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How to Hire Dedicated Development Team in Ukraine

Why Are Dedicated Teams a Good Choice For the Business

The success of a company depends on people in many respects, and the success of an IT project directly depends on dedicated teams. No matter how cool a business idea or endless financial resources a business has, this will not work without a team of professionals who will help bring the idea to life. Also, dedicated team services in Ukraine can be a great option for those who do not have enough workers with the necessary skills, because Ukraine dedicated developers can bring brilliant and unique ideas and solutions. When setting out to hire a dedicated development team in Ukraine, you might want to include a web UI developer to handle the interface design and a full stack dot net developer for robust backend development, thereby ensuring an effective development team extension, considering a holistic approach to your project’s requirements.

Let’s take a closer look at how the dedicated team model works, what are the benefits of hiring dedicated developers and where to find the best dedicated software development team.

FAQ about Dedicated Development Team Model

Performance Monitoring and Management of a Dedicated Development Team

If you hire dedicated software development teams, you may also want to know how to supervise and manage them properly. Why so? This knowledge is your way to achieve successful project outcomes and timely completion of tasks and optimize the team’s overall productivity.

Yet, monitoring a remote dedicated team can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex software projects with tight deadlines. So how to hire programmers for a startup and supervise them efficiently? Leverage the following recommendations to streamline performance management:

Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

First, when you hire development teams, you should set measurable values that provide insight into their performance. These values are called key performance indicators (KPIs).

KPIs can be related to team performance in any aspect crucial to your project’s success, including productivity, quality, efficiency, etc. You can establish them at the individual, team, or project level, remembering to ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Here are some suggestions on how you can identify KPIs when you hire software development teams:

Identifying Relevant KPIs for the Development Team

Determining the right KPIs involves considering the dedicated team’s role in your project and the goals you aim to achieve.

For example, if you’re working on a software product, you may want to track productivity, quality, and time-to-market. And if your dedicated developers are maintaining existing systems, you can monitor the metrics for customer satisfaction or system uptime. Here are other KPIs you can use to measure the team’s performance:

  • Velocity. It’s a measure of how quickly the team can complete work.
  • Cycle time. It’s the time it takes for a task to move from start to finish.
  • Code quality. These metrics include code coverage, maintainability, and technical debt to ensure the team produces high-quality code.
  • Bug fixing time. It measures the time it takes for the team to fix bugs reported by customers or found during testing.
  • On-time delivery. It measures the team’s ability to deliver work on time, according to predefined deadlines.

Setting Clear and Measurable Goals and Targets

As we said, your goals and KPIs must be SMART, meaning specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It helps ensure everyone is on the same page and works toward the same objectives. Yet, remember that while your goals must be realistic, they should also be a little bit challenging to push your team to strive for excellence.

Time-Tracking and Measuring Productivity

You require a robust time-tracking system and productivity monitoring when you hire remote development teams. It’s particularly critical since your workers are not in the same office as you. Here are some specific strategies for better team management:

  • Using code quality and review systems. It helps ensure that your team delivers high-quality code following coding best practices. Tools like SonarQube or Code Climate allow you to conduct manual and automated code inspections to improve your software project.
  • Leveraging task and project management software. You may want to use tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana to manage workers’ performance when you hire remote development team. These ensure you optimize the workloads and distribute tasks correctly.
  • Using time-tracking software. You can use tools like Harvest or Toggl to track time spent on tasks, monitor progress, and identify areas for improving productivity.
  • Conducting regular performance reviews and gathering feedback. It can help team members identify areas to improve their skills or processes. Performance reviews include input from managers, colleagues, and customers, focusing on communication, teamwork, technical expertise, and productivity. Feedback, in turn, keeps dedicated team members motivated and engaged.

Scheduling Periodic Performance Review Meetings

Handling regular performance review meetings is crucial if you hire a dedicated developer. This process can help you keep your team members on track, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of continuous development and growth. Here are some specific aspects you should pay attention to:

Providing Constructive Feedback and Addressing Concerns

During performance review meetings, it is critical to give constructive feedback to team members. Your comments should be specific, measurable, and focused on areas where your workers can enhance. They should also be delivered in a respectful and supportive way and balanced with positive feedback and recognition of developers’ accomplishments. Besides, you may want to address concerns like workload or communication issues during these meetings.

Emphasizing Continuous Improvement and Growth

Performance review meetings you handle should encourage constant improvement and growth among team members. You can set goals and milestones for each worker, offer training opportunities, and facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration. On top of that, when you hire a software development team, discuss your team’s progress and adjust tasks and objectives during these meetings to focus on innovation and the most relevant project requirements.

Identifying Areas of Improvement and Growth Opportunities

Another recommendation for monitoring and managing workers when you hire dedicated teams involves identifying areas of improvement and growth. How can you determine the development opportunities? You can do this by constantly evaluating team members’ performance, skills, and knowledge. You may also want to do the following:

Encouraging Professional Development and Training 

You probably want your team members to expand their skills and expertise and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices. The best way to do this is to motivate your workers to leverage professional development and training opportunities. It can include attending conferences and workshops, taking online courses, and participating in in-house training programs. With this, you can also boost team morale and job satisfaction.

Adapting Processes and Workflows for Better Performance

Besides professional training, you can optimize your organization’s and dedicated team’s workflows for better performance. Your options include implementing new tools and techniques for process automation, introducing agile dev methodologies, and adjusting operations following workers’ feedback. You can also make it a habit to review workflows to identify inefficiencies when you hire development teams.

Why the Most Powerful IT Service Market in Europe Is Represented with Dedicated Software Development Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most promising countries for companies of any scale looking for competent, responsible and hardworking developers for various projects, whose services are inexpensive. In the field of IT and software, dedicated software development team Ukraine is currently the best option. The percentage of the Ukrainian dedicated development team is the highest in Central and Eastern Europe. We have gathered the most significant reasons why you should hire a dedicated development team in Ukraine and why the country has this strong IT market compared to other countries in Eastern Europe.

reasons to hire dedicated development team in ukraine

Legislation: Thanks to government initiatives such as tax incentives for the IT business and the strengthening of laws regarding intellectual property rights it becomes one of the main reasons to hire a dedicated development team in Ukraine.

Education: 79% of population in Ukraine acquire higher education – this is one of the reasons to hire a dedicated team Ukraine that consists of reliable and professional employees. 75% of IT specialists know English, regarding Ukraine as a non-English speaking country those numbers are impressive. Dedicated software development Ukraine is a reliable option for the success of a project.

Affordable cost: Even though the salaries of Ukrainian developers have risen significantly, they are still only a small part of what developers in the USA and the UK receive. This income difference is largely due to the low cost of living in Ukraine, which allows dedicated software development Ukraine to charge a lower price for their services than anywhere else in the world.

More than 100 international companies in the field of software development and game development have their offices in Ukraine – Grammarly, Magento, Ericsson, and Crytek.

According to delo.ua, the IT market in Ukraine brings huge revenue to the budget, which shows the professionalism of Ukrainian developers. Thus, the revenue of the most profitable IT company in Ukraine EPAM Systems amounted to $ 179.63 million.

Developers in Ukraine are professionals who stand out among others with their accessibility, high level of education and ease of communication. At the same time, the number of companies that want to work closely with Ukrainian software development service providers is increasing and makes international companies hire team in Eastern Europe. Having added strong engineering skills to this, Ukraine offers an excellent pool of IT talents who are ready to realize their own potential. The Ukrainian IT market has become profitable and has taken a high place on the world map. Since 2014, the state pays great attention to improving the business climate in Ukraine, which has made the country an investment hot spot. And the main factors favorably highlighted by Ukrainian IT companies are cultural proximity, qualified employees and competitive prices.

What Is a Dedicated Team Model?

Tight labor market conditions in the software industry have led to stiff global competition for skilled talent. Developers in Silicon Valley command hefty six-figure salaries. London, New York, and other global hotspots are not far behind.

If you’ve been wondering how your company, whether a large enterprise or small tech shop, can possibly compete, you might want to hire developers.

You might have heard the term used in software circles but are unsure of dedicated team meaning. The dedicated team model is a software development approach where you hire developers from a service provider.

A common question project managers have is “Where can I hire developers?”

Many companies hire developers from places with the right mix of advantages that make development easier. Common locations include:

  • Ukraine
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • India
  • China
  • Philippines
  • Russia
  • Indonesia

Recruiting an entire team of experts to develop software entails a lot more dedication than you would expect with other outsourcing. A dedicated team’s I.T. talent is reserved only for that one client. This means that developers and designers are available to work on your product at all hours of the day. When you hire developers you can assign them to work, and conduct meetings with them based on a schedule that suits you. Unlike a team that has multiple commitments, with a dedicated team, the service level can be better. When you want access to your dedicated team, the team members are there for you.

benefits of dedicated developers

As a result, teams of remote developers offer a higher degree of control. If you’ve been put off outsourcing because you are worried about product quality control, offshore developers could be right for you. If your work is highly complex and technically demanding, this is not a problem for the dedicated team. In such teams, your developers have the time and immersion necessary to get deep into your source code and design blueprints. Designers, likewise, can immerse themselves into creating a product that reflects complete, undivided investment of time and attention.

Looking for developers to hire?
Then it worth to choose dedicated team model and get all its benefits for your business!

The Popularity of Dedicated Development Teams

At this point, you might be wondering, if the dedicated team model is so great, how come you have never heard of it? The reality is that the remote developers have become highly popular with companies in various categories such as:

  • Fortune 500 large companies
  • Silicon Valley startups
  • International conglomerates
  • Small and medium-sized businesses

The dedicated developers are popular with technical organizations that have urgent needs for development teams. Meaning they don’t have time to spend on looking for programmers. In addition, firms in locations with insufficiently skilled workers can benefit from looking at alternatives. They are faced with the challenge of where to find programmers or where to hire developers. Working with such model can often be a solution. It solves problems such as where to hire developers, by giving you remote developers as an option.

If you have experienced difficulty with where to find programmers, a dedicated team model can help you easily assemble complete project teams. With remote developers, there is no need for the client to expend resources towards the recruitment of individuals. All the experts that the client needs for a project are included in the dedicated team personnel. There is no need to ask where to hire developers or where to hire developers because all the necessary experts are assembled for you. Remote developers, therefore, make it easy for a client to acquire talent at a moment’s notice.

3 Examples of Well-known Companies That Hire Ukrainian Development Team 

Increasingly more companies around the world are looking into how to hire dedicated remote development team solutions. This is because a remote dedicated development team offers so many benefits to businesses, including affordability, higher productivity, increased employee retention and access to a wider talent pool. 

But when businesses decide to hire a development team remotely, it’s important to follow the right hiring process. For example, it’s essential to think about the right platforms to hire your own dedicated development team from and the best location to source talent from. 

Over the last few years, Ukraine has become a popular destination for businesses around the world to hire dedicated development teams from. Let’s look at some of the main reasons for this: 

  • Access to a large pool of talent

When businesses choose to hire Ukrainian dedicated developers, they get access to a large talent pool of skilled and experienced candidates. In 2021 alone, the country had around 285000 developers and IT specialists.

  • Affordability

When choosing to invest in a dedicated development team for hire in Ukraine, businesses can save on valuable capital. This is because the cost of living in Ukraine is lower compared to many other European countries. And even though it may be cheaper to hire remote dedicated development team in Ukraine, the quality of talent is still very high. 

  • High level of productivity

When hiring a dedicated software development team in Ukraine, businesses can be sure that they get access to experts that offer a high level of productivity. Ukrainian developers and IT specialists are known for their high work ethic and often work only on one project at a time to ensure excellent efficiency. 

  • Convenient time zone

When hiring a dedicated development team in eastern Europe and specifically Ukraine, businesses have access to developers and IT specialists during normal business hours. This is because Ukraine falls into a convenient time zone that is similar to most European countries and American states. 

  • Great proficiency in English

Most Ukrainian developers and IT specialists are proficient in English, ensuring great communication when working on projects. This also avoids messages getting lost in translation and time spent trying to translate important information. 

Because of these benefits, many leading companies around the world choose to hire dedicated IT team members from Ukraine. Let’s now explore a few examples: 

  • Smartling

Smartling is a leader in translation management solutions. They specialize in helping businesses automate, manage, and translate content online. Smartling is known for sourcing talent from Ukraine. Over the years, they have invested in solutions to hire dedicated IT team members from Ukraine for a variety of functions. They have done this to ensure access to quality talent and easy scalability. 

  • Currencycloud

Currencycloud is an innovative company offering cloud-based solutions. They provide banks and financial service providers with a large range of APIs. Currencycloud is known to hire dedicated developers in Ukraine to work on their development projects and in-house software infrastructure. They have chosen a dedicated team for hire from Ukraine because of access to affordable talent and enhanced productivity. 

  • Elementum

Elementum is a United States-based startup that specializes in automating supply chain processes. The company also helps clients to unify procurement, logistics, inventory and manufacturing processes in real-time. Over the years, Elementum has turned to hire dedicated developers team members from Ukraine. The company has gone this route to ensure a high level of skills are brought to the company. 

What are the options to hire development teams from Ukraine? 

There are many different ways to hire developers and IT specialists from Ukraine, including using online hiring platforms and partnering with an outsourcing company. 

Using an online hiring platform can be very affordable, but the hiring process can be lengthy and it can be challenging to verify the experience of candidates. On the other hand, working with an outsourcing partner can be an efficient process where the company takes care of everything, from the recruiting process to the onboarding stage. 

Tips to ensure a smooth partnership with a dedicated development team from Ukraine

Working with a remote team from Ukraine can be very rewarding if executed correctly. Some tips for effectively working with a dedicated team from Ukraine include: 

  • Conveying requirements right from the start to ensure all workers are on the same page 
  • Ensuring excellent communication through a strong communication network
  • Investing in an efficient and effective onboarding process
  • Ensuring continues transparency and support for remote workers throughout the partnership 
  • Addressing concerns as soon as they arise 
  • Providing training when required 
  • Offering excellent leadership without micromanaging teams 

If you’re interested in hiring dedicated development team from Ukraine it is important to work with a reputable company. One such company is Mobilunity, a global provider of skilled dedicated teams for hire to businesses big and small. Mobilunity’s team works with clients from the initial hiring stages throughout the partnership to ensure projects run smoothly. Mobilunity has access to a large pool of skilled developers and IT specialists and match them perfectly to clients projects every time.

While exploring how to hire a dedicated development team in Ukraine, it’s beneficial to consider the advantages of nearshoring Romania as well, where similar cultural and geographical proximity can offer alternative, high-quality development resources within the same region.

Pros and Cons of Dedicated Development Team

While there are downsides to the dedicated model, we believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Alternatives, like hiring employees directly, have their own advantages such as more direct control over staffing. However, the advantages of hiring dedicated developers can benefit you much more.

Advantages of Dedicated Teams

Disadvantages of Dedicated Teams

Eliminates employee hiring costsYou cannot promote talented developers in your own company if they are not employees
A high degree of staffing flexibility, with most of the advantages and little of the risk of employing workers directlyWorking 100% remotely presents bigger obstacles to collaboration than in-office employees
Access the most talented workers no matter where they areIt can be harder to know when something is wrong, you need to exercise greater managerial diligence
Projects can be staffed more rapidlyTime-zone differences can be hard for all involved in a project

Dedicated Team Structure

A dedicated team includes not only remote developers but brings together experts from different technical areas to work on a software project. The skillsets you need range from business analysis to design and development. In addition, to maintain technical standards, you need to invest in quality assurance. Below is a sample dedicated project team structure.

hire dedicated development team

Build Dedicated Team

The minimum number of members of a dedicated full-cycle development team is seven. This includes a product manager, a software architect, a software developer, a business analyst, a database administrator, a designer, and a QA specialist. The more complex your project is, the more web developers, designers, and QA experts you will need for completing the project.

Usually, you communicate with the product manager that delegated, manages, and controls the tasks performed by team workers and developers on demand. Thus, you always have the person that reports you about the development progress and results of the work of the dedicated resources. If there is any additional programming expert needed to work on the project, you can consider a team augmentation service.

A dedicated team in Ukraine usually consists of pre-gathered members that have worked with each other before. It allows them to cooperate and communicate more efficiently compared to as if you were gathering and managing single freelance workers.

When it comes to team augmentation, the team can suggest an expert they have heard of or worked with before, too. So, you don’t need to manage any human resources processes once you hire a dedicated development team. It is because the members know what expertise they need and what person can fit the missing position the best way. The final product is your overall goal, and the dedicated team is interesting is the successful and timely launch of the product the same way you do.

How Teams of Dedicated Developers Compare to Hiring Freelancers

A popular option for companies looking to outsource is to find programmers on freelance. Freelancers offer many advantages, including the ability to hire talent as needed for a project. Both solutions give you more options for where to hire developers. That said, there are advantages that you can get with a dedicated development team that would be hard to replicate if you hire freelancers.

  • Working with Dedicated Developers Improves Productivity

One major disadvantage of freelancers is that they are harder to weave into a highly complex software development process. If you use techniques like pair programming, for example, this will be harder to implement with freelancers located in different cities. With a team of a dedicated team, all your developers can be in a single office where pair programming is easy to do. Communication in a team of remote developers is easier to manage. Since team members work similar hours in the same office, they are all available at the same time. With freelancers, especially if different time zones are involved, it can be harder to communicate in real-time.

  • Ease of Scaling Up

Hiring a dedicated development team will make it especially easy to scale up your team. A dedicated team gives you access to a pre-selected group of professionals that have already been vetted for their ability to work together. Scaling up in such an environment is easier than adding freelancers one at a time to your work team. With freelancers, since you vet each one individually, scaling up takes longer. In addition, the interview process can be hit or miss. The result is that your project might be stalled while you hunt for the right freelancers.

  • Which Model to Choose

To help you determine if you should go for dedicated developers or freelance developers, we’ve created the following comparison table showcasing the advantages of each.

When Is a Dedicated Team Suitable

When to Prefer Freelancers

Large projects that require large investments of time and cognitive ramp upSmaller projects that have a shallower learning curve
Long-running projects, with long-term support requirementsShorter-lived projects
Personnel changes should be minimizedYou do not mind frequent personnel changes
Specialized staffing requirementsEasy to hire developers
Large budgetSmaller budget

Concluding, a dedicated team is the best solution when it comes to large-scale, long-term, complex projects. While for a one-time task, you can easily rent a developer, it is worth hiring an expert team for a long-term job.

It is important to understand what budget your project requires and what means you can allocate for hiring a development team. It is always possible to find an optimal solution; however, you should not expect to get a remarkable product in one day or for a bare minimum. Although every expertise comes at a cost, there are useful ways of finding professional development teams to hire within an adequate budget and not overpaying for mere words.

There are many IT resources on demand that are available in the market. What is the process of on-demand teams hire, and what are the steps to hire developers for your project? Keep reading as we’ve got your back.

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Why Mobilunity Is the Best Option to Hire Dedicated Development Team in Ukraine

To create an online service or a digital business solution, qualified specialists are needed – a dedicated development team from Ukraine with professionals. They can be hired as full-time employees or to be found in the format of IT outsourcing. However, each of these options has its drawbacks, and the search for a Ukraine dedicated team can be a universal solution.

Mobilunity offers to hire dedicated team Ukraine to implement a wide range of tasks and business requirements of the client. If you have a project, but no developers, or need additional help to finish the project on time, our specialists are ready to join your team. We also provide dedicated development teams to solve complex problems and work on large projects.

Among the most valuable reasons to hire dedicated team in Mobilunity we can outline:

Hire Dedicated Team

Cost-effectivity: The main reason business prefers outsourcing is to lower costs. No need to search for individual remo te developers, the dedicated development team Ukraine comes bundled! Contact the project manager or team member and you are ready to hire dedicated development team in Ukraine to work on your project. Thanks to the remote work of the team, there is no need to pay extra for the rent for the office or any other needs, so you reduce costs. Companies like Mobilunity in Ukraine can save money on your initial budget. This is much more profitable than hiring developers in Western Europe or North America. In other words, you get professionals at a lower cost, at the same time receive great results for your project.

Adaptability: The well-organized team makes it easy to communicate, so the team responds quickly and solves unpredictable problems at the development or maintenance stages. Years of operation have allowed us to create our own system of control over the functioning of the systems and processes of our customers. In case you decide to hire dedicated development team in Ukraine we guarantee you a high level of our services.

Diverse skills: Hire dedicated development team Ukraine to get a very experienced team of professionals with various skills. The team always solves the arising problems together, since the general experience of colleagues is the most valuable.

Control: The project manager can be the customer himself or the manager of our company. Under this leadership, developers are focused on achieving the goals and objectives of the project. Using our teams you can focus on the main tasks of your company.

Now you are ready to hire your ideal dedicated development team. Contact us for the continuation!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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