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Top Countries for Hiring Developers in Eastern Europe

Nowadays, Eastern Europe is now one of the world’s most favorable outsourcing destinations, thanks to a large pool of IT specialists, high-end education, remarkable IT expertise in different fields, and affordable rates for software development outsourcing and IT expert outstaffing. That’s why many companies from the US and the Western market countries are interested in outsourcing software development Eastern Europe.

In this article, we discuss the pros and cons of hiring developers in Eastern Europe, top countries to find highly qualified programmers, and where to hire the best Eastern European developers.

Are Eastern Europe Developers in Demand?

Eastern European developers are in high demand for the Western markets nowadays, and one of the main reasons is the growing IT talent shortage in the US. According to Code.org, with only 71,226 computer science students who graduated last year, the US now has 666,534 open IT positions nationwide, and this gap is only increasing.

Salary rates of Eastern Europe software developers are relatively lower than in the US, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand due to different economic situations and foreign exchange differences. At the same time, Eastern European programmers are known and valued for their solid educational backgrounds, expertise with the latest technology, dedicated approach to work, and great communication skills. 

Eastern European Developers Outsourcing, Nearshoring, Offshoring

Eastern Europe is the top software outsourcing, offshoring, and nearshoring destination for multiple reasons like affordable prices, rich IT talent pool, good command of English. However, there are some differences in terms of the environment for IT outsourcing, nearshoring, and offshoring services compared to the Western markets.

After the collapse of the USSR, Eastern European countries had difficulties with building their economics and developing industry sectors that influenced the growth and development rate of each country that was part of the USSR. Thus, most countries, including Eastern European ones, made a huge investment in their education, which paid back after decades and resulted in a powerful and growing Eastern European IT market. However, the countries developed at different paces that inevitably influenced education, economic, and IT expertise levels, in particular.

That’s why it’s worth checking global country rankings and reports regarding the economic and social factors of a particular country to identify the expertise and growth level and decide on the outsourcing destination. For example, Ukraine is among the top outsourcing destinations in 2019 as per the A.T. Kearney Global Services Location Index report, Poland is listed as the ninth favorable outsourcing country according to Tholons report.

Pros and Cons of Hiring Eastern European Web Developers for Western Clients

Here are the reasons why Eastern European developers are great for Western clients:

  • A large pool of IT talents. There are 580,000+ IT specialists in Eastern Europe, which translates into a broad pool of developers to hire.
  • High-end performance. Eastern European experts are known for their strong education base, versatile software development experience, and professionalism in everything they do.
  • Dedicated resources. It is easy to find a dedicated programmer in Eastern Europe that will work on your project only with great concentration. Whether you are interested in hiring or Eastern European game developers or web coders, you can find professional, dedicated resources here.
  • Convenient location and time zone difference. Eastern Europe has a convenient geographical location that allows for productive cooperation and communication with the clients from the Western markets.
  • Cost-efficient services. The cost of software development outsourcing to Eastern European countries is much lower than building an in-house development team. 

However, hiring Eastern European app developers may come at some pitfalls:

  • Possible communication difficulties. There’s still a time zone difference that requires adjusting working hours. However, with the right management, it won’t pose a problem.
  • Marks of cultural difference. Western and Eastern European countries do have some cultural differences, but these are not that drastic as Asian countries.

Eastern Europe Employment Landscape

The employment landscape of Eastern Europe is diverse, shaped by historical, economic, and cultural factors unique to each nation in the region. In recent years, this landscape has undergone significant transformations, driven by technological advancements, globalization, and policy changes, particularly as many of these countries have integrated more closely with the European Union.

Economic Overview

Eastern Europe encompasses a wide array of economies, from emerging markets such as Ukraine and Bulgaria to more developed ones like the Czech Republic and Poland. While traditionally reliant on agriculture and manufacturing, there has been a notable shift towards service-oriented economies across the region, especially in sectors such as IT, finance, and customer service.

IT and Technology Growth

The technology sector in Eastern Europe has seen explosive growth, fueled by an excellent education system with strong emphases on engineering and computer science. Countries like Poland, Romania, and Hungary have become prominent outsourcing destinations for IT services, thanks to their skilled labor pools, competitive wages, and cultural proximity to Western Europe. This growth is supported by both local startups and multinational companies expanding their operations into these countries.

Labor Market Dynamics

The labor markets in Eastern European countries are diverse but share common challenges such as demographic shifts and migration patterns. Many younger, educated individuals migrate to Western Europe or North America in search of better opportunities, leading to brain drain in their home countries. However, there’s also a counterbalancing influx of foreign investment and job creation by international firms, particularly in urban centers.

Employment Practices

Employment practices in Eastern Europe are largely influenced by EU regulations, especially in member states, ensuring a high standard of workers’ rights. These include statutory work hours, minimum wage laws, and robust protections against workplace discrimination. Non-EU countries also strive to align with these standards to attract foreign investment and facilitate trade and labor mobility with neighboring EU countries.

Challenges and Opportunities

The region faces several challenges, including economic disparities, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and the need for further reforms in governance and business practices. However, these challenges coexist with significant opportunities. The ongoing digital transformation offers potential for economic development, and the increasing integration with global markets continues to spur advancements in infrastructure and business environments.

Future Prospects

Looking forward, Eastern Europe is poised for further economic diversification. Its strategic location as a bridge between Western Europe and Asia, coupled with ongoing investments in technology and education, positions the region to capitalize on new opportunities in the global economy. Additionally, initiatives aimed at improving business climates, such as reducing bureaucracy and enhancing transparency, are expected to make these countries even more attractive to foreign investors.

In summary, the employment landscape in Eastern Europe is characterized by a dynamic mix of challenges and opportunities. With its rich talent pool and strategic advantages, the region continues to evolve, promising a vibrant future in the increasingly interconnected global market.

Check Profiles of Available Developers in Eastern Europe

We have several consultants available for hire right now – check their profiles below and inquire for more!

Andrei V.

Systems Engineer / Automation Specialist

4 years of experience

Andrei from Romania brings 4 years of specialized experience in systems engineering, with a focus on automation and performance optimization. His skill set includes Python and Bash scripting, which he uses to automate routine tasks and streamline system operations. Andrei is also adept in network configuration and server management, ensuring optimal performance across IT infrastructures. His technical expertise makes him a valuable asset for achieving efficient and scalable system solutions.

  • Python
  • Bash
  • System Automation
  • Network Configuration
  • Performance Tuning

Daria I.

Data Scientist / ML Platform Engineer

3 years of experience

Daria, hailing from Ukraine, has 3 years of concentrated experience in data science and machine learning. She uses R and Python to extract valuable insights and develop robust predictive models. Her proficiency with various machine learning algorithms enables her to address challenges with adaptive solutions, ranging from simple logistic regression to advanced neural networks. Daria’s keen ability in statistical analysis helps her validate and interpret model outputs, ensuring that her predictions are both reliable and useful for strategic decision-making.

  • R
  • Python
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Statistical Analysis

Tomaš M.

AI Researcher / Computational Scientist

3 years of experience

Tomaš from the Czech Republic has spent 3 years in the field of AI research, focusing on deep learning and computational modeling. He utilizes Python and TensorFlow to develop advanced algorithms that simulate complex data patterns. His work involves not only the creation of intelligent models but also the interpretation of vast datasets through sophisticated data visualization techniques. Tomaš’s research contributes to advancements in AI, offering novel solutions that enhance predictive technologies and decision-making processes.

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • Deep Learning
  • Computational Modeling
  • Data Visualization

Agnieszka K.

Backend Developer / Database Administrator

5 years of experience

Agnieszka, based in Poland, possesses 5 years of experience in backend development and database administration. She excels in Java programming, SQL databases, and NoSQL technologies, crafting robust back-end systems and APIs. Her role involves designing scalable data architectures and optimizing database operations, which enable seamless data flow and storage solutions. Agnieszka’s comprehensive approach to backend development and database management supports complex applications with high efficiency.

  • Java
  • SQL
  • NoSQL
  • API Development
  • Data Architecture

Challenges With IT Outsourcing to Eastern Europe

Outsourcing software development in Eastern Europe has become increasingly popular among companies around the world. This is because of the large talent pool available from countries in this region, as well as the affordability of hiring Eastern Europe programmers. 

But even though there are so many benefits to hiring Eastern Europe web development experts and teams, there are also certain challenges for businesses choosing to go this route. It is important to be aware of these challenges to ensure successful outsourcing and thriving projects. Let’s now take a look at some of the biggest challenges of outsourcing IT recruitment Eastern Europe:

  • Lack of communication

This is one of the biggest challenges companies face when hiring development teams Eastern Europe. These teams may be in different time zones or may even speak different languages. As a result, important information can get lost in translation. Online communication also brings about its own set of challenges, with networks sometimes becoming unstable or tools not working correctly. 

  • Difficulty verifying skills and experience

When working with outsourced dedicated development team in Eastern Europe, it can be difficult to verify the experience of candidates. This is because these candidates are not met in person and face-to-face interviews and testing stages are not conducted. 

  • Cultural differences

This is a challenge that is often overlooked by businesses. However, it is important for the smooth partnership of outsourced Eastern European software development teams. Cultural differences that are not acknowledged can lead to unhappy workers and misunderstandings in the workplace. 

  • Being unavailable

Remote workers may often work on more than one project at a time, resulting in poor productivity and being unavailable at crucial times. Luckily, this can easily be avoided by investing in a dedicated team that is focused on one client at a time. 

  • Complicated billing methods

Unfortunately, there is still no one-click solution when it comes to transferring money overseas. This often makes it difficult to pay for services offered by outsourced software developer Eastern Europe teams. In turn, this can cause delays in service offerings. 

  • Confusing tax laws

In Eastern Europe, the taxation system can vary largely between countries and often confuse companies looking to outsource Eastern Europe software development. This is why many businesses turn to outsourcing vendors to ensure they comply fully with the tax laws when hiring programmers in Eastern Europe. Doing it yourself can lead to challenging non-compliance. 

  • Leaking sensitive information

All businesses have sensitive data that needs to be protected at all costs. This can include personal information about clients or staff. When hiring developer Eastern Europe teams, this data can become vulnerable to data leaks. It’s, therefore, very important for businesses to have security measures in place before outsourcing. 

Hire developers in other Countries

Delve into the international talent market to enrich your team with skilled developers from multiple countries. Utilize their unique viewpoints and specialized knowledge to fuel innovation and progress in your technology initiatives.

How can these challenges be overcome?

Luckily, all the challenges mentioned above can easily be overcome by implementing the right processes and structures right from the start. 

  • Communication challenges 

When outsourcing or nearshoring Eastern Europe development teams, businesses can invest in accessible communication platforms that are easy to use by everyone. 

  • Challenges with verifying experience

To successfully verify skills and experience when opting to hire developer in Europe, it is best to work with an outsourcing company or recruiter who can take care of these processes. 

  • Overcoming cultural differences 

When outsourcing or nearshoring in Eastern Europe, it’s important to understand that there may be some cultural differences between in-house teams and remote workers. It is essential to acknowledge these differences right from the start and make everyone feel welcome. A good onboarding process can help with this. 

  • Billing and tax challenges 

Payment and tax compliance challenges can easily be overcome by working with a reputable tax agency in the country where workers are outsourced or partnering with an outsourcing vendor. These organizations understand how the billing and tax procedures work in their countries of origin. 

  • Avoiding the leaking of sensitive information 

Protecting sensitive data is important when outsourcing. This can be done by putting robust security measures in place such as firewalls and passwords. It can also be useful to put candidates through a screening process before sharing sensitive data with them. 

With the right measures in place, outsourcing to Europe can be highly rewarding for businesses. Some of the biggest benefits include gaining access to highly skilled developers and IT specialists, accessing advanced hardware and software, saving valuable money and scaling without too many risks. 

Finding the right hiring process for outsourcing to Eastern Europe 

When deciding to hire IT developers Eastern Europe, it’s important to carefully consider the hiring process. It is possible to make use of online hiring platforms, however, this can be a lengthy process. It is also difficult to verify the skills and experience of developers on freelancing and remote work hiring platforms. This is why many businesses turn to partner with reputable outsourcing companies, such as Mobilunity. 
Based in Ukraine, Mobilunity is a provider of talented developers and IT specialists to businesses around the world. With us, clients can put together a highly skilled and experienced dedicated development team in Eastern Europe at affordable rates. Our team works with businesses from the initial recruitment processes to the completion of their projects to ensure successful partnerships from start to finish.

TOP-3 Eastern European Countries to Hire Developers Eastern Europe

Ukraine, Poland, and Romania may be considered as the top 3 countries to hire dedicated developers in Eastern Europe.

  • Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the top software development outsourcing destinations with 23,800 IT graduates per annum, 185,000 developers countrywide, 4,000 tech companies and an increasing rate of IT services exports that are excepted to reach $8,4 billion by 2025. Ukrainian and Kyiv developers, in particular, are known but not limited to their top-level JavaScript, Python, Magento, Scala, Unity skills, and more.

Let’s compare salaries of such in-demand developers as JavaScript coders. In Ukraine for these programmers an average monthly net salary is only $2,866 in Ukraine (based on our Recruiting Team research over several local job portals). At the same time, a US JavaScript developer with the same skills and experience makes $8,330 monthly.

  • Poland

Poland has 250,000+ IT experts skilled in diverse technologies. About 20% of Polish programmers are involved in software development outsourcing services. The average salary of a developer in Poland is also affordable. 

  • Romania

Romania has 59 universities with technical specialties and a strong education base that produces 64,000+ IT graduates yearly. Romanian software developers are known for their strong developement skills, dedicated approach, and affordable rates.

Are you looking for talented developers to work solely on your project? You’re in the right place to go!

3 Ways to Hire Developers in Eastern Europe

The three main ways to hire the best developers in Eastern Europe include:

  • Freelance
  • Outsourcing
  • Outstaffing

While hiring a freelance Eastern European developer is the quickest way, it comes with a lot of risks, as a freelance coder can drop your project any time in favor of a more appealing one. Also, it’s hard to ensure the security of the data provided to a freelance worker.

Outsourcing and hiring software outsourcing companies in Eastern Europe come as a more viable option when a company delegates some tasks or even full project development to a dedicated team working remotely. The outsourcing services provider usually takes care of the team management and reports on the software development progress.

However, if you want to build a dedicated development team of skilled coders with expertise in required for your needs technologies to work solely on your project, outstaffing is a perfect solution. Such a powerful team will be integrated and fully engaged in your business and software development processes, thus, providing the maximum value to your company. If you manage to find the right IT outstaffing firm, you may receive outstanding development at very cost-effective rates, have absolutely full control over development processes, and avoid extra expenses on management, recruiting training, infrastructure, and more. Besides, this model provides amazing flexibility as you can easily increase or decrease the number of dedicated developers in your team as per the project’s needs.

Mobilunity as Company to Hire Best Web Developers in Eastern Europe

Mobilunity is a reliable Ukrainian-based company that provides high-end IT professional outstaffing services to companies all over the world. With dozens of loyal clients, including large-scale Western companies, we at Mobilunity believe that the highest quality of IT services and dedicated solutions are the keys to the success of the business. If you want to hire web developers in Eastern Europe, our skilled recruiters will find the right programmers with a relevant skillset and tech stack so that you can reach your business goals and get the maximum of IT expert outstaffing. In Mobilunity you will find a huge pool of talented coders as well as affordable cost to hire Magento programmer. So contact us right away!

Here are IT outstaffing services’ benefits of working with Mobilunity:

  • 9+ years of IT experts outstaffing services
  • Access to the large pool of skilled developers
  • Convenient geographical location and time zone difference for Western clients
  • Dedicated approach
  • Affordable services


  • What are the benefits of hiring remote developers from Eastern Europe?

Hiring remote developers Eastern Europe offers benefits like cost efficiency, high education standards, and a strong work ethic. The region is known for its robust technical education and English proficiency, making it ideal for collaboration on software development Eastern Europe projects. The surge in demand for high-quality, cost-effective solutions has spotlighted software development as a leading choice for global tech companies.

  • Which countries in Eastern Europe are the best for software development outsourcing?

Poland, Ukraine, and Romania are top choices for software development outsourcing in Eastern Europe due to their large pools of skilled developers, competitive costs, and relatively stable business environments. These countries have a proven track record of providing high-quality software development services to global clients. Hiring a software developer Eastern Europe offers access to top-tier technical talent, competitive rates, and professionals proficient in the latest programming languages and technologies.

  • How do Eastern European developers compare with other regions in terms of software development?

Developers Eastern European are highly regarded for their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and commitment to quality. Software developers Eastern Europe have a strong educational background in software engineering and are well-versed in the latest programming languages and technologies, making them competitive on a global scale.

  • What types of software development projects are Eastern Europe developers particularly good at?

Eastern Europe developers excel in various types of software development projects, including complex web development, mobile app development, enterprise solutions, and emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain. Their versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of industries in Eastern Europe software development, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

  • Why should companies consider software development outsourcing to Eastern Europe?

Companies should consider software development outsourcing Eastern Europe for its cost-effectiveness, high-quality output, and geographic proximity to major European markets. The region offers a good balance between cost and quality, providing services that meet global standards at a fraction of the cost of developers in Western Europe or North America.

  • What factors should be considered when choosing the best country in Eastern Europe to hire developers?

When choosing the best country to hire developers in Eastern Europe, consider factors such as language skills, cultural fit, tech expertise, government policies on IT, and the local education system. Also, evaluate the country’s infrastructure in terms of internet connectivity and the legal framework for outsourcing. A developer Eastern Europe typically brings a strong technical background, innovative problem-solving skills, and a keen understanding of both local and international software development trends

  • How can businesses effectively manage and integrate Eastern Europe developers offshore?

To effectively manage and integrate Eastern Europe developers offshore, establish clear communication channels, define project timelines, and set up regular updates and checkpoints. Utilizing collaboration tools and adopting a flexible approach to account for time zone differences are also crucial for smooth operations and successful project outcomes. Eastern Europe software development outsourcing is renowned for delivering exceptional quality and innovation at competitive prices, making it a preferred choice for companies looking to enhance their digital capabilities.

  • What are the advantages to hire developer in Europe, particularly from Eastern Europe?

Hiring a developer in Europe, especially from Eastern Europe, provides access to a vast pool of talent known for technical expertise, cost-effectiveness, and a strong educational foundation in IT. Software developers in Eastern Europe are proficient in multiple technologies and can offer flexible engagement models to suit various project needs, making them ideal for companies looking to scale efficiently.

  • How do Eastern European app developers stand out in the competitive market?

Eastern European app developers are distinguished by their innovative approach to mobile application development, extensive experience with both iOS and Android platforms, and their ability to integrate the latest technological advancements. Their proficiency in creating robust, scalable apps positions them uniquely in the market, particularly for businesses seeking cutting-edge solutions in Eastern Europe web development and mobile technology.

If you want to hire developers in Eastern Europe, we at Mobilunity can provide you with dedicated IT experts. Get in touch with our representative today!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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