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Hire ERP Consultant

To strive and grow, businesses require a lot of planning for daily activities and business processes. For this purpose, Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, is getting more and more popular among organizations interested in optimizing their processes and boosting results. What an ERP consultant can do, how to choose an ERP consulting service, and more – let’s take a look at what benefits Enterprise Resource Planning services can bring for your business.

ERP Consulting Services in a Nutshell

There are many modern solutions aimed at helping businesses to optimize and improve their efficiency. An ERP system consultant is a specialist in charge of just that – identify pain points in workflows and recommend the best resources to improve business processes and results. Hiring an ERP consultant can help ensure the successful implementation and integration of an ERP system within your organization.

In turn, Enterprise Resource Planning software stands for systems created to effectively manage an enterprise and its resources, data, and business processes. ERP is a set of applications that allows you to automate accounting, finance, business operations, inter-department communication, and much more, depending on one’s needs. 

This software is quite similar to CRM solutions, yet comes much bigger than that and provides a much more comprehensive range of services, including customer interaction tasks and managing various internal processes of the company.

Notably, according to the Panorama Consulting Group 2020 report, 93% of companies that turned to ERP solutions noted its positive impact on their businesses. No wonder that ERP consulting companies are in high demand nowadays, and the global market for ERP consulting will reach $86B by 2027, according to the forecast of 2019 Allied Market Research

Although the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems can be quite tricky and time-consuming, with a well-armored consultant, the company can hugely benefit from implementing Enterprise Resource Planning software in the long run. What benefits it can bring for a business? Let’s discuss this in detail.

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Why Companies Consider ERP Implementation in 2024

Here are just some of the improvements a company can benefit from after working with an ERP systems consultant:

  • ERP implementation can help managers control all internal and external business processes, track interactions and their influence on each other, making the company’s activities more transparent and easier to keep track of;
  • With the right tools, the efficiency of the company can be increased, while the management of processes in the future may require fewer costs;
  • Many Enterprise Resource Planning systems contain ready-made forecasting tools, which may be useful to the company’s specialists who analyze the data and make business predictions;
  • Such solutions allow you to store all the necessary data in one place securely for employees’ convenience and speedier processes;
  • Enterprise Resource Planning software aids in error reduction and avoiding discrepancies in reports; 
  • With such a system, it’s easy to keep a log of all employees’ actions, restricts access to data, track performance, and more;
  • Enterprise Resource Planning can help businesses manage documentation and establish a single document flow for all departments.

When an enterprise needs an Enterprise Resource Planning system, usually, the company looks either into custom development or ready-made solutions available on the market. Since each company has its specific needs and requirements, it’s recommended to consult with a seasoned expert to determine the right software set for one’s business. 

ERP Types as per Implementation, and Which One Suits Your Busines Most?

The three most recognizable types of Enterprise Resource Planning systems differ in terms of implementation. Let’s see how each one can come in handy for businesses:

Cloud ERP  

SaaS services are the top choice for many modern companies. Cloud hosting implies that the business system is set on the virtual cloud offered by the external provider. While for on-premise options, an organization may spend vast amounts of money on hardware purchase, with the advent of cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning hosting, cost optimization is a thing.

In addition to ease of use, the cloud model negates the costs of hardware, licenses, and the introduction of additional technologies. The payment structure is also different because the client usually buys an annual subscription to the Enterprise Resource Planning cloud service.

On-premise ERP

The on-premise Enterprise Resource Planning system is located on local hardware and is managed by an internal IT team. If the company has the ability and resources to manage their data in-house, they can pick an on-premise one.

When choosing between on-premises and cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, it’s important to consider the specifics of each model. Since a local ERP installation requires the purchase of licenses, hardware, and the deployment of the solution on the customer’s side, a small business ERP consultant is more likely to recommend SaaS over the on-premise one. 

Usually, an integrated system requires an organization to pay a large one-time payment. In addition, the lack of flexibility to support unplanned requirements for extensive resources and a significant increase in processing times make the on-premises model less attractive for large-scale corporations.

Hybrid ERP

The hybrid model is designed to combine an on-premise system with cloud solutions. It is often used in companies that already have a database and support for the internal infrastructure of the system, and they do not want to completely get rid of it and transfer it to the cloud for reasons of economy, security, and others. For some companies, the cost of the transfer or the transfer process itself will be counterproductive in terms of time and money. 

When a complete Enterprise Resource Planning overhaul does not make sense, it is worth using a hybrid system. It implies transferring part of the processes to cloud storage, for example, or a part of the functionality related to e-commerce, digital payments, and supplier communication, which can work more efficiently in the cloud.

Most In-Demand Types of ERP Implementation Consultants

An Enterprise Resource Planning consultant is a specialist engaged in implementing and debugging enterprise planning systems. The work of this specialist may also include the creation, modification, and maintenance of the company’s information systems, the automation of enterprise tasks (accounting, analysis, control, planning, sales of goods, etc.), and much more. 

Below are the most demanded types of ERP advisor experts among mid-sized to large-scale businesses:

  • Business ERP consultant. Such specialists help to analyze and optimize existing business processes. A business analyst can provide a report with the most costly areas for your business and help you find options on how to optimize and automate these processes. All recommendations of such consultants aim to improve business performance, reduce costs, and maximize the efficiency of all processes.
  • ERP finance consultant. An ERP financial consultant is the most common type of specialist among companies whose goal is to put things in order in their finance department. Most often, these consultants specialize in systems, accounting, and finance to model an ideal solution for managing finances.
  • ERP technical consultant. Technical consultants have a narrower focus and specialize in the Enterprise Resource Planning software itself. They often provide assistance in solving technical problems that appear in the already installed software. They can also conduct training and consulting for the staff, assess the work of the system, and propose new solutions to improve the work of the programs.
  • ERP support consultant. Any system needs constant support for proper functioning. A support consultant ERP provides support for internal and external users of the system. This specialist can diagnose and fix hardware and software problems, as well as test the system for potential errors or imperfections to offer enhancements in future updates.
  • ERP application consultant. An ERP application specialist can analyze business requirements and goals and suggests applications to meet those goals. If there are some Enterprise Resource Planning apps already functioning, such a consultant can assess their performance and suggest improvements or alternatives.

Select ERP Consultant According to the ERP Software Used

Each ERP system works in its programming language or has a corresponding platform to operate on. If you have an existing system, or most of the IT department works with a specific language, it is worth looking for an ERP solution consultant who can help you choose the relevant software for quicker integration and convenient use: 

  • SAP ERP consultant 

An SAP ERP consultant can utilize SAP to provide Enterprise Resource Planning systems with complete and uninterrupted functioning at all levels. SAP solutions can help to get rid of unnecessary or duplicate data, optimizing business operations and overall efficiency. 

Need an SAP ERP consultant? Find the best candidates at Mobilunity! >>>

ERP based on Tryton offers flexible solutions that can adjust to any size and scale of the company’s needs. A Tryton specialist can help you analyze and reconstruct the business architecture as a whole or work on optimization of separate processes, such as accounting, inventory, CRM, reports, or any other function needed. 

Looking for an experienced Tryton ERP specialist? Consider getting in touch with Mobilunity. >>>

Microsoft ERP consultants are experts who have in-depth knowledge of supporting, implementing, and migrating Microsoft systems. Such a specialist will know how to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 and other Microsoft cloud technologies. Also, the ERP functional consultant can analyze business processes and build the CPM system for specific company functions. 

Need to find a seasoned Microsoft ERP consultant? Look for the best solutions at Mobilunity. >>>

The Odoo platform, formerly known as OpenERP, is a professional enterprise resource management system. Odoo uses Python, and this increases the security of customers and the convenience for developers. Also, it has a flexible, web-oriented interface, which allows all departments of the company to be connected to the system, even if they are distributed around the world. 

Considering using Odoo as your main CRM and ERP platform? Hire an experienced Odoo ERP developer at Mobilunity. >>>

Important Skills of an ERP Consultant

ERP implementation consultant is a kind of a jack-of-all-trades. This person must possess not only strong programming skills and deep knowledge of the system’s functionality, but they are also usually armed with exceptional presentation skills, a deep understanding of industry-specific business specifics, the ability to teach and manage teams, and more. 

The skillset of the ERP software consultant usually consists of the following:

  • Knowledge of the basics of architecture, structure, and functioning of modern ICs;
  • Knowledge of the basics of modern management systems, storage, and analysis of databases;
  • Knowledge of the basics of the relevant programming languages;
  • Knowledge of the basics of information security of an enterprise, as well as modern standards of process automation (for example, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • Orientation in the processes of accounting and reporting within an enterprise (accounting, tax, financial, management);
  • Ability to work with large amounts of information and make data-driven decisions; 
  • Ability to build effective communications in business interaction within departments;
  • Ability to create and manage project documentation.

A professional ERP consultant usually possesses strong soft skills. Communication skills and the ability to work with groups of people are also appreciated since ERP software consulting services often include training personnel on working with an Enterprise Resource Planning system.

Roles and Responsibilities of ERP Software Consultants

ERP specialists must perform diverse functions in order to implement successfully the Enterprise Resource Planning system for the business. For example, ERP consultants can analyze the existing structure, advise on the new information system and build a new architecture for business pipelines. Besides, they may also train the company’s employees on using the custom Enterprise Resource Planning system.

In addition to introducing the new system into the organization’s structure, it is also necessary to provide timely technical support for its correct operation. Namely, the ERP consultant deals with:

  • Carrying out works on the creation and installation of ERP;
  • Technical support during the implementation of the software;
  • ERP software customization per the company’s needs;
  • Creation of technical documentation and operating instructions;
  • Additional ERP advisory on demand.

Independent ERP consultants’ responsibilities may also include: 

  • Participation in negotiations with the customer, clarification of his initial requirements for informational structure, interaction with the customer in the process of project implementation;
  • Collection of detailed information to formalize the subject area of ​​the project and the requirements of the customer’s users;
  • Description of the devices and information support of business processes of the customer’s enterprise;
  • Description of the implementation of business processes of the customer’s enterprise in ERP;
  • Preparation of technical specifications for the ERP development;
  • Development of the concept of the future custom solution for the customer;
  • Management of the team of executors of the project;
  • Project schedule management;
  • Programming during the development of ERP;
  • Integration of ERP with the customer’s hardware and software systems;
  • Conducting internal testing of the system;
  • Adjusting software parameters and testing the tuning results;
  • Participation in expert testing of the system at the stage of trial operation;
  • Processing feedback from users on the system based on the results of trial operation.

Since each new system requires proper training to ensure all employees understand how to utilize it, ERP selection consultants may also deal with:

  • Consultation of users on the system specifics;
  • Training employees on working with ERP;
  • Demonstration of software workflows;
  • Reporting on the results of the training.

Hiring freelance ERP consultant can be a real pain in the neck. It is quite a specific profession that requires a wide range of skills, experience, and personal traits. Here are some resume examples to help you source the right expert for your business.

Middle ERP Consultant Resume Example

Senior ERP Consultant Resume Example

How Much Does ERP Implementation Consultant Get Paid Around the World?

The average ERP consultant salary can vary drastically depending on the experience of the expert, their location, and type of hire – remote or in-house. 

For example, in the US, the average monthly salary of an ERP consultant equals $6,806. On the other hand, for European countries, it varies. It rounds up around $5,635 per month for a German expert, while a Swiss specialist can earn around $8,278 per month. A Netherlands-based specialist in Enterprise Resource Planning can receive $4,787 per month, while a Ukrainian ERP selection consultant can earn around $3,100*.

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

With the current fast-paced transition of office jobs to hybrid or full-remote solutions, companies tend to look for top-tier experts regardless of the country of residence. They thrive on finding an independent ERP consultant that matches the needed skillset and experience and fits the estimated vacancy budget.

Why Is It Worth Considering Hiring Ukrainian ERP Specialists?

It’s not a secret that most companies search for optimal ways to cut down their expenditures and make a maximum result. When hiring a real expert, making an offer may be a tough deal to negotiate. Besides, the talent pool where the company resides can lack specialists with relevant experience and an impressive skill set. Why settle for less if the company can access a wider talent pool in the already-discovered IT-promising countries, such as Ukraine? 

Here are a few more reasons why businesses choose Ukrainian IT specialists: 

  • Accessibility. Ukraine already has a developed infrastructure for start-ups and IT services outsourcing. Open your company or find a vendor who will provide you with whole teams of experts for your project, quickly enough.
  • Low costs. Although Ukraine is located in Europe, the ERP implementation consultant salary level for specialists is relatively low compared to European countries. You can find a specialist with practical experience and relevant skills on more reasonable offers.
  • High IT talent pool and level of education. There are 250,000+ IT experts in Ukraine, as per TechUkraine, and the vast majority of the Ukrainians have higher education and a relatively high level of English.
  • Good internet access. In Ukraine, there is fast and uninterrupted internet at affordable rates, so you don’t have to worry about poor connection, low productivity, or interruption in processes.
  • Convenient time zone. For Europe, the time difference is almost the same as in Ukraine; morning and lunchtime intersect with the US, so it is quite possible not to be afraid of a significant delay in converse.

How to Identify Top ERP Consulting Firms?

Due to the rapid growth in demand for outsourcing specialists, especially in the IT sector, it is not surprising that the number of ERP consultant companies providing such services is also snowballing. However, not all of them can provide a satisfactory result for your business. Here are four simple steps to help you make sure this company makes sense to get in touch with and cooperate with. 

  • Step 1. Check for transparency of payment conditions and services offered. Best ERP consulting firms don’t make empty promises that they will find a specialist in five minutes or tell you an exact price right away. Real professionals will give you a clear, grounded logic of behavior, approximate terms for finding a specialist, depending on your personal needs, as well as detailed information about their services and their cost.
  • Step 2. Look for an individual approach. An honest, good ERP consulting company will spend enough time getting the most information from you about your business goals, the type of employee you are looking for and thus will deliver a customized solution that is right for your business.
  • Step 3. Get feedback from previous clients. Do not be afraid to stop by and read customer reviews about the company on independent resources. Thus, you can understand the efficiency and quality of the company’s work in advance and be prepared if there are potential apparent shortcomings.
  • Step 4. Check successful cases for similar projects. Check if the ERP consultant company has experience with a related or similar query as you do. Check the size of previous projects the company has worked with. It is best to work with those ERP consulting firms that have already established a pipeline with a straightforward search strategy for those specialists you need.

Mobilunity Is a Reliable Vendor for ERP Consulting Services

If you consider finding a vendor for independent ERP consulting services with experience in hiring dedicated IT specialists globally, be sure to check Mobilunity. Mobilunity is a Ukrainian-based dedicated teams, and IT resources with 10+ years of working on the global IT market and a successful cooperation record with consultants. If you’re looking for a tailor-made solution, dedicated approach, and time-tested sourcing methodology, be sure to find top-level services at Mobilunity.

As businesses seek to enhance their ERP systems, it’s essential to consider the option to hire fintech software developers who can bring specialized expertise to the table, facilitating the integration of financial technology solutions for improved efficiency and functionality.

If looking for consulting services regarding your business processes, Mobilunity has diverse experience with providing seasoned experts skilled in the needed field and knowledgeable of industry specifics who can provide consultancy on demand. Reach out to our representatives today, and let us find the right Enterprise Resource Planning consultant for your business!

Looking for top-level ERP consulting services? Get in touch with Mobilunity representatives today!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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