Tips and Tricks for Large React/Redux Projects from Mobilunity’s ReactJS Developer
Are you going to start a large project with React/Redux technology? In this case, our blog is perfect for you! We have asked our dedicated React developer to share his experience with us and to give the best tips and tricks for large project creation with React. Let’s see what our dedicated ReactJS programmer suggests.
What’s So Good About React: Using React JS for Big Projects
The React JavaScript framework was open-sourced in May 2013 and quickly rose to popularity, surpassing JQuery, Angular, Backbone, and other client-side libraries and frameworks. It brought some new features that we could see in Angular and Dart, but introduced improvements over them and offered a better product. When tackling large React/Redux projects, it’s beneficial to hire freelance software developer or hire dedicated React Native developers through reputable remote staffing agencies, enabling access to skilled professionals who can provide valuable tips and tricks to optimize development processes and ensure project success.
The first and most important thing that we should remember is that React is a library primarily meant to provide a better and more efficient method of displaying data on web pages. The main benefits of React include: virtual DOM usage for better performance, an improved JSX syntax, and a modular, component-based approach. Due to React’s simple nature, it takes advantage of tools like Flux, Redux, and MobX to build richer client-side applications. It is very easy to maintain simple to-do apps written in React/Redux, but how about big apps with a lot of business logic and components that should interact with each other?
All Possible Ways for Creating ReactJS App
Nowadays, for most JS applications, it is recommended to use new ES6 syntax and features. This may be done in two ways. First, you may configure Webpack and Babel by yourself, but this may prove too complex for most users. Thankfully, React developers from Facebook created a cool command-line tool — create-react-app — that is very flexible and provides a development skeleton for a smoother, faster development.
Once you have created the base for your future app, your next consideration should be your file and folder structure. There are many ways to organize your files, and these typically depend on the app size. For small and middle-sized applications, you could combine files by structure, so that you have one folder per structure. For example, you can have one folder for reducers, actions, components, containers, utils, tests and so on. When the app is growing, a better decision will be to store them by an entity. For example, if you have some components that have appropriate containers, actions, and reducers in store, you could save them in one folder, so that your structure will be more logical.
For better project scaling and smoother development, you also need to impose strict rules for building different structures and naming conventions. Let’s take a look at an example of an action:
Below is the corresponding action creator:
const someActionName = actionData => ({ type: SOME_ACTION_NAME, actionData });
You could notice a correlation between action name and action creator naming, and it’s a good practice because it saves you significant time in the future when debugging and allows you to maintain a solid code standard.
For actions that make HTTP requests, you could implement the following:
Here, we have some action for sending requests and appropriate actions for success or failure.
The same scheme works for reducers as well. We just have to apply some general rule that should be used by all React developers that work on the project, like this:
export const initialState = { // some initial state data } export default someReducerName(state = initialState, action) { // different action handlers }
The next important thing to know is the use of containers. This is the point where our React app connects to the Redux store, and there are some tricky issues that we could catch here.
One of the best practices here is to use selectors in the mapStateToProps function. Selectors are quite simple; they just get the state as an input parameter and return the required key from the state. They are very useful when you need to retrieve some data from several containers and need just one source of truth.
Let’s demonstrate it in some small example:
mapStateToProps = state => ({ firstItem: firstItemSelector(state), secondItem: secondItemSelector(state) });
Below are the selectors:
firstItemSelector = state => state.reducerOne.firstItem;
And from another selector file:
secondItem = state => state.reducerTwo.secondItem;
Final Tips to Ease Your ReactJS Development Process
You could also use a library function like reselect to improve your selectors and not ask them to recompute the same data when you need them repeatedly. Again, for performance improvements, it will be helpful to use methods from your library, such as recompose, which calls onlyUpdateForKeys. Redux uses a comparison approach like React, but with some complex data structures, like an array of objects, it could cause an issue with container updates and decrease application performance.
Also, don’t forget about the way we build components. Try to use class-based components just for containers and components that could handle any kind of additional logic before being rendered. For the rest, you should use functional components. When it comes to type checking, you may use prop-type Facebook packages. o protect your component renders, try to describe in detail all possible prop types and their variations. Some optional tools that you may also explore include Facebook Flow or TypeScript, TypeScript may be better in conjunction with Angular, so it may be better to focus on Flow.
Last but not the least, a dedicated React.js developer should pay attention to tests. Tests will save you time while debugging your app or fixing any kind of issue. Combining all these techniques depending on the complexity of your project will ultimately prove very useful and beneficial to your project development.
Why Companies Hire a React Redux Developer?
React Redux is one of the most straightforward frameworks to master. However, if you are not a professional developer, the odds of missing out on the tool’s features and failing to leverage its full potential are high. Rather than trying to understand the technicalities of Redux your own or starting a time-consuming and expensive hiring campaign, consider reaching out to a professional React Redux developer. Outsourcing React development is a good way to create a top-notch solution without getting distracted from the company’s core products and services.
- Facilitated business operation. Outsourcing React Redux development allows business owners to simplify hiring operations, lower office rent and electricity bill payments, and other maintenance costs. Thus, a business owner will be able to spend more time on client acquisition and increase the company’s revenue.
- Access to top talent. Even if you find a skilled developer, onboarding an employee takes time and effort. Reaching out to an outsourcing firm means relying on an experienced team with tried-and-true development practices — thus, your project will follow the latest development trends and be as easy to scale and maintain as possible.
- Higher scalability potential. Expanding or narrowing down an in-house team is time-consuming and requires heavy investments — business owners need to plan scalability beforehand and account for all possible risks. Choosing to outsource React development gives you more flexibility — you can request more workforce on the project or terminate the collaboration with the team altogether without having to fire employees.
- Cheaper workforce. Looking for developers outside of your home market allows business owners to connect with more candidates and access cheaper workforce in third-world countries. By hiring a Redux team abroad, you can save up to 30% in development costs.
- Risk-free decision-making. React.js outsourcing allows business owners to share the responsibility for the project’s success with an experienced team. Thus, you can be confident in the feasibility of every decision you make.
Where to Find and How to Hire React Developers?
Since the framework is so in-demand right now, there’s a talent war for developers. It might not be easy to fill React Redux job openings — that’s why business owners are looking for new ways to scout skilled talent.
As you are on your journey to attracting top-notch workforce, consider using these hiring practices in your campaign:
- Your corporate ‘Career’ page. Having a dedicated page with job openings maximizes the odds of filling a developer spot. Chances are, one of your website visitors has React.js skills and would want to contribute to the project — don’t miss out on the chance to connect with prospective candidates.
- Job portals. Although job search platforms are oversaturated with offers, they are still job-seekers’ go-to destination. Make sure to publish your opening on platforms like Indeed, Monster, or ZipRecruiter. As you are screening through candidates, you need to be able to tell professionals apart from amateurs. Here’s a skilled React developer resume sample.
- Social media ads. Since most people are active on Facebook and other platforms, a business manager can use the exposure to React devs for hire. Run an ad campaign encouraging people to submit applications or recommend someone from their professional network and get a cash reward.
- Outsourcing . If your local talent pool is too expensive and competitive, consider looking for professionals abroad. It’s easier to hire React developers offshore since there aren’t as many lucrative local job openings. On top of that, the average React developer remote salary here is much lower than that of an American specialist.
Take a look at how much offshore developers charge in different countries:
*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.
Reaching out to hire dedicated react developers company means paying 2-3 times less for a high-quality project that will be on-par with a solution developed by your local development team.
React Redux Developer Resume Sample
Mobilunity as a Perfect Place to Find React Developers
To maintain the reputation of the industry leader in software development outsourcing, Mobilunity follows the best industry practices and follows the latest project management trends. Here are the benefits of working with us:
- Selective hiring process. When interviewing a React js engineer, we test the candidate’s technical, teamwork, and management skills. Our talent managers screen hundreds of candidates to hire a certified React programmer, with years of experience in Redux, React.js, plain JS, and front-end development.
- High development efficiency. Mobilunity developers are committed to delivering results. We make sure that the project helps businesses fulfill strategic needs, monitor conversion rates and user engagement, and constantly optimize the solution to ensure its peak performance.
- Continuous assistance. Other than building solutions from scratch, Mobilunity developers support projects for years after release, releasing updates, monitoring user feedback, and consulting the team.
- Leveraging the full power of React. Our developers are experienced in designing tools for the web as well as native and cross-platform mobile apps with React Native. We will make sure your business has a robust online presence by developing a range of scalable and functional React applications.
- Regular reporting — you will get regular status updates and detailed budget estimates all the way through the project.
Having problems with your ReactJS project? Contact our React developer for more details or for the advice!
All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.