163
  • Canada – $96,201
  • Australia$50,697
  • Switzerland – $107,782
  • Ukraine – $29,214*

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

This framework also can boast of well-known companies using it for web app development. Such industry giants as Google, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Bloomberg, and IBM are among its customers. Here’s why businesses got attracted by Google Polymer, as well as some of its cons:

As you can see, the framework required some significant improvements for becoming more widely used and appreciated. As a result, instead of polishing the Polymer framework, after a few years, the creators decided to release the maximum updates within Polymer 3.0 and concentrate on Web Components fully.

At the beginning of 2019, the newest Polymer Project of lit-HTML and LitElement was launched. The creators named it a smaller, lighter successor to the Polymer library. LitElement received positive feedback from the web component’s community and has already overtaken Polymer in the rating of JS front-end frameworks. It is considered to be a solid replacement for Polymer in the future, although the original web components library is still supported and can be updated to 3.0.

LitElement allows for creating fast and lightweight web components, and it is even possible to build a whole app with them, or you can use another framework on top of it. However, the new Polymer Project is in such an early development stage that it can be used for experimental and side projects, driven more by interest than money, as it still lacks a lot of functionality and documentation. So, you can hire Polymer programmer to work on the existing Polymer software, but you may need additional specialists with the evolution of LitElement.

Backbone.js: Simple and Restful

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework (can be used for back-end too)233,2027,60%27,600
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Backbone is a front-end JavaScript framework (more of a library) that aids in the structural code of the web application by creating an MVC (model-view-controller) model and connecting it to existing API. It is a great tool for building fast, lightweight, and easy to maintain apps. With Angular and Ember.js being among its main competitors, Backbone.js has something up its sleeve. It is faster than Angular and offers greater flexibility. However, it lacks data binging and, thus, it may be hard to test large Backbone apps. Ember.js is much more difficult to learn compared to Backbone, and the latter is completely lightweight.

Backbone.js is used for building 233,202 live sites as of today, and it’s the most widespread in the US, the UK, and Germany. In contrast to the most frameworks mentioned here, Backbone is most used for the apps in the Arts & Entertainment industry. It has 27.6 stars and 5.7 forks on GitHub, and approximately 5.2% of developers use this framework for their projects.

The framework is highly appreciated by such renowned companies like Reddit, Tumblr, SoundCloud, Pinterest, Artsy, and others.

Here are some benefits and drawbacks of Backbone.js to consider:

Let’s compare Backbone.js programmer salary rates in different countries, as the development cost varies a lot, depending on the country you are outsourcing in:

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Although there’s not much talk on Backbone.js nowadays, it is included in the list of top 10 front-end JS frameworks and has a big community worldwide. However, the latest update was more than a year ago, and many Backbone.js developers are worried if the framework would be abandoned.

Probably, we should expect some updates on the framework in the future, as Jeremy Ashkenas, the creator of Backbone.js, is currently working on upgrading Underscore.js, a library of his that wasn’t updated for almost two years. Still, the current version of Backbone.js deals with its tasks the same well, so you can hire Backbone JS developer if you need a fast, light, and easy-to-maintain app.

Aurelia: Long Live Web Standards

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework717,70%11,400
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Aurelia is called a next-generation Javascript framework because it was launched not so long ago, in 2016, that allowed building a solution that complies with the latest web standards. Rob Eisenberg, the creator of Aurelia, previously worked on Angular. It allowed him to gather the essential features that determine productive and comfortable web development.

Aurelia ensures stunning performance and high rendering speed, due to the function-oriented modules, including plugins, routing, testing, and other features. Moreover, it consumes way fewer resources than the top JS frameworks. Here are the advantages and unique features of this front-end framework, as well as some pitfalls:

Aurelia has 11,400 stars and 682 forks on GitHub, obtaining the eighth position among the most popular front-end frameworks. With such a bucket of perks, the framework didn’t manage to reach the top of the tech stack of modern time. Many businesses prefer Vue despite its limitations. There are 73 live sites powered by Aurelia. Notably, the framework is used by the US, the UK, and Germany the most. It’s pretty popular among financial and educational companies, with Deloitte, Polyglot Stack, Chegg, and others being among its users. Aurelia can be used the Aurelia JS for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications of any scale and size, thanks to the function-oriented modules. A lot of these modules can be utilized individually in any JavaScript app, including Node.js.

However, companies barely look for an Aurelia JS programmer; rather, they want to hire a front-end specialist with good knowledge of the most used frameworks to benefit their projects. So, an Aurelia JS engineer must be knowledgeable in React, Angular, or Vue to be able to utilize the benefits of each framework and library. An average salary of American Aurelia developers is $51,695 only, while a front-end developer that knows several frameworks gets paid $95,097 in the US. The same situation is with other countries, with hiring an Aurelia JS team from twice as low as recruiting a front-end specialist to the same low rate.

Here are some stats to compare:

  • The US$51,695
  • The UK – $68,458
  • Spain$31,705
  • Germany$60,637
  • Ukraine – $27,600*

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

So, if you want to hire Aurelia developer, it’s worth outsourcing an expert specifically for your project needs. The upcoming Aurelia vNext or Aurelia 2 is aimed to keep simple things simple while improving on the missing points. Although the creators presented well-elaborated documentation, enhanced integration scenarios, features, and tooling, it is hard to say whether the newest version will shine brightly over other frameworks, or will be forced out of the way completely.

Aurelia has a great potential to be widely used and loved front-end frameworks, so for developers, it’s essential to keep track of the new releases to learn about useful features and approaches to use in future projects.

jQuery: Advanced Features and Strong Support

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
JavaScript library22,670,35148,70%53,100
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

jQuery is on a strong #1 in the list of the most broadly used web frameworks/libraries, according to Stack Overflow. Notably, it takes the eleventh among most loved frameworks/libraries, but, at the same time, it ranks second in the listing of most dreaded web frameworks/libraries. jQuery has numbers of fans and haters, but there’s something every programmer admits: it’s literally everywhere.

jQuery is a free, open-source JavaScript library used to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML, CSS animation, and Ajax. Not every jQuery engineer knows that initially, back in 2006, jQuery creator John Resig wanted to name the library jSelect, but the domain jselect.com was taken, so he had to come up with another name. It had no version control at the beginning, and now we have one of the most widely used and renowned JS libraries out there, powering 80.36% of the top 1m websites in the world.

Overall, there are 69,988,718 live sites using jQuery all over the globe and has a JavaScript library market share of 97.5%. The highest number of websites are created in the US, Russia, and the UK. It has 53,100 stars, 19.2 forks, and 278 contributors on GitHub. Among the famous companies that use jQuery are:

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Slack
  • Booking.com
  • Tinder, and thousands of others.

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and drawbacks of jQuery so that you could understand why a lot of developers love and complain about this tech:

With the rapid rise of cool JS libraries, frameworks, the standardization of browser APIs, businesses wonder whether they need a jQuery developer for hire, or another specialist can handle the respective tasks better. While there are a lot of alternatives to the jQuery library, they can beat the tech in a particular case and can’t substitute the library for any given project. Thus, a demand for a jQuery developer will not disappear or decline significantly. Also, for a programmer, it is essential to be familiar with jQuery to understand what libraries and frameworks can work best for a specific project. For instance, jQuery is still extremely useful for prototyping products, animating a lot of content, and building apps for several browsers.

Let’s take a look at the salary rates of jQuery specialists in different countries:

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Nowadays, more and more companies start enjoying the benefits of outsourcing software developers and hiring a jQuery programmer remote in countries with more affordable rates, so take into account the specifics of your project and choose the optimal tech and human resource stacks.

Mithril: Lightweight and Elegant

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework307 (used the technology previously)6,00%12,100
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Mithril is one of the powerful client side JavaScript frameworks that takes the eleventh place on the list of the most popular front-end frameworks for the second year in a row. It is great for creating optimized single-page apps, but not just that. The creator Leo Horie calls it a JavaScript framework for building brilliant applications, and similar to the Mithril metal, this framework is powerful and light at the same time.

Although there’s no exact information available on the number of Mithril programmers across the globe, and there are not so many sites developed with Mithril, it holds a steady position among JS front end frameworks and has its fans. Mithril has 12,100 stars and 234 contributors on GitHub. Though some programmers find it pretty hard to learn, those who mastered the Mithril science call this framework an all-in-one solution that allows avoiding a dozen of other solutions.

Svelte: Truly Reactive and Explosive Debut

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework1,7086,80%32,200
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Svelte is a notable framework that got on the list of top 6 front-end JavaScript frameworks in 2019, with 44.9% of responders showing their interest in learning the new tech. Although now, it is used by approximately 6.8% of programmers globally, Svelte is expected to grow in popularity rapidly in near future. Notably, last year, it received a Prediction Award for the expected explosive debut in this-year JS charts.

Svelte is considered a radical new approach to building UIs. While such popular frameworks as React and Vue operate mostly in the browser, Svelte moves the work into a compile stage of creating an app. So, instead of virtual DOM diffing, Svelte allows for writing code that surgically updates the DOM when the state of your application changes. Among Svelte users, there are Rakuten, The New York Times, GoDaddy, and many others. There are 1,708 live websites built with the use of this framework, with main customers being the US, Germany, and UK companies.

Knockout: Small and Compatible

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
JavaScript MVVM library63,1204,90%9,700
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Knockout.js is a JavaScript MVVM library that works with literally any web framework. It provides an easy way to build complex data-driven UIs, including self-updating UIs for JavaScript objects. Also, a Knockout JS developer would name declarative binding, dependency tracking, templating, and extensibility. It is not an alternative to JQuery because Knockout allows for more technical tasks, for instance, binding raw data, while jQuery is made to make the development process more programmer-friendly. Still, it can be used as a supplement to the jQuery library, thanks to its useful features.

There are 63,120 live websites built with the help of Knockout.js as of today, and the versatility of this JavaScript library allows using it in any project from lifestyle and eCommerce apps to complex UIs for IT projects. The highest popularity the library has in the US, the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. Knockout.js has 9,700 stars and 1,600 forks on GitHub, and it holds the fourteenth place among the most popular JS frameworks, with approximately 4.9% of developers using this library.

Next.js: Popular and Powerful

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end + back-end framework (React framework)34,3792,60%46,600
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Next.js is one of the most in-demand backend JavaScript frameworks. It uses React for templating, allowing for a quick and easy way for programmers with React knowledge to begin using it pretty fast. It is a great tool for server-side rendered pages. It includes pre-rendering, zero-configuration, static exporting, and CSS-in-JS support. Moreover, it is fully extensible and ready for production. The only downside, it can be an overkill for a simple app.

Nike, Hulu, Twitch, AT&T, and many other companies use Next.js for their development needs. There are 34,379 live sites built with the help of the Next.js framework nowadays, and this figure tells whether businesses want to hire Next.js developer or not. One-third of sites are US ones, with France and the UK widely using Next.js, too.

Jest: Delightful Testing and Highest Satisfaction

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Testing frameworkMade for running tests61,20%30,400
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Jest is a delightful JavaScript testing framework created by Facebook Inc. Its main focus is put on simplicity and efficiency, and the framework works well with projects built with React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Babel, TypeScript, and others. Notably, Jest got 7.5+ million downloads. It is quite popular among developers worldwide, especially in European countries, South Korea, and the US. Last year, Jest received the Highest Satisfaction award, with 96.4% of programmers willing to continue to use it.

The benefits of the testing framework include fast test, code coverage, easy mocking, and feature-rich API. The only drawback is that it is relatively new and, thus, lacks some tooling compared to more-established testing frameworks. Nevertheless, Jest is used by such tech giants as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, The New York Times, Airbnb, and many-many others, and expected to gain even more popularity in the upcoming year.

Mocha: Fun and Flexible

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Testing framework for Node.js programsMade for Node.js programs, hence can’t be considered a separate unit.42,00%19,200
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Mocha is a well-known, feature-rich JS testing library that runs on Node.js and in the browser. Its main strength is modularity, and Mocha makes asynchronous testing fun and easy. It runs tests in series, thus, ensuring accurate reporting. A thing that every Mocha developer admits is how the library maps uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases. The only possible drawback to this library is that it requires a lot of configuration.

Mocha is great for unit and integration testing, and it is among popular JS testing frameworks among developers worldwide. Among the companies that use Mocha are Coursera, Asana, Typeform, Uniqlo, and many others. It is widely used in the US, Ireland, and the UK. Mocha has 19,200 stars, 2,600 forks, and 437 contributors on GitHub, with 42% of developers using it for their projects.

Jasmine: DOM-Less and Independent

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Testing frameworkMade for running tests28,60%14,700
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

The uniqueness of Jasmine library in its DOM-less, meaning this tech doesn’t rely on DOM, browsers, or JS frameworks themselves. Thus, a Jasmine developer can use it for literally any project with JavaScript running on. The only thing you need to be aware of is unfriendly error logs. Although Jasmine is BDD (Behavior Driven Development) testing framework, it can be used for TDD (Test Driven Development,) too, and that’s one of the main reasons why developers pick Jasmine.

28.6% of programmers use Jasmine for running tests, and the library is popular in many countries. Among the companies having an engineer Jasmine working within a dev team, are GitLab, Walmart, Accenture, and others.

Ionic: Cross-Platform and Versatility

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Mobile app framework60,7363,80%40,700
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Ionic is a great JS front-end framework for cross-platform mobile app development with web technologies. As a free and open-source solution, this framework contains a lot of mobile-optimized UI components and tools for an Ionic based programmer to create fast and interactive applications. The main advantage of Ionic is the number of plugins and UI components one can use for building rich UIs, and the cross-development possibility makes the framework favorable in the eyes of programmers. However, coders need to keep in mind both web and native app potential security threats all the time.

The framework has 40,700 stars, 13,200 forks, and 364 contributors on GitHub. Ionic is used for a variety of projects, and companies hire Ionic experts for Computer Electronics & Technology to Food & Drink apps. There are 60,736 live websites built with the help of this framework as of today, and the biggest number of Ionic development team members is located in the US, Japan, and Russia. However, it is easier to find a remote Ionic developer with vast experience in the relevant field, as there are 5+ million Ionic programmers in 200+ countries.

Webix: Newest and Promising

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
UI library and framework235No exact info286
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Webix is a powerful JavaScript UI library and framework that can be used as a cross-browser tool for creating complex and dynamic cross-platform web applications. The tech is pretty easy to learn. It is fast and lightweight and offers integrations with Backbone.js, Angular.js, and jQuery. Webix is the newest javascript framework that was released in September 2019. Although it can be hard to find a local Webix developer with strong knowledge of the tech nowadays, Webix is a very promising framework on the global JS market. It ensures fast performance for big datasets, the quickest rendering speed, simple server side integration, and unlimited extensibility.

There are 235 live websites made with Webix as of today, with the US, Russia, and Brazil utilizing the framework the most. Among the companies that enjoy the benefits of the Webix platform are Microsoft, Huawei, Bank of America, Hitachi, and others. The framework has 286 stars, 62 forks, and 3 contributors so far, but given the fact that Webix was released only half a year ago and 14 exceptional case studies the company has published, we can expect Webix to gain popularity.

Nuxt: Modular and Enjoyable

Type# of Sites Powered by a Framework% of Devs Used It in 2019 Worldwide# of Stars on GitHub
Front-end framework (web app framework, progressive Vue.js framework)31,1721,80%26,400
# of Contributors on GitHub# of Open Vacancies on LinkedInAverage Dev Salary (USA)Average Hourly Rate (USA)

Nuxt is a progressive Vue.js framework for creating modern apps. It operates on Vue.js official libraries and programming tools, meaning it is built on top of Vue. The main idea of Nuxt.js is to simplify the development of universal Vue applications, at the same time improving meta tags managing and SEO of SPAs. As the JS code in a universal app can work both on the client and the server side, some Vue plugins and custom libraries can’t be used on Nuxt.js because they are initially built to work on the client-side only. However, the number of benefits offered by the framework to a Vue Nuxt JS developer covers it all.

The framework has 26,400 stars, 2,300 forks, and 231 contributors on GitHub. Trivago, CodeNation, and OmnioCloud, among other tech giants, use Nuxt.js for their programming needs. There are 1.8% of developers specializing in Nuxt, with the need for coders to know Vue.js for using Nuxt, but this framework confidently stays among the most popular options.

Final Remarks on Top JS Frameworks and Libraries

Taking a close look at the top 20 JavaScript frameworks, we had a chance to explore each of them in detail, consider their pros and cons, and evaluate which framework will work best for what type of project. If you are eager to hire a JavaScript developer remote, we at Mobilunity will be happy to provide you with first-class JS development services. If you want to hire SAP Hybris developer, feel free to contact Mobilunity experts and find an experienced programmer for your business needs! We have plenty of seasoned developers who know the most popular JavaScript frameworks, as well as the latest approaches in the programming field. You can check some JavaScript developer CV pieces to find out more.

Companies looking to leverage the most popular JavaScript frameworks should consider partnering with providers of offshore Java development services and engaging custom retail software development experts, to ensure that they have the talent and resources needed to create innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of their business and customers.

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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