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How to Build a Team for Сross Platform Titanium Development

Have you ever wondered how to streamline your mobile app development process, making it agile across both iOS and Android platforms with just one powerful tool?

With so many options, Titanium stands out as a strong competitor among the instruments for this task. With this free and open-source framework, developers may use a single JavaScript codebase to build native apps for several mobile devices. Titanium apps can reduce development time and expenses by 60% according to statistics, thanks to code reusability across platforms.

The information provided here will help you form a team that is knowledgeable about Titanium’s capabilities and can understand the complexities of cross-platform development. This knowledge will be useful whether you’re starting from scratch with an app or want to make your app more accessible across different platforms.

Core Components of Titanium Development

Сross platform Еitanium development is based on a set of strong components that are essential to building cross-platform apps. Each component is responsible for making your digital ideas a reality. First, let’s have a look at these basics:

  • Titanium SDK: Standing at the core, the Titanium Software Development Kit (SDK) is the engine that propels your development journey. It enables developers to craft native mobile apps using the universally loved JavaScript. This SDK is a treasure trove, offering an extensive API library that provides access to native UI components, device hardware, and more, ensuring your app feels right at home on each platform.
  • Appcelerator Studio: Your command center for Titanium development, Appcelerator Titanium studio, streamlines the app creation process. This integrated development environment (IDE) is designed for efficiency and ease of use, providing code completion, project management tools, and a seamless interface to deploy and test your applications on real devices or simulators. It’s the perfect cockpit for developers aiming to accelerate their development cycle.
  • Alloy Framework: Alloy is the scaffolding that supports your app’s structure, promoting clean MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. This Titanium framework not only organizes your project into manageable segments but also significantly reduces the amount of code needed to build your app. By leveraging Alloy, developers can create more maintainable and scalable applications, making it easier to adapt and grow over time.
  • Cloud Services and APIs: Your app needs to communicate with the web and other services. Titanium’s ecosystem includes a range of cloud services and APIs to power these interactions. From user authentication and push notifications to social media integration and data storage, these services are designed to enrich your app’s functionality and enhance the user experience.

Your team will be ready to take on the difficulties of Titanium cross platform app development if they know how to use these core Titanium development tools. This will ensure a smooth and efficient journey from idea to deployment.

Essential Skills for Titanium Development

To make it through the complicated process of making cross-platform apps for Titanium, you need a wide range of skills. Here are the most important skills that everyone on a Titanium development team should have or work to get:

  • JavaScript Proficiency: A deep understanding of JavaScript’s nuances, including ES6+ syntax, asynchronous programming, and its ecosystem, is crucial. Developers must be adept at leveraging JavaScript to craft efficient, scalable, and maintainable code that breathes life into mobile applications.
  • Mobile UI/UX Design Principles: A proficient Titanium developer must grasp the fundamental principles of mobile UI/UX design, such as responsive layouts, touch interactions, and intuitive navigation. Understanding the design language and guidelines of both iOS (Human Interface Guidelines) and Android (Material Design) is essential to create apps that offer a seamless experience across different platforms.
  • MVC Framework Understanding: Knowledge of MVC (Model-View-Controller) patterns is vital for organizing code in a way that separates the app’s logic (model), the interface (view), and the input control (controller). This separation not only makes the app easier to manage but also enhances code reusability and scalability.
  • Basic Grasp of Native Mobile Development Environments (iOS, Android): Familiarity with Xcode and Android Studio, along with the build and deployment processes for each platform, enables developers to debug, optimize, and integrate platform-specific features more effectively. This knowledge also aids in troubleshooting issues that arise from the differences between platforms.

Cross platform mobile development Titanium projects will go smoothly if your team has these important skills. This makes sure that your team can not only use Titanium to its fullest, but also master the unique challenges of cross-platform app creation, making sure that they can deliver high-quality mobile apps that meet the needs of users on all platforms.

Additionally, integrating Node JS development practices with custom SaaS development strategies can significantly enhance the efficiency and scalability of your mobile applications.

Roles and Responsibilities in a Titanium App Development Team

For your project to succeed, you need to put together a team with clear roles and duties. Here is a list of the important people on a Titanium development team:

Project Manager

  • Role and Responsibilities: PM is the center of the project, responsible for steering it from conception to completion. They oversee the planning, execution, and closing of the project, ensuring that it meets all milestones, deadlines, and budget constraints. The PM liaises between the development team and stakeholders, communicates project progress, and manages risks and issues.
  • Skills and Experience: A successful PM in the Titanium app development sphere should possess strong leadership skills, excellent communication abilities, and a knack for problem-solving. Experience in project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum) and tools (e.g., JIRA, Trello) is essential. Knowledge of the mobile development lifecycle and familiarity with cross-platform challenges are also beneficial.

Titanium Developers

  • Role and Responsibilities: Titanium Developers are the architects and builders of the application. Their duties include writing, testing, and debugging code, ensuring the app functions seamlessly across different platforms. They collaborate with UI/UX designers to integrate the application’s design and work with QA engineers to resolve bugs.
  • Skills and Experience: Proficiency in JavaScript is paramount, alongside a solid understanding of the Titanium SDK, Alloy framework, and mobile app development principles. Experience with common APIs, cloud services, and basic knowledge of native iOS and Android development environments are also valuable.

UI/UX Designer

  • Role and Responsibilities: UI/UX Designers are tasked with crafting the visual and interactive elements of the app. They ensure the application is not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly and accessible. Key tasks include creating wireframes, prototypes, and design mockups, adhering to platform-specific design guidelines, and collaborating with developers to bring their designs to life.
  • Skills and Experience: A strong portfolio demonstrating expertise in mobile app design, proficiency in design tools (e.g., Sketch, Adobe XD), and a deep understanding of UI/UX principles, particularly for Titanium mobile platforms, are essential. The ability to communicate design ideas effectively and adapt designs based on feedback is also crucial.

QA Engineer

  • Role and Responsibilities: QA Engineers are the guardians of app quality. They are responsible for designing and executing test plans to identify bugs and ensure the app meets all functional and performance requirements. They play a crucial role in maintaining the product’s quality, usability, and reliability.
  • Skills and Experience: Experience with automated and manual testing tools, a keen eye for detail, and a thorough understanding of the mobile app development lifecycle are essential. Familiarity with cross-platform testing strategies and tools specific to Titanium apps is highly advantageous.

DevOps/SysAdmin (Part-time)

  • Role and Responsibilities: The DevOps or SysAdmin role, often part-time in mobile development projects, involves managing the infrastructure that supports the app’s development and deployment. This includes continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, server management, and monitoring app performance.
  • Skills and Experience: Proficiency in CI/CD tools, experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure), and knowledge of scripting languages are crucial. An understanding of security best practices and performance optimization is also important.

Each member of a Titanium app development team plays a critical role, contributing their unique skills and expertise to deliver high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications.

Recruiting Your Titanium Development Team

Recruiting the right talent for your Titanium development team is crucial for the success of your project. Here’s how you can identify ideal candidates and the effective channels for finding them:

Identifying Ideal Candidates

  • Technical Skills: Look for candidates with a strong proficiency in JavaScript, as it is the cornerstone of Titanium development. Familiarity with the Titanium SDK, Alloy framework, mobile UI/UX design principles, MVC frameworks, and basic understanding of native iOS and Android environments are also key.
  • Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability are essential. Candidates should be able to work collaboratively in a dynamic environment, effectively articulate their ideas, and be open to learning new technologies.
  • Experience: Depending on the role, previous experience in cross-platform mobile app development, particularly with Titanium, can be a significant advantage. For roles like UI/UX designers and QA engineers, relevant experience in mobile app design and testing, respectively, is crucial.

Effective Channels for Finding Candidates

  • Online Job Platforms: Websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor are great places to start. You can post job listings and search for candidates with specific skill sets.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can help you reach potential candidates directly. Joining groups or communities dedicated to mobile development or JavaScript can also be fruitful.
  • Networking Events: Attending industry conferences, meetups, and seminars related to mobile app development or JavaScript can help you connect with professionals interested in new opportunities.
  • Referrals: Leverage your professional network for referrals. Often, the best candidates come through recommendations from colleagues and peers.

Titanium Developers by Location

Finding precise numbers of Titanium developers in specific locations can be challenging. An informal search reveals that developers are indeed a niche community, with varying numbers across regions.

CountryNumber of Developers According to LinkedIn

Given the niche skill set and the specific expertise required for Titanium development, the rarity of these developers highlights the importance of specialized recruitment efforts. Working with recruitment agencies or headhunters who specialize in tech and mobile app development roles could significantly streamline the process and hire mobile applications developers for your team. Additionally, considering remote or freelance professionals can broaden your search and help tap into a global pool of Titanium experts.

Cost to Hire a Titanium Consultant

The cost of a Titanium consultant depends on a number of things, such as the consultant’s experience, the difficulty of the project, the desire for Titanium skills in the market, and the location. Rates can be very different from one country to the next depending on the cost of living, the availability and desire of skilled developers, and the state of the economy. 


There is a big difference in the prices of consultants between countries, as shown in the table. If you want to hire Titanium developers, Ukraine is the most affordable choice. The lower price doesn’t always mean better work; it could just mean that living costs are lower and there are more tech skill pools in Ukraine.

Mobilunity as Your Titanium Consulting Partner

Mobilunity stands out as a premier provider of Titanium consulting services and software developers outsourcing, located in the heart of Ukraine’s vibrant tech scene. With a decade-long track record of delivering cutting-edge software solutions, Mobilunity offers unparalleled expertise in cross-platform mobile app development, particularly with Titanium. 

Two Models of Cooperation with Mobilunity

Understanding that projects come in various scopes and sizes, Mobilunity offers two flexible models of cooperation to best meet your project requirements:

  • Dedicated Teams of Experts: This model is ideal for large-scale projects requiring comprehensive development work over an extended period. Mobilunity assembles a dedicated team of Titanium experts exclusively for your project, ensuring a focused and tailored approach. This team acts as an extension of your in-house staff, providing the expertise, scalability, and agility needed to tackle complex projects.
  • Part-Time Consultants: For projects that need specialized Titanium expertise on a shorter-term basis or have a smaller scope, Mobilunity offers part-time consulting services. This flexible model allows you to leverage our Titanium expertise as and when required, without the commitment of a full-time team.

Why Choose Mobilunity?

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Located in Ukraine, Mobilunity offers a cost-effective alternative to hiring Titanium consultants in Western countries, without compromising on quality or expertise.
  • Expert Talent Pool: Our rigorous selection process ensures you have access to top-tier Titanium developers and consultants, each with a proven track record of delivering successful cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Whether you need a full dedicated team or just part-time expertise, Mobilunity provides scalable solutions tailored to your project’s needs.
  • Global Experience: With 10+ years of experience, Mobilunity brings the best practices to your project.

For unparalleled success in your mobile app projects, we highly recommend consulting with professionals who specialize in cross platform titanium development. Contact us today!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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