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What an Ideal Node JS Developer Resume Should Contain?

Featured image What an Ideal Node JS Developer Resume Should Contain

Node.js developers are the brains behind developing server-side features of web applications using JavaScript. They usually build back-end components, design interface for the apps with web services, and work behind the scenes to support front-end developers in merging their work with the apps.

Given the increasing number of STEM graduates, landing a job as a Node.js developer is an uphill task especially if you are starting out. As such, having a good Node.js developer resume that clearly demarcates your skills could make all the difference. In this article, we are going to look at the skills of a Node.js developer and provide you a Node JS developer resume sample.

While discussing what an ideal Node.js developer resume should contain, it’s also worth noting the importance of the decision to hire dedicated full stack developer, as their broad expertise can complement Node.js skills by covering both client and server-side development, ensuring a well-rounded approach to web projects.

The Number of Node Developers Globally

Given the ever-increasing number of Node.js developers, it’s hard to come up with the one that would match your expectations. According to a 2016 report by Statista, approximately 31.5%  of developers indicated that they prefer using Node.js for IoT solutions. The same report predicted that the IoT market would see a 7.3% CAGR through to 2020.

With more than 6.5 million developers currently engaged in IoT, give or take, 31.5% of the 6.5 million loosely translates into more than 2 million developers when the CAGR if factored in. Location-wise, most of these developers are based in the UK, USA, Brazil, India, Australia, China, and Ukraine.

Best Node JS Development Tools

The introduction of Node.js made it easier for app developers to rapidly create reliable and scalable applications with fewer lines of code. However, the software development ecosystem continues to evolve meaning even the development tools continue to evolve including different frameworks and Node JS email tools. Here is a list of commonly used Node.js development tools:

#1 Derby.js

Derby.js is a full-stack Model View Controller framework that is widely used for most modern web applications. One of the unique features of this framework is its ability to synchronize text data and JSON between databases, servers, and browsers in real-time.
Developers working on heavy front-end projects will also appreciate the fact that this framework supports server-side rendering.
Other great features of Derby.js include conflict resolution, templates binding, and offline usage, which makes writing multi-user applications much simpler. As a developer, working experience with this tool not only gives you an upper-hand over your competitors, it also helps you Node.js developer resume stand out.

2# Mocha.js

Mocha.js is one of the best and fastest Node.js within JavaScript test frameworks currently available on the market. It gives developers the ability to test both at the console and browser level. It can be used in both unit and integration testing.  Moreover, it perfectly works for Test-Driven Development and Behaviour Driven Development.

3# Chai

This Test Driven Development and Behaviour Driven Development assertion framework seamlessly integrates with almost every testing framework. It’s mainly used to run asynchronous tests and operates in either Node.js or a browser. Thanks to its rich plugins, it can also be used as an assertion tool –something that would leave a smile on any developers’ face.

4# Express

Express is an apt web application framework that features a set of powerful and effective features that come in handy when creating mobile and web apps. It enables developers to create robust APIs in a simple and easy fashion which considerably saves developers’ time. Furthermore, when combined with Node.js, they can be used to design a fully-fledged website with Node.js helping develop the server-side, as Express.js gets deployed in publishing the apps.

5# WebStrom IDE

WebStorm IDE is another great Javascript IDE. It’s super-lightweight and the complete package for building Node.js apps both on the client and server-side. It helps in debugging, tracking, and unit testing especially for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS development projects.

A Node JS Engineer Resume: Crucial Details

Node JS developer roles and responsibilities are important to consider before you start looking for this kind of specialist. Now, a typical Node.JS developer is dealing with applications development, using JavaScript and Node JS interface to operate it in. While looking for a decent developer, pay attention to the following:

  • JavaScript proficiency. All the development processes within the Node JS environment will be executed using this programming language, so a potential candidate must know it flawlessly.
  • Familiarity with front-end development. A Node.JS developer will have to deal with the integration process of elements, previously developed by front-end developers so it will be an advantage if they have a basic understanding of HTML5 or CSS3.
  • Ability to work in a team. Developers are team players, despite the common stereotype. The ability to successfully communicate significantly increases the execution of any project or task.
  • Understanding of security compliances.
  • Understanding of different platforms. Node JS development for desktop and mobile applications differs greatly and your potential hire should know that.
  • Proficiency in databases.
  • Analytical mind and the ability to multitask.

Node JS Developer CV: What to Pay Attention To

The process of finding the right Node JS developer will contain plenty of resumes that you will have to go through before you find the right match. However, to do so you must be aware of what qualities a good developer must possess. For this matter, we have prepared for you an example of a proper Node JS developer CV:

1. Junior Node.js Developer Resume

2. Middle Node.js Developer Resume

3. Senior Node JS Developer CV Sample

Senior Node Js Developer Resume


  • 7 years of experience in Web Programming, testing, and design of Responsive Web pages
  • Experienced with React JS, React Flux, Redux architecture
  • Experienced in developing web pages using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, React JS, Redux, AngularJS JQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, Ajax,
  • MEAN Stack development experience (Mongo dB, Express, Node, Angular)
  • Have experience with using Node.js to interact with MongoDB.
  • Working with React Router for SPA’s application development.
  • Worked on Webpack
  • Experience in the development of React components. Worked with Axios & React.JS for AJAX Calls making. Built a webpack-dev-server.
  • Experienced with JSON and Passport for authentication security using Node JS.
  • Prototyping UI/UX application.
  • Used Bootstrap for responsive web design

Professional Skills and Knowledge

  • CSS/CSS3
  • Backbone, Marionette
  • JavaScript
  • Angular.JS, Angular 2.0
  • React.JS, React Native, Redux
  • Node.JS: mongoose, express, bootable,
  • JQuery, OOP, JSON
  • MongoDB, MySQL
  • AJAX, XML, REST web services, Chai, GIT, Protractor, Mocha, etc.

Request a full CV

Where Do I Find My Node JS Expert

Investing in Node.js programming skills is one of the essential aspects while starting working on a new project. Most websites today are built using this technology which is why the appetite for Node.js developers is insatiable. With that being said, exploring and experimenting with other popular frameworks is almost compulsory as you may be required to work them in your future projects. After all, your NodeJS developer resume should be able to speak for you even before you are invited for an interview. If you have any Node.js projects, Mobilunity has the best Node.js development environment and expertise to help turn your ideas into tangible products. Besides, there are plenty of other benefits that Mobilunity can offer to your business:

  • You can choose. You will be given more than just one CV. You will be able to go through some Node JS developer qualifications until you find a perfect match. No need to agree for specialists just because they are the only ones available.
  • 24/7 support. Your questions regarding the project will be answered right away.
  • Transparent prices. You will not even have questions regarding your payments.
  • Swift hiring. You will not have to wait longer than 4 weeks for your team to start

The HR process is easy:

  • We receive your request.
  • Having understood your needs we start looking for a perfect candidate.
  • We offer you a few candidates in 2-3 weeks and you get to interview them personally.
  • We sign the contract.
  • You get to work with your candidate directly.

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