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Hire Virtual Reality Developers

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-added visual technology that along with the augmented reality (AR) technology is becoming a new trend in numerous domains of businesses nowadays. A VR and AR developer plays a pivotal role in creating a virtual 3D environment used on devices. The demand for virtual reality programming and VR developers for hire has skyrocketed in recent years, especially after the advent of wearable gadgets.

Let’s have a look at the history of VR programming, popularity, cost of virtual reality engineers for hire, and also the major skills of an expert to create a competitive virtual reality development. The decision to hire augmented reality developers can significantly broaden your project’s scope by incorporating AR capabilities, thus enriching the immersive experience offered by VR technologies.

What Is Virtual Reality and VR Developer for Hire?

Virtual reality (VR) is a virtual 3D environment designed via the combination of computer software applications and the compatible hardware known as wearables. The virtual environment is created by using Virtual Reality technology, which allows the user to simulate the real-world senses and activities into a virtual environment powered by the sensors the motions, shocks, blows, smell, and other features. The virtual environment created by the virtual reality software developers allows the users to interact with the real components in the virtual environment like touching, smelling, feeling shocks, waves, air blows, and others.

According to the Grand View Research forecast, the global market size of virtual reality is expected to reach $48.5 billion by 2025 with a whopping growth of 46.7 CAGR between 2016 and 2025. To benefit from this substantial growth in this field, every entrepreneur in the software industry wants to establish a professional-level virtual reality software development company. And, every virtual reality software development agency emerging in the marketplace wants to hire someone to build virtual reality app to cater to the huge market demand in the industry.

History of VR Programming and Virtual Reality Programmers Demand

The very first use of term virtual reality dates back to the 1800s when the innovative approaches to the photos were applied to generate two dimensions images. Numerous other electromechanical technology-based approaches were used during the 19th century and half of the 20th century. During this period, numerous virtual-reality tools like simulators were invented; these include flight simulators, the sensorama machine, head-mounted display HMD, and others.

The term virtual reality (VR) was coined in 1987 by Jaron Lanier, the founder of Visual Programming Labs (VPL), which invented goggles and gloves for virtual reality sensing experience. Later on, many innovative inventions powered by Unity and C# virtual reality programmers for hire started emerging in the marketplace in a chronicle order as listed below.

Top 5 Companies That Hire Virtual Reality Developers

Virtual Reality technology powered by the software developers virtual reality applications offers huge business opportunities and prospects in a variety of industries such as gaming, entertainment, education & training, tourism, marketing, healthcare, and others. To take full advantage of those opportunities, companies actively pursue virtual reality programmer hire projects to support their software development.

A few of the major companies that successfully managed to hire virtual reality application developers for VR development for their VR products are listed below.

  • Google – The flagship VR product of Google Inc is Google Cardboard, which is a headset platform that supports both iOS and Android operating systems for VR experience with gaming and entertainment purposes.
  • Facebook Inc – Facebook acquired Oculus and developed a VR-enabled Oculus Quest in 2019 for a great user experience of games and entertainment applications.
  • HTC Corporation – In partnership with Valve, HTC launched the HTC Vive headset with the help of virtual reality hardware developers for offering VR experience of the VR steam games.
  • Microsoft Corporation – The flagship VR project of Microsoft is the HoloLens, which supports games as well as other practical VR applications.
  • Samsung Corporation – Samsung developed VR powered platform Samsung Gear, which offers great gaming experience. It was developed in collaboration with Oculus.

There are many other companies that are pursuing their VR projects either by hiring the services of a virtual reality development agency or a team of virtual reality coders. A few more such companies known for virtual reality coding include WorldViz, Magic Leap, NextVR, and others.

Are you in search for VR developers who are able to deliver solutions of various scope and complexity?

Major Features & Drawbacks of Virtual Reality Engineers for Hire

Powered by an expert virtual reality mobile application developer, VR technology offers great features to create a competitive edge for companies in many industries. VR engineering has also a few drawbacks along with the advantages as shown below.

Features of Virtual Reality Coding:

  • Great user experience
  • Applicable in numerous fields like healthcare, education, training, and others
  • Improved view of the facts, landscapes, and other stuff
  • Better connection with the interest of users
  • Greater business opportunities for an industry expert of virtual reality

Downsides of VR coding

  • Still less interactive so a virtual reality content app developer needs more to work
  • Technology not mature yet
  • Develops addiction
  • VR engineering is very costly

Want a high-quality VR app? Need a dedicated VR programmer to extend your development team? You’re in the right place.

Top VR Environments Virtual Reality Coders Use

According to the Allied Market Research projections, the VR/AR market is expected to grow at a staggering 63.3% CAGR between 2018 and 2025. This triggers a huge demand for the virtual reality app developers to work on numerous popular VR development environments. A few of them are mentioned below.

  • Unity 3D. This environment is a great tool for a beginner or junior virtual reality developer to start developing professional-grade apps with the help of a qualified virtual reality Unity developer. It offers numerous 3D, 2D, and other libraries and functions. It supports numerous types such as Android, iOS, Windows, Oculus Rift, MS HoloLens, and many others. It is one of the top choices of a virtual/augmented reality engineer that loves simplicity in development.
  • Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine is one of the great choices if you are searching for virtual reality expert developers to develop awesome game applications. Unreal Engine offers numerous advanced realistic features and awesome graphics for the great gaming experience.
  • Google Sketch Up. It is a new VR development environment, but very effective in creating simple and attractive VR/AR apps for interior design, civil engineering, architecture, and landscape designing. To hire virtual reality designer or Google VR developer for creating professional applications with Google Sketch Up is a smart idea.

Top VR Gadgets & Wearables to Hire VR Developers and VR Designer for

As you know, the major drivers of the VR market are gadgets and wearables powered by the app developer virtual reality. A few of them are mentioned below.

  • WindowsMR. Windows Mixed Reality or WindowsMR is a headset that works with the Windows 10 OS to produce great virtual visualization.
  • Google Cardboard. Supports both Android and iOS platforms to produce great experience with gaming as well as other applications on your mobile devices.
  • Samsung Gear. It is another awesome headset designed for Samsung devices for great VR experience for gaming and other applications.

Top Uses of VR Designer and Virtual Reality Engineers for Hire

Hiring virtual reality software engineer is a top trend in all major sectors of business to use VR technology more effectively. The major uses of hiring virtual reality programmer are mentioned below.

  • Gaming. The total size of the global gaming industry is expected to reach $138.4 billion by 2021. The share of VR-powered games is increasing significantly with the help of a VR developer for hire in the industry. The market trend to hire VR Unity developer for VR game development will keep increasing in the coming years.
  • Retail. Numerous top brands like IKEA, Wayfair, Sephora, Walmart, and many others are using it for creating great user experience in their retail sales and choose to hire VR software engineer for developing VR powered applications.
  • Marketing. VR technology can provide additional attraction, incentives, and emotional touch to the products if marketed through VR powered applications developed by virtual reality developer teams. Volvo test drive app, McDonald’s happy goggle, and other schemes succeeded in the modern examples of marketing.

Top 5 Benefits to Hire Virtual Reality Developers

Almost all software development and virtual reality programming companies hire VR app developers for creating innovative applications for different sectors of the industries. A qualified virtual reality engineer offers numerous benefits to the businesses. The top 5 of those benefits of virtual reality engineering are mentioned below.

  • Enhanced user experience. VR powered applications offer mesmerizing user experience in all domains of businesses. A smart entrepreneur always chooses to hire virtual reality developer that possess up to date VR skills and qualification to increase the user experience of the customers.
  • Competitive business edge. VR technology offers numerous options for innovative use of software applications, which offer a competitive edge over the competitors if used effectively. Progressive enterprises always go extra-miles to hire VR developers for creating a better competitive edge in the market.
  • Higher sales. The effective use of VR technology in retail sales improves sales significantly. It helps to create a good user experience, data-driven offers, better presentation, interactive communication, and matching products for discounted prices.
  • Effective marketing. Digital marketing is changing very rapidly. Video marketing is growing significantly. VR powered marketing strategies open-up a new arena for effective marketing in all domains of businesses in recent years.
  • Reduced operations cost. VR technology is reducing business operations cost in almost all processes. Virtual reality engineering reduces traveling by offering an interactive virtual environment for remote meetings. Having in your team VR expert will help to reduce costs in marketing strategies, sales processing, and other processes of the business substantially.

What makes a perfect virtual reality software developer? And how to hire a VR developer with perfect skills and qualifications? These two questions are very critical for hiring an outstanding virtual reality engineer in the marketplace. A perfect VR developer varies from company to company and project to project, but the general skills and experience required for a great VR developer should include the following.

Main Interview Questions to Ask VR/AR Developer 

Previously, we have been telling you about the perfect profile of a VR/AR developer. In this section, we will discuss how to hire AR VR developers. The duties of the developer, depending on the field, do not differ much. Although there are always some nuances because the fields of medicine and marketing, for example, are completely different, there is a basic set of skills that a VR AR developer should possess. 

In the field of entertainment, a specialist usually develops mobile applications, special services for smartphones, etc. Other specialists also participate in the development process, for example, 3D developers. There are also lots of various types of developers. You can hire HoloLens developer, VR software developer or mixed reality developers.  

In marketing and sales, AR developers and VR devs are involved in developing products that aim to be customer-oriented and exciting. A good example is online stores that help their customers try on clothes and understand whether they fit a person only with the help of virtual reality.

Companies hire virtual reality content developers for the education sector to create a curriculum that engages students. For example, the Google Expeditions program was developed based on VR and AR. It allows students to virtually visit the Louvre, wander through the Earth of the Jurassic period, or explore the summit of Everest. 

So before interviewing the person, define the basic criteria for a VR application developer or virtual reality development company, and form questions accordingly: 

  • What kind of experience do they have? ( field, company, etc.)

When you hire virtual reality designers, ensure they have proven successful cases and portfolios. The specialist that worked in your field can bring you more than the others.  If you want to be confident about your team member’s experience, ask them what kind of approaches they use in the development stages, what kind of content they have worked with, and what platforms they use. 

A portfolio usually gives a bigger view of experience. Virtual reality development companies pay attention to such details and have successful cases on their websites. Remember, if you hire VR game developer, don’t expect them to create virtual exhibitions or night vision devices.

  • How do they envision the usage of VR technologies for your product or service?

Always make sure that you and the employee have the same vision, or if the developer has another vision, ensure that you’ll benefit from it. Companies, like Mobilunity, that provide virtual reality app development services, take care of this stage. They fully cover the recruitment and onboarding phase to cover the partner’s needs. They hire augmented reality developers based not just on hard skills but also on soft skills and compatibility with the company.

  • How do you manage yourself? How do you work in a team?

This type of question is going to check if you hire VR designers that are collaborative and capable of working in a team. Among the main qualities that the perfect specialist should possess are a growth mindset, the ability to visualize, a flexible mind, a result-oriented, and rich imagination.  

A team works better and is stronger if all its members complement each other: they strengthen the weak points and improve the sick ones. If the company does not have a large budget for development, then they usually hire one or a few people; if the company is provided with all the resources, then even more than one team can work on the task. So, the ability to collaborate and brainstorm ideas together with other members is highly important.  

  • How do you act in critical situations?

Managing an IT project always requires punctuality from all team members. If one person does not cope, it can disrupt the team’s work and shift all deadlines, as well as the time of release. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to skills that help predict problems, prioritize tasks and multitask. 

Hire extended reality developers or other specialists who know how to avoid critical situations and manage risk. It is great when the person knows how to get a hold of themselves. However, it is better when the specialist knows how to prevent arising problems. We, in Mobilunity, work with such teams around the world and try to minimize all the risks for our partners. Our main goal is to make long-lasting relationships by making companies grow and develop.

Average Salary to Hire a VR Developer in Different Countries

In different countries, the VR development cost is different due to numerous factors such as the availability of tech-talent, living cost, economy, and market size of the country. The average salary of a VR developer in different countries is mentioned in the table.

Country USA UK Switzerland Denmark Ukraine
$ per year $93,340 $56,185 $112,977 $69,944 $13,927

Top 5 Reasons to Hire Top Virtual Reality Developers from Ukraine

Ukraine has emerged as one of the most attractive hubs for software outsourcing services, including VR development during the past couple of decades. There are many great reasons that attract companies from across the globe to hire top virtual reality developers from Ukraine. The top 5 reasons are mentioned below.

  • High-quality development. Ukraine follows the European standards of quality in its development work, which attracts clients from entire Europe and North American countries to hire VR coders from Ukraine. Many researchers and professionals believe that Ukraine produces high-quality software development as compared to many other countries in the world.
  • A powerful pool of tech talent. Ukraine is a technology-savvy country, which produces thousands of engineers and technologists annually. It has a huge and powerful tech-talent pool of over 166 thousand developers and counting regularly. You can get the most desired virtual reality talent perfectly matching the requirements of your project.
  • Competitive prices. The living cost in Ukraine is moderate; so, the country offers very competitive prices for virtual reality development. Ukraine is the best destination to hire extended reality developers and other programmers for all major European, North American and Asia Pacific countries to hire VR developers and VR programmer from Ukraine at the most affordable price and high-quality service.
  • Attractive geographical location. Ukraine is located in the East of Europe, which is easily accessible for all major countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, other regions through a few hours of traveling. Meanwhile, the working hours of Ukraine overlap with the majority of the countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and the Middle East.
  • Great work culture. Ukraine owns the work culture from European standards, which is highly compatible with all quality standards of the world. Ukrainian VR programmer speaks English fluently and follow a client-oriented attitude towards the work and provide out-of-the-box solutions to the clients.

Choose Mobilunity as Your Virtual Reality App Development Company

Mobilunity is one of the fastest-growing and the most reputed companies in Ukraine. With an experience of over a decade in software development, the company offers world-class services to its valued clients spread across the world. The company, powered by over 200 professional developers and experts has a proven track record of successful projects and proudful milestones. Mobilunity offers you:

  • High quality of VR development
  • Dedicated VR developers to work on your project only
  • An affordable fixed-price without any hidden charges
  • On-time successful delivery of VR game development projects
  • Fully managed service with state-of-the-art infrastructure
  • A professional and solution-oriented team of experts
  • Professional-level customer support

Hire a VR developer for developing interactive and responsive application development and boost your business. Contact Mobilunity to build a professional-team now!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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