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DevOps Consulting Services Provider

Today, enterprises have to implement the project as soon as possible to be one step ahead of the competition, but it often happens that companies have a limited budget. DevOps consultant has become the link between the implementation of practices and the compilation of a roadmap. IT consulting companies help to remove any barriers between developers and engineers involved in various stages of program development. In the article, we have gathered pieces of advice on how to find good services, including DevOps release management, DevOps consulting services, benefits of DevOps consultant and challenges a business may encounter while searching for DevOps consulting firms.

DevOps Consulting Service Methodologies

The demanded methodology for the continuous supply of solutions presents special conditions for the organization of design processes, and testing ceases to be the final and isolated stage of the entire development cycle. A DevOps consulting company uses methodologies that help organizations implement new leadership practices and goals.

  • Automation strategy

An assessment of current IT capabilities, preparation of a business case, an audit of the maturity of the application life cycle, and the DevOps roadmap is carried out by the best consulting firms for DevOps to achieve the client’s business goals.

  • Technology selection  

IT business consultant can help you choose the different types of automation and cloud technologies you need to implement your DevOps strategy and roadmap. Experienced consultants use leading DevOps tools and technologies, integrated with the best practices for the process of monitoring, logging, and tracking delivery versioning.

  • Development and testing

DevOps development consulting will help in design existing processes and workloads for working with the developers and cloud tools a client has chosen. Also, AWS DevOps consulting offers powerful cloud features that can help scale an application easily to millions of users, and professional DevOps consulting can determine whether you need such a solution. Azure DevOps consulting, Slalom consulting DevOps and IBM DevOps consulting can be provided in a case of necessity for them for the needs of your project.

  • Operations management

When the company’s DevOps implementation is completed, DevOps engineer consultancy can be an extension of your team, helping to manage automated operations, improve delivery, performance, and security using Agile DevOps consulting. Through cost optimization and configuration management, we ensure error-free and fast deployment, eliminating configuration inconsistencies. With cloud technology, automation, and data processing, Agile & DevOps consulting developers will remain an integrated technology partner, helping you in future transformations to be ahead of your competitors.

What Business Gets If Decided to Use DevOps Consulting Services

Experienced Cloud and DevOps consulting services will be able to guarantee the construction of a high-quality CI/CD pipeline based on world best practices and tools. An effective strategy will allow businesses to respond more flexibly to market changes and promptly offer new products to users. Let’s take a closer look at what the client gets by resorting to the best DevOps consulting firms.

  • Project plan

The DevOps system will consist of a combination of development teams and operations. Interviews are conducted with heads of development, infrastructure, and security departments to understand how delivery processes work and what problems are. In the future, business goals are defined to support the DevOps initiative. This could be improving application security or improving user experience.

  • Design and implementation of an automated toolchain 

This will help make delivery continuous. The client gets access to the developers of the basic tools and technologies for the period of cooperation. This multi-functional team has DevOps skills and continuous delivery methods. The selection of the necessary tools helps to increase the visibility in the development process, accelerate software delivery, identify and correct application errors in the early stages of development, and automate processes.

  • DevOps configuration

During DevOps consultancy, a search is made for the right approach for implementing DevOps. Best DevOps consulting companies use DevOps strategy consulting to train your company staff. All this minimizes the likelihood of human error.

  • Production DevOps consultations

The consultants remain until the very moment of production to make sure that all goals are achieved. Assistance can be provided in maintaining the operability of the software infrastructure and making changes to it.

Benefits of Working with Consulting DevOps Companies

Early autotests and continuous product delivery processes are just a part of the benefits of DevOps IT consulting services. Among other things, it is worth highlighting such advantages:

  • The volume of the initial project is determined and the budget is estimated. Thus, the client pays only for the result that he relies on and which is determined in advance.
  • A management team is being prepared with technical people for DevOps in your organization.
  • Increase in organizational effectiveness. For example, more time is spent on actions related to improving the value of the product, more functionality transferred to a client.
  • Adoption of a set of performance indicators that will improve visibility and transparency in the software development and deployment life cycle. These include the frequency of release and time to market.

Challenges Clients Can Face During Searching for Perfect DevOps Consulting Company

Enterprises of different sizes have various problems in the process of finding a DevOps consulting company. Although some of them are unique to the business, many problems are common to all. All these difficulties can be overcome. However, encountering them is likely.

Company typeChallenges it has to face
Large corporationsSecurity concerns. Large companies often face a problem when it is rather difficult to entrust their data to an external contractor. This problem can be solved through cooperation with a reliable consultant service.
Medium-sized enterprisesUnstructured organizational models. Structuring for medium-sized companies is very important, therefore it is important to find consultants who will have a clear model for developing DevOps practices within the business.
StartupsHigh price. Each startup investment is considered with particular care. Therefore, the price of consultation may seem quite high to the client. At the same time, keep in mind that investments in hourly rates DevOps consulting will pay off as a result.  Consultants only help to take the first steps in launching all the necessary processes, which in the end will save a lot of money and time resources.

Align your development and operations with reliable DevOps consulting services. Contact our Team to find your ideal DevOps expert!

When Does a Business Need to Implement DevOps Consulting Services?

It’s high time to talk when you need to implement DevOps consulting services.

  • The need to reassess the quality of the company. When a company reaches a certain level, then the progress is no longer noticeable. At such a moment, it is important to set new goals. Consultants can help with a common vision of the result and create an effective plan for how to get there. If you need machine learning implementation then machine learning DevOps consulting comes in handy.
  • The need for a transition to process automation. Overloaded company human resources often cause stagnation in company development. The consultants will help determine exactly which processes need automation and reduce production time from a few months to several days while improving safety, management, and productivity with SaaS DevOps consulting.

DevOps Consulting Rates Comparison

High-quality services are appreciated in the market. This can be seen in the high payment for consultants in different countries. It is worth noting that Ukraine stands out in the market by the availability of prices, while the quality of services does not suffer in any way.

  • USA – $119,965
  • Denmark – $99,979
  • Germany – $65,166
  • UK – $47,997
  • Ukraine – $39,200 (based on our Recruiting Team research over several local job portals)

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How to Choose DevOps Consulting Service Provider to Cover All Business Needs?

When choosing a DevOps consulting service provider, a client may be faced with the fact that he does not know which company is better and what to rely on when choosing. Especially for this, we have compiled a list of points that you should pay attention to when choosing such a company and such an expert:

  • Experience. The DevOps consultant you hired must have at least 3 years of experience working with different automation tools, as well as a high level of mastery of continuous integration tools. Discuss all the business results that you need with the implementation of DevOps before anything else.
  • Research. The consultant should evaluate your existing infrastructure and processes. Instead of criticism of existing processes, consultants from top DevOps consulting firms should ask the question “Why did you choose this process?” and will be ready to listen to your motivation to know the better needs of your company.
  • Planning. Choose IT consulting DevOps that will evaluate your goals in different areas and develop strategies for the infrastructure you need. This applies both to the availability of infrastructure and its security.

Mobilunity as Your Reliable DevOps Consulting Services Provider

The DevOps approach allows you to create new products, test, and deploy them in a shorter time compared to the traditional software development life cycle. Mobilunity provides experts in DevOps consulting who know all the features of the implementation of practices and have extensive experience in consulting various types of businesses and enterprises. We single out such benefits of working with us:

  • Access to highly qualified specialists in their field. You gain access to a wide range of talents. Recruitment takes a certain amount of time (your dedicated team is built within 3-6 weeks), but as a result, taking into account all the features of your company, we select the necessary specialists who devote all their knowledge and time to working on your problems.
  • Good value for money. You will gain access to innovative and innovative solutions that will allow you to benefit from such cooperation. You will pay less compared with the United States or Poland, but expertise and experience of experts we’ll find for your project guarantee the quality of the work performed.
  • Focus on 3Rs of nearshoring. We aim to set powerful Relationships, provide top-notch Recruitment services for each of our clients and direct our action at Retention of our developers and consultants so your dedicated team is fully satisfied.

When searching for a DevOps consulting services provider, it’s vital to consider your cloud infrastructure needs, whether you require AWS developers for hire or wish to hire Azure services developer, as their expertise will play a significant role in shaping your DevOps strategy.

If you want to remove any barriers between programmers and consult for high results, contact Mobilunity to provide you with experts in DevOps consulting!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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