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How to Find and Hire Fintech Developers with React / Typescript

The role of skilled fintech developers React experts has become increasingly important as traditional banking methods evolve. There’s an increasing demand for solutions that streamline processes, enhance security, and deliver exceptional user experiences. This demand has propelled technologies like React and TypeScript to the forefront of fintech application development.

React, renowned for its flexibility and efficiency, has emerged as a go-to choice for building interactive user interfaces in fintech applications. Its component-based architecture allows for the creation of modular, scalable solutions, ideal for complex financial platforms. TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, brings an additional layer of reliability to the development process, crucial for mission-critical financial systems.

Fintech applications cater to a diverse range of users, each with unique needs:

  • Business-to-Business (B2B) for Banks: Fintech solutions empower banks with advanced tools for managing transactions, analyzing data, and mitigating risks.
  • Clients of B2B Banks: These are businesses utilizing services provided by B2B banks, such as payment processing, lending, and financial management tools.
  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C) for Small Businesses: Fintech platforms offer small businesses access to tailored financial services, including invoicing, accounting, and point-of-sale solutions.
  • Consumers: Individuals benefit from fintech innovations through banking apps, investment platforms, and digital wallets, simplifying their financial lives.

Fintech Research

Research by McKinsey indicates that the fintech industry is set for exponential growth, outpacing traditional banking sectors with a threefold increase in revenues between 2023 and 2028. In fact, fintechs have already captured a notable share of the global banking sector’s revenue, signaling a shift towards digital-first financial services. By 2028, this share is anticipated to exceed $400 billion.

As the fintech sector continues to evolve, the ability to use the expertise of skilled developers proficient in React and TypeScript is essential for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital economy.

The Broadening of Fintech

Fintech and New Technologies

New technologies in fintech like machine learning/artificial intelligence (AI), predictive behavioral analytics, and data-driven marketing are revolutionizing how financial decisions are made. These advancements aim to eliminate guesswork and habits from financial choices, empowering users with tools to make informed decisions.

A staggering 90% of global fintech companies heavily rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning, underscoring the industry’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for innovation.

For companies that want to invest in fintech development, React and TypeScript stand out due to their tailored benefits. Their component-based architecture empowers developers to create modular, scalable applications, streamlining feature additions. Furthermore, their declarative syntax and strong community support ensure ease of maintenance and rapid development.

As fintech continues to gain momentum, there’s been a notable surge in demand for developers proficient in React and TypeScript. Employers are increasingly prioritizing candidates with expertise in these technologies, recognizing their role in building scalable, secure, and user-centric fintech solutions.

Case Study

Let’s explore a real case we dealt with, showcasing Mobilunity’s expertise in fulfilling a European banking institution’s ambitious vision for a modernized digital banking React finance app.

Client’s Requirement:

Mobilunity received a tailored request from a leading bank in France eager to modernize its digital banking services. They envisioned to create a full stack banking application using React, capable of handling intricate financial transactions securely and efficiently. The technology stack specified included React for the frontend and TypeScript for the backend.

The Challenge:

Meeting the client’s expectations within the tight timeframe posed a significant challenge for Mobilunity. The project demanded 2 experts, with not only technical expertise in React and TypeScript but also a profound understanding of the financial industry’s stringent regulations and security protocols. Additionally, integrating new features seamlessly with the bank’s outdated systems, lacking documentation, added complexity to the task.

Recruitment Process:

To address the client’s needs, Mobilunity’s recruitment team took on an exhaustive search. Using our extensive network and databases, we screened 75 candidates for technical proficiency and industry-specific knowledge. The process encompassed technical screenings, cultural fit assessments, and client interviews to find the perfect match.

The recruitment funnel showcased Mobilunity’s reach and effectiveness:

  • Total Approached: 75 candidates
  • Expressed Interest: 38
  • Interviewed: 12
  • Hired: 2, all with pertinent fintech experience

Solutions and Outcomes:

Mobilunity devised a tailored onboarding for the selected React JS developers, delving deep into financial regulatory standards and providing specific training on the client’s legacy systems. Continuous learning ensured that developers stayed abreast of fintech innovations and security best practices. To further support the integration of the new hires into the project, Mobilunity facilitated seamless accounting and administrative services, enabling developers to focus on their core responsibilities without the burden of logistical concerns. This comprehensive approach not only ensured adherence to stringent security measures but also enhanced the overall efficiency and productivity of the development team.

Client Feedback:

The strategic recruiting and HR support provided by Mobilunity greatly aided in the seamless execution and integration of the project, which greatly pleased the customer. Increased digital engagement was a direct result of the application’s successful implementation, allowing the bank to achieve a key objective.

How Our Recruiters Approach the Search

Our Recruitment Steps

When you hire TypeScript developers from us, we follow a comprehensive approach to find the best-fit developers for your project:

  • Understanding Client Needs: We start by gaining a deep understanding of your project requirements, including technical skills, industry expertise, and cultural fit.
  • Skill Mapping and Market Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of the market to identify the most relevant skill sets and trends in the fintech sector.
  • Sourcing Candidates: Leveraging our extensive network and specialized databases, we source candidates from various channels.
  • Screening and Initial Assessment: Candidates undergo rigorous screening to assess their technical competencies, experience, and suitability for the role.
  • Technical Assessments: We administer technical assessments to evaluate candidates’ proficiency in React, TypeScript, and other relevant technologies.
  • Cultural Fit and Soft Skills Assessment: In addition to technical skills, we assess candidates for cultural fit and soft skills essential for collaboration and effective communication.
  • In-depth Interviews: Shortlisted candidates undergo in-depth interviews to look deeper into their experience, problem-solving abilities, and alignment with your project goals.
  • Client Interviews: Candidates who pass our internal assessments proceed to interviews with you, ensuring alignment with your expectations and objectives.
  • Reference and Background Checks: We conduct thorough reference and background checks to verify candidates’ credentials and ensure their reliability.
  • Offer and Onboarding: Once a candidate is selected, we assist with the offer process and provide tailored onboarding support to facilitate a smooth transition into your project.

Where to Find React/TypeScript Fintech Developers

To find and hire React developers with top skills and experience, consider the following channels:

  • Freelance Platforms: Platforms like Toptal, Arc, and Upwork offer access to a pool of vetted freelancers with expertise in React, TypeScript, and fintech development.
  • Niche Sites and Communities: Explore niche sites and communities where React and TypeScript developers congregate, such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, and specialized fintech forums.
  • Partnering with Trusted Fintech Development Companies: Hiring an in-house team can be costly and challenging. Partnering with trusted companies like Mobilunity provides access to rigorously vetted developers, ensuring quality hires without the hassle of recruitment, onboarding, and training.

How to Interview and Test Candidate’s Experience

Preparing for the Interview

Before the interview:

  • Identify key job areas
  • Tailor assessment questions
  • Ensure a mix of tech knowledge, practical skills, and experience in the questions.

Conducting the Technical Test

During the technical assessment:

  • Choose appropriate test format
  • Mirror real-world tasks
  • Outline evaluation criteria clearly

Conducting the Interview

During the interview:

  • Blend technical questions with behavioral and situational inquiries 
  • Encourage candidates to utilize the STAR technique with specific examples of their skills and achievements.

Post-Interview Assessment

After the interview:

  • Review responses and interaction
  • Assess alignment with company values
  • Seek team input for diverse perspectives
  • Consider all aspects for suitability

Mobilunity – Your Trustful Partner

Mobilunity stands as a dependable source for securing top-tier React/Typescript Fintech engineers. Since our establishment in 2010, we’ve catered to over 40 satisfied clients across diverse global destinations. Our recruitment team possesses the capability to source specialists from every corner of the world, ensuring a vast talent pool.

Moreover, we boast a track record of successfully filling Fintech developer positions for our esteemed clients, showcasing our proficiency in matching talent with requirements effectively.

For seamless collaboration, Mobilunity offers two distinct models of cooperation:

  • Dedicated Teams of Experts: Ideal for large-scale projects, our dedicated teams provide a cohesive unit of specialists fully committed to your project’s success. 
  • Part-Time Consultants: For short-term projects or endeavors with lighter workloads, our part-time consultants offer flexible solutions tailored to your requirements.


  • What key skills are crucial when hiring developers for React/TypeScript banking applications?

Key skills when hiring financial & banking software developers include proficiency in React and TypeScript, understanding of banking regulations, experience with API integration, and knowledge of security best practices.

  • How does employing React and TypeScript developers benefit the development of banking applications?

Employing React and TypeScript developers ensures the creation of scalable, efficient, and maintainable banking applications with intuitive user interfaces and robust security features.

  • Can we interview and select React/TypeScript developers for our banking application projects directly?

Yes, you can interview and select React/TypeScript developers directly. Mobilunity offers recruitment services to help you find and hire skilled developers tailored to your project requirements.

  • Is it possible to hire React/TypeScript developers for both short-term and ongoing banking projects?

Yes, it’s possible. Mobilunity provides flexible hiring models, allowing you to hire React/TypeScript developers for short-term projects or engage them as part of dedicated teams for ongoing projects, depending on your needs.

Want to hire top Fintech developers React experts for application development? Talk to Mobilunity to find the best candidates for your project.

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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