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How to Hire Fintech App Developer for a Banking Platform with Java and Android

Fintech has revolutionized banking, improving operational efficiency and client satisfaction. Strong computer languages and platforms like Java and Android drive this transformation. They are necessary for secure and dynamic financial apps.

Java is great for banking app backend systems because it’s portable, fast, and secure. Android, the world’s most popular mobile operating system, makes banking apps accessible to many consumers. They make a great combo for fintech and finance developers who wish to create cutting-edge apps.

  • High User Transaction Value: By the year 2027, the estimated transaction value per fintech user is expected to soar to approximately $29,600.
  • Market Growth: According to the Financial Services Global Market Report, the fintech sector is poised to witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6%, propelling the market to a valuation of $37 billion by 2026. 
  • Impact on Customer Experience: An overwhelming 84% of financial sector leaders acknowledge that fintech is not just a technological upgrade but a catalyst that fundamentally enhances customer experiences and opens new avenues for revenue growth.

New Frontiers in Fintech

Knowing what skills a banking app developer needs is important for hiring teams that want to get the best people.

  • Essential Technical Skills

Android’s wide use makes it a great tool for making mobile apps, while Java’s powerful features make it perfect for building secure, high-performance backend systems. Also very important are skills in database management and API connections, which make it easy for different banking services to work together.

  • Additional Necessary Skills

In addition to being good at technology, fintech developers need to know a lot about how to keep private financial information safe from threats that are getting worse. Financial rules like PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) and Open Banking standards must also be followed.

  • The Shift Towards Agile and Remote Teams

The COVID-19 has changed the way people work in big ways, speeding up the move toward more flexible and remote global teams. This change has increased the number of qualified people available, so businesses can now access global knowledge without being limited by location.

  • Leveraging AI and Machine Learning

Using AI and machine learning in predictive analytics can make financial services decision-making a lot better. It can give them information that can help them make better customer experiences and make more money.

  • Blockchain for Enhanced Security

Blockchain technology has benefits that can’t be found anywhere else when it comes to making transfers safer and more reliable. Because it is decentralized, fraud is almost impossible to do. This makes it a strong defense against data breaches and other online threats.

  • Robotic Process Automation for Efficiency

RPA is another game-changing technology that can help financial companies run more efficiently. RPA frees up valuable resources by automating routine jobs. This lets talented people work on bigger, more important projects.

What Do People Who Work in FinTech Build?

Fintech coders, especially those who know how to use Java and Android, work on a wide range of projects that turn traditional banking services into new, easy-to-use apps.

  • Digital Banking: Fintech Android developers create applications that allow users to manage accounts, apply for loans, and access other banking services remotely, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
  • Money Transfers: They work on secure platforms that enable quick, reliable, and safe transfer of money across different geographies, reducing transaction times from days to mere minutes.
  • Investment Platforms: Fintech Java developers build platforms that democratize access to investment opportunities, offering tools for portfolio management and real-time market data analysis.
  • P2P Lending: Developers create peer-to-peer lending platforms that bypass traditional financial institutions, facilitating direct loans between users with automated risk assessment.
  • Insurtech and Pertech: In Insurtech, they develop apps that streamline the insurance process, from comparing quotes to filing claims. In Pertech, they focus on innovations in personal technology usage within finance.
  • Big Data Analysis: These professionals harness big data to provide insightful analytics, helping financial institutions make data-driven decisions and personalize customer experiences.
  • Investment Software and Financial Planning: They develop tools that assist users in creating long-term financial plans and investments, integrating various financial services for a holistic management approach.
  • Expense Management: Developers build intuitive apps that help individuals and businesses track and manage their expenditures, enabling better budget control and financial health.
  • Blockchain Solutions: Fintech developers innovate in blockchain development, creating secure, transparent systems for financial operations and record-keeping, reducing fraud and increasing trust.

Benefits of Java Language for Financial App Development

These are some of the main reasons why financial workers choose Java over other languages:

  • Security and Safety of Java

Java is known for having strong security features, which are very important in the financial field where keeping private data safe is very important. The safe setting of Java’s runtime and its built-in safety features, like advanced authentication, access controls, encryption, and safe coding, help lower the risks of data breaches and cyberattacks.

  • Platform Independence of Java

“Write once, run anywhere” (WORA) is a concept that describes one of the best things about Java: it works on any platform. This means that Java apps can be made on one platform and run perfectly on others without any changes.

  • A Pivot of Big Data

Java is an important part of big data technologies, which are used a lot in the financial sector to do things like find fraud, control risk, learn more about customers, and make sure that rules are followed. Language-based frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, are essential for quickly and efficiently handling big amounts of data.

  • A Mature Language

Since it’s been around for more than 20 years, Java has grown into a stable and reliable computer language. A huge group of developers and a lot of documentation make it last a long time by making sure that it is always getting better and getting help.

Mobilunity’s Case Study

Client’s Requirement

Mobilunity was approached by a prominent German banking institution aiming to overhaul its digital services. The bank sought to develop a cutting-edge application that enhanced user interfaces and incorporated advanced financial management tools, requiring specific expertise in Java and Android. They also emphasized the need for developers within the same time zone to ensure seamless collaboration with their IT team.

The Challenge

The project presented a tight timeline and demanded developers with a unique set of skills adept in Java and Android, who were also well-versed in the regulatory and security protocols specific to the European financial sector. Another significant challenge was integrating the new application with the bank’s outdated and poorly documented existing systems.

Recruitment Process

Mobilunity’s recruitment team launched a comprehensive search through their extensive network and databases to pinpoint candidates who matched the technical requirements and had the necessary industry knowledge. The recruitment process included technical screening, cultural fit assessment, and client interviews, demonstrating Mobilunity’s approach:

  • Total Approached: 55 candidates
  • Expressed Interest: 22 candidates
  • Interviewed: 8 candidates
  • Hired: 3, each with relevant fintech experience

Solutions and Outcomes

Mobilunity provided customized HR support and tailored onboarding focused on the German financial market’s regulatory demands and training on legacy systems. We’ve ensured ongoing professional fintech mobile app development and security practices. The developers were equipped with a secure technological environment featuring advanced security protocols to protect sensitive data. Additionally, we offered comprehensive accounting services to allow the developers to concentrate on their core tasks.

Our hiring process is planned out so that we can find the best Java and Android mobile application dev who specialize in fintech:

  1. Understanding Client Needs
  2. Skill Mapping and Market Analysis
  3. Sourcing Candidates
  4. Screening and Initial Assessment
  5. Technical Assessments
  6. Cultural Fit and Soft Skills Assessment
  7. In-depth Interviews
  8. Client Interviews
  9. Offer and Onboarding

Where to Find Java/Android Fintech Developers

To find the right finance app developers, you should first find a reliable development partner that knows how the banking industry works. One of these partners is Mobilunity, which has a history of putting top talent in touch with clients around the world.

Mobilunity stands out because they not only hire fintech app developers, but they also make sure that each developer’s skills are exactly what the client’s project needs. 

How to Interview and Test Candidate’s Experience

Preparing for the Interview

  • Identify Key Areas: Begin by defining the specific technologies, project management experience, or problem-solving skills essential for the role.
  • Create Relevant Questions: Develop questions that directly relate to the job role and required skills. These should include queries that assess technical knowledge, practical application, and experience pertinent to the position.

Conducting the Technical Test

  • Choose the Right Type of Test: Depending on the role, opt for live coding tests, take-home assignments, or standardized tests to gauge the technical abilities of the candidates.
  • Relevance: Make sure the test closely mirrors the actual tasks the candidate will undertake, ensuring it measures relevant skills.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Clearly outline the criteria for evaluating the tests, explaining what a good performance looks like.
  • Detailed Analysis: Review the completed tests thoroughly, focusing not only on correctness but also on the efficiency, scalability, and elegance of the solutions provided.

Conducting the Interview

  • Integrate Question Types: Use a mix of technical questions along with behavioral and situational inquiries to gain a comprehensive view of the candidate’s capabilities.
  • Utilize the STAR Technique: Encourage candidates to use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique in their responses, which helps them provide concrete examples that showcase their skills and accomplishments.

Post-Interview Assessment

  • Review Interactions and Answers: Analyze how the candidate engaged during the interview and their responses to assess both technical proficiency and interpersonal skills.
  • Alignment with Company Values: Evaluate how the candidate’s answers reflect alignment with the company’s core values and the specific demands of the role.
  • Team Feedback: If other team members participated in the interview, discuss the candidate’s performance with them to gain multiple perspectives.
  • Gather Comprehensive Feedback: Collect and consider all feedback to form a rounded view of the candidate’s suitability for the position.
  • Final Decision: Weigh all aspects of the candidate’s performance, including interview responses and technical test results.

Mobilunity – Your Reliable Fintech Partner

Since its start in 2010, Mobilunity has been a solid source of Java and Android finance engineers. Throughout the years, we’ve made and kept strong relationships with 40+ happy clients from all over the world. When it comes to hiring, we’re not limited by geography. Our recruitment team has the skills and tools to find top-notch specialists, so no matter where our clients are based, we can hire Android developers in every country.

We have a strong portfolio of successful cases that show how well we can fill fintech developer jobs quickly and correctly. To meet the needs of all of our customers, Mobilunity offers two flexible ways to work together:

  • Dedicated Teams of Experts: Ideal for large-scale projects, this model provides clients with a team of specialized professionals who focus solely on their project. This approach is perfect for clients looking for long-term development and maintenance of sophisticated fintech applications, offering stability and a high level of integration with their existing teams.
  • Part-Time Consultants: For projects that are shorter in duration or require less intensive resource engagement, our part-time Android developers for fintech startups are an excellent option. This model allows for agile and cost-effective engagement of expert advice and development power, catering especially to startups and smaller enterprises that need expert input without the commitment of a full-time team.


  • What key skills are crucial when hiring developers for Java/Android banking applications?

Key skills include proficiency in Java and Android, knowledge of API integration, database management, and understanding of cybersecurity and compliance with financial regulations such as PSD2 and Open Banking.

  • How does employing Java/Android developers benefit the development of banking applications?

Java/Android developers bring expertise in robust, secure programming, essential for handling sensitive financial data and transactions. Their skills ensure the banking applications are reliable, scalable, and accessible across multiple platforms.

  • Can we interview and select Java/Android developers for our banking application projects directly?

Yes, you can directly interview and select Android and Java software programmers for your projects. This direct involvement ensures that the developers align perfectly with your project requirements and company culture.

  • Is it possible to hire fintech developers for both short-term and ongoing banking projects?

Absolutely, you can hire Java developers for both short-term and ongoing projects, providing flexibility to scale your team according to project demands and timelines.

Mobilunity’s team of seasoned banking app developers is here to transform your vision into reality!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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