Personal Data Protection

Consent for Processing Personal Data in the Database of the Mobilunity Website

By submitting personal data through any form on the website, users automatically agree to the terms outlined below.

I, by registering on this website of LLC “Mobilunity” in the database and/or by sending LLC “Mobilunity,” as the owner of such a database, information, including resumes containing personal data, voluntarily give my consent for the processing (specifically: collection, accumulation, systematization, storage, clarification, use, dissemination (including transfer to third parties), anonymization, blocking, destruction) of my personal data by the database owner – LLC “Mobilunity,” and authorize the owner to fully or partially publish my data in case of business necessity, in accordance with the terms of use of the owner’s website.

By giving this consent, I confirm that I take responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of my personal data provided during registration on the website or when sending a resume or other information to the owner, their timely update, and I also commit to complying with and executing the legislation of Ukraine in the field of personal data protection.

LLC “Mobilunity,” as the manager and owner, has the right to provide access to and transfer my personal data to third parties without any additional notifications, without changing the purpose of their processing.

I confirm that I have read and agree with the following:

Purpose, Methods of Processing, and Content of Processed Personal Data

The purpose of processing personal data is to identify the data subject as a partner and/or counterparty and/or employee in business or labor relations, in accordance with the statutory activities of the owner.

The owner processes my personal data by any means necessary for the proper provision of services related to website registration, identification, authentication, authorization, password recovery, sending informational materials with my consent, responding to the owner’s requests and letters, receiving offers to formalize contractual relations (civil-law or labor), leaving feedback on the quality of the owner’s service, receiving promotional and special offers, and other information about the owner’s activities, which may include the following personal data:

a) Surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, phone, email address, date of birth;

b) Personal data provided by me when filling out registration forms or sending resumes and other documents.

Processing of Personal Data

Information in the database of LLC “Mobilunity” is processed in strict accordance with the legislation of Ukraine regarding personal data protection. The owner and manager will process the personal data that I voluntarily provide.

Duration of Personal Data Processing

Personal data are processed until the liquidation of the website and the owner. I have the right to withdraw my consent to data processing at any time by sending a written request to the owner.

This consent is valid until the termination of the personal data processing mentioned above, unless otherwise specified by the legislation of Ukraine.

Rights of the Data Subject

My rights as a data subject are specified in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection.”

The content of my rights as a data subject in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” is known and understood by me.

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