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Hire SAP® HANA Developer

SAP® HANA is a professional database tool that is aimed to speed up in-memory data processing while operating in the cloud. It can be very helpful while building enterprise application extensions or machine-learning applications that in their use rely heavily on SAP® HANA for in-memory data processing operations.

A Brief Overview of the SAP® HANA

Developed and marketed by SAP® SE, SAP® HANA is a powerful tool for software development and its further integration. The abbreviation HANA itself stands for “High-Performance Analytic Appliance.” From the very beginning, the main purpose of its creation was to get a tool that could provide accurate analysis at the highest speed possible. 

When creating SAP® HANA back in 2008, SAP® was pursuing the idea of creating a modern and perfectly suitable for their needs database. The new database was supposed to be based on the commonly used ABAP logic and therefore fit the business needs of SAP®.

For creating this new and enhanced database, SAP® relied heavily on the in-memory technology that was supposed to give a huge boost to data access and processing. After all the adjustments and calculations, the new SAP® HANA was introduced to the public in late 2010. 

So how does it work exactly? From the technical point of view, SAP® HANA is based on RDBMS, which means that all the data that is being stored in it or processed with it can be found in a database (DB). As a modern solution, SAP® HANA uses line- and column-oriented approaches simultaneously when seeking the required piece of data.

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What Makes SAP® HANA Stand Out From the Crowd?

To explain how SAP® HANA can be different from any other databases, it is essential to understand how they work in the first place. So in case of a traditional database, you can only expect one process to be executed at a time. For example, if you use the database to run a specific application, you won’t be able to gather business insights with it at the same time. To do so would require you to move the initial data away for processing the new one. Now with SAP® HANA, you won’t have to do that. 

Despite the potential cost-efficiency of software testing projects outsourcing and the benefits of DevOps configuration management, hiring a dedicated SAP® HANA developer can provide unparalleled proficiency in dealing with high-performance analytic appliances, ensuring your data is effectively managed and processed.

Due to in-memory computing, SAP® HANA can significantly speed up the development process and allows companies to focus more on their business goals rather than integration. You will be able to process analytical and transactional operations at the same time for any type of the required data. More than just that – you can do that in real-time! By using this database, you’ll also get access to a fully cloud-computing platform. All this means that you won’t need to invest much into hardware anymore, and your IT operations can become much cheaper and more effective.

You can also take a look at some of the most prominent benefits of using this database:

  • Swift processing and real-time evaluation of the required data;
  • An opportunity to choose between cloud, on-premise, or hybrid deployment;
  • Implementation of Big Data, machine learning, and other technologies;
  • Reduced hardware and maintenance costs;
  • Simplified data manipulation process;
  • A chance to create data models according to the requirements of each business’s needs;
  • Reduced development costs due to the lesser amount of hardware needed for each project and reduced testing time.

SAP® HANA Developer: Roles and Responsibilities

A professional SAP® HANA developer is the kind of specialist who is responsible for the application’s design, information model’s development, and SAP® HANA development processes. SAP HANA developer is responsible for the following:

  • Development and testing of various information systems;
  • Identification of system problems and weak spots;
  • Management of the upgrades and components design;
  • Implementation of system control points for QA purposes;
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting of the systems;
  • Keeping contact with IT department to work on delivery schedules;
  • Providing feedback and improvement recommendation of system’s performance;

SAP® HANA DBAAS Developer Salary: A Comparison

Knowing a SAP® HANA developer salary before you hire such a specialist is essential. Below you can find a comparison table for these developers’ net rates in different countries:

Country Monthly Rates for SAP® HANA Developer, $

*Rates are provided by the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team over local job boards

As you can tell, Ukraine has the lowest rates out of the given countries, which has nothing to do with the quality of the developer talents but rather an economic phenomenon. Go for Ukrainian-based developers, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Local vs. Remote Hiring: Which Way Is the Right Way

There are typically two ways that you can make your SAP® HANA developer work for you – locally or remotely. Let’s take a closer look at these two options, their main benefits, and flaws.

Local recruiting

This is the oldest and most traditional way of hiring a SAP®Software Engineer. Even though the world is developing rapidly, this option is still available on the job market and is quite popular. Take a look at some of the biggest benefits you can get with this type of recruitment:

  • The employer gets the fullest control over their staff and can personally control every step of the development process;
  • It is easier to communicate with the hired team and effectively manage them on a daily basis; 
  • Locally hired SAP® DBAAS developers will be familiar with your culture and way of doing business;
  • Locally hired developers will be fluent in whatever language you speak, and you’ll be able to communicate without any troubles. 

However, there are also some considerable disadvantages to this method of hiring:

  • It is a considerably more expensive type of employment – you’d have to pay rent for the office, electricity, Internet connection, furniture, etc.
  • With local recruitment, you’ll be limited by a local job market;
  • In-house team will be bound by the office hours, so it will take longer for them to complete projects;
  • It is rather complicated to hire people locally due to many legal aspects that have to be considered.

Remote recruiting

If you’re feeling like you might want to seek other options for recruiting a SAP® HANA data developer, you can consider remote hiring. It can offer you the following benefits:

  • Reduced costs. You will be able to look for candidates that are fitting into your budget;
  • Bigger talent pool. With remote recruitment, you’ll be able to find a superstar SAP® B1 cloud developer even if they’re located on the other side of the world;
  • You won’t have to worry about local rules or regulations when hiring a remote team;
  • Your projects will be completed quicker due to the flexible work schedule and time zone difference between you and your team.

Though there are also some cons to it:

  • You’ll have less control over your SAP® DBAAS developer DBA architect if they’re located far away;
  • You’ll have to pay extra attention to building a work schedule to ensure that you get the maximum of effort from your team and their work hours don’t overlap too much with your in-house team. 

Find Dedicated SAP® Developers With Mobilunity

The ever-so-increasing number of software developers, BPO agencies, and outstaffing companies in the European region is sure a pain in the neck for those businesses who look for a trustworthy partner for long-lasting cooperation. Whether you need a SAP® HANA developer or SAP® BI developer we will find a perfect specialist for you. How can you choose the right company to work with from a hundred companies in the region that offer the services you need? It’s difficult and challenging to do a shortlist, but generally, you should take into account the following:

  • Availability of tech resources and talents on the market
  • The reputation of the company, awards, recognition, and client base
  • Corporate standards and values that match yours
  • Services pricing – good value to cost ratio
  • How difficult it is to launch a team/project

The key players on the Ukrainian staffing market will make it to the finals, no doubt, but only a few can provide you with facts, real numbers, and case studies from your industry to go along with the quote. We, at Mobilunity, pride ourselves as such a company. Mobilunity is a nearshore IT outstaffing company providing services to over 40 long-time clients from all over the planet for over 10 years. Our reputation as a reliable staffing partner with a robust hiring process speaks for itself. We are proud to be working with such companies as Esurance, BYG -E, Byrd, XPLG, Network of Arts, and many more.

After you become our client, you will get rid of such pains as:

  • Inefficient scale-up of the development team;
  • Lack of focus on areas that require the most attention;
  • High operational costs of the team;
  • Lack of flexibility in terms of the management;
  • Unstable partnership and service delivery;

At Mobilunity, the kick-off process comprises of the following steps:

  1. We collect your requirements and needs to create a profile of an ideal SAP® HANA API developer;
  2. We search for the perfect match, going through dozens and hundreds of SAP®  HANA developer resumes;
  3. We send you the list of candidates for your review and approval. You will pick a person or two that you think is the best out of the list;
  4. We schedule an interview and a test for a selected person to verify their soft and hard skills;
  5. And then we launch the team!

Stop wasting your time away, get in contact with Mobilunity’s specialists now, and get the best SAP® HANA developer to your project in no time!

Disclaimer: SAP® is the registered trademark of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries. Mobilunity is not related to, affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by the SAP SE.

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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