Models comparison

Compare services provided by Mobilunity VS 3 most common ways to hire developers

Freelance platform Local recruitment agency Employer of record platform Mobilunity
Models comparison
Vetted candidates flow
Vetted candidates flow
Background check, offer negotiations, legal support of the offer
Background check, offer negotiations, legal support of the offer
Office facilities
Office facilities
Payroll services
Payroll services
HR service on your behalf
HR service on your behalf
Workstation provisioning
Workstation provisioning
IT infrastructure and support
IT infrastructure and support
Payroll taxes included
Payroll taxes included
Account manager
Account manager
Ongoing consistent service
Ongoing consistent service
Ultra flexibility in scale up and down
Ultra flexibility in scale up and down
Talent Cost of Ownership
Gross pay to senior dev (sample)
Gross pay to senior dev (sample) $5000 $5000 $5000 $5000
Setup fee
Inhouse accounting and legal services, approximate cost per month
Inhouse accounting and legal services, approximate cost per month NONE $150 NONE NONE
Inhouse HR services and retention activities, approximate cost per month
Inhouse HR services and retention activities, approximate cost per month NONE $400 $400 NONE
Commission/service fee type
Commission/service fee type 10% 1-time fee Monthly service fee Monthly service fee
Vendor fee a month, approx$$
Vendor fee a month, approx$$ $500 $1000 $700 $1450
Extra Expenses In-house$$
Extra Expenses In-house$$ Manager in charge of search, vetting, and freelancer admin manager Local hiring payroll taxes and inhouse employee overhead International hiring payroll taxes NONE
Approx cost of ownership, monthly
Approx cost of ownership, monthly $6000 $8000 $8000 $6450
DISCLAIMER: All numbers listed above are approximate and depend on the specific tech stack, client’s hardware requirements, recruiting agency location and many more.
The table above intends to provide information on the costs structure and compare main types of possible expenses.
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