Video Streaming App Development

- What a Live Streaming App Is
- Main Types of Streaming Apps
- Technical Stack Needed for Video Streaming App Development
- Steps for Video Streaming Development
- Benefits of Partnering With Live Streaming App Development Company
- How to Determine the Cost of Live Streaming App Development
- Mobilunity Is a Reliable Provider of Streaming Development Services in Ukraine
What a Live Streaming App Is
What live streaming is and why you should need it for your business? This technology is used for the data transmission in real time so that the user does not need to download anything. Like a TV do. But the difference is that live streaming platforms use the Internet for the data delivering and give the capability to stop, rewind and even record the video if necessary. Surely, it is much more comfortable than traditional TV as it has a vast pool of functions. In this case it is similar to Smart TV player development.
Because of these benefits, now different companies develop live streaming platforms for their clients to have a deeper connection with them. Thus, it can be used in marketing, for webinars or presentations, education, virtual events, concerts and many more. Besides, now we have various streaming platforms like Netflix, Twitch, Hulu that can be a good example of live video streaming app development. Mobile apps and web platforms like that are an ideal possibility for companies to monetize their content. And if you want to develop your business like this, keep reading to learn more about live streaming platform development.
Main Types of Streaming Apps
To ensure live streaming you need an app or platform where to translate the content. But there are different types for the streamers they can choose. Let’s take a look at the main ones to make it easier for you to choose a suitable one for your future app if you are willing to create one.
1. Live broadcasting apps. It is nearly the most popular type. it gives a possibility to its users to translate a video content to everyone who has an access to the stream. Moreover, it is possible due to it to record and translate a video simultaneously. At the same time other users can watch it without downloading anything on their gadgets. The best examples of this type are Twitch, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Livestream.
2. Audio streaming. Same principle as previously but without video content (only audio). So this type is aimed to translate audio content in real time through the Internet without any need to download it. The most popular examples of such apps are Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music.
3. VOD (Video on Demand). This type implies that users can watch needed videos when and where they can or want. It is also supported with such functions as rewinding, pausing, resuming. It makes watching much more comfortable and adaptable to life possibilities. Most often such type is used for TV programs translating, series and films. VOD platforms are YouTube TV, Hulu, HBO, Netflix. Most often the content is available due to paying subscription on them.
4. TV live streaming app. This type makes it possible to watch TV online. It has no such functions as the previous one, just real life translation. It is very similar to traditional television with the difference on the translation channel (here you do not need to pay for the TV separately but can watch it via the Internet). Such platforms as YouTube TV, Hulu have such a function.
Technical Stack Needed for Video Streaming App Development
As the main purpose of media streaming software development is to translate content in a real life regime, it requires some special technical stack to set and maintain it successfully. Further we look at some of them precisely.
Video Streaming API
API is an Application Programming Interface that is a traditional language for creating codes for different streaming programs. It consists of various tools that can help a developer in his work. It makes the process of video streaming platform development much easier. Mostly it can be used to successfully manage video content and customize it. It is an important tool for video streaming mobile app development.
Live Streaming SDK
It is a tool for software development and means Software Development Kit. It contains various libraries, necessary documentation, tools sets, code examples, guides that help developers to build apps. It can be used together with an API, where API stands for the set of tools and SDK helps you to use and manage all those tools. Thus, SDK helps to create, test and upload apps.
Streaming Protocols
There are two mostly used protocols RTMP and WebRTC. RTMP is used for streaming high-quality media content and WebRTC is used for the real-time connection support. Thus, RTMP provides users with audio and video content of high quality and especially good for the concert translations, for example. But at the same time it requires more time for the processing than WebRTC, which is more suitable for real-time communication and used for video calls in such apps as Zoom, for example.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Right chosen CDN will provide great performance and availability of the live stream as it will place the content as near to the client as possible thus increasing the overall stream speed and platform’s performance. Popular and pretty good option in this case is an AWS CloudFront that maintains a lot of popular streaming platforms. If you are willing to use a WebRTC protocol then it would be good for you to work with Amazon Chime.
Media Player
Nearly the most important thing in the whole live streaming process as it determines the development process and depends on the purposes you set. So, it is necessary to decide which type of streaming you choose and where you want to translate it. The most common way is to choose an HTML5 video player as it can be maintained by all the types of devices. It is the best solution for video streaming website development.
Steps for Video Streaming Development
- Set your goal audience and define the niche. For this it would be useful to analyze the market and similar platforms to divide the audience and products they consume into groups. It will help to categorize your own platform and choose its main direction.
- Build a monetization strategy. It mainly depends on the goal audience and its needs. There are such main models: fully paid access (users pay to download the app), access for the subscription (users pay monthly) and advertising monetization (users do not pay but watch advertisement).
- Build a team. Video streaming application development is a complex process that requires dedication of different specialists. That is why you should pay attention to it and find professionals with necessary expertise and experience. You can learn more about it from the next parts of this article.
- Set the technical stack precisely. We have already discussed previously some main points needed for the streaming app development, besides them it may be good to use media processing platform, storage, database providers, and managed chat for streaming.
- Learn legal requirements. According to the place of your app delivery there will be different legal regulations. And, first of all, it is a data protection regulation as you gain and keep personal information of the users.
- Create good UX/UI. Not only the tech side is important, but also the design that can make your product pleasant for the user and increase the usage of itself in such a way. The general advice is to make the platform simple so that it would be intuitively understandable for the customers.
- Add some special features. It is important to have some sparkle in your app or platform to make it special and competitive as it will differ somehow from the competitors’ platforms. It can be something unusual indesign or some special tool. The point is that it should be interesting for the users and make their experience of interaction with your app more pleasant than experience with other similar apps.
- Create and test the MVP. MVP is a more common app mainly with basic functions to test the concept of the platform you have developed during the previous steps. There are some must-have features for the live streaming MVP, that include:
- Sign up and sign in window
- Live streaming function to produce translations
- Search window
- User profile
- Gallery of all the user’s videos
- Ability to comment and rate the content
Benefits of Partnering With Live Streaming App Development Company
Maybe you have found the video streaming app development process a bit complicated and cannot imagine doing it by yourself. We understand it, we know very well that it can require a lot of force and especially pretty much time. That is why it would be better for you to appeal offshore mobile application development and cooperate with the video streaming app development company. It can bring to you a range of benefits, that may include:
- Saves your time
- Can save you some money
- High-quality result is guaranteed
- Some important specific points will be taken under the consideration
- Good working strategy
- Relatively high speed of work
- Full team with all necessary specialists
- Project management from the company’s side
How to Determine the Cost of Live Streaming App Development
We have already discussed previously the necessity to build a good team for the video streaming app development. Now let’s take a more precise look at it. Thus, your team should consist of: PM, UX/UI designer, Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, Mobile App Developer, QA and Data Analyst. And the cost of the whole development process will be a collective sum of each specialist’s costs. At the table below you can familiarize with the average monthly salaries of each named specialist in different countries.
USA | UK | Germany | Netherlands | Ukraine | |
PM | $9040 | $8263 | $4240 | $5843 | $1500* |
UX/UI designer | $6850 | $6222 | $3433 | $4294 | $1800* |
Front-end Developer | $6340 | $6010 | $3390 | $4455 | $2500* |
Back-end Developer | $9975 | $5799 | $3347 | $4305 | $2500* |
Mobile App Developer | $7710 | $7074 | $3971 | $5047 | $2500* |
QA | $6860 | $6410 | $3410 | $4444 | $2200* |
Data Analyst | $7260 | $6789 | $3443 | $4810 | $1500* |
*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.
As you can see, streaming app development services in Ukraine may be a cost-effective solution for your business.
Mobilunity Is a Reliable Provider of Streaming Development Services in Ukraine
Mobilunity is a Ukrainian company with more than 12 years experience in giving IT services. There are more than 40 clients from 15 countries all over the world. They include such companies as Pafin, BYG-E, XPLG, i-doit, Esurance, OnTrack Retail, CampToCamp, Zenchef, Booqable, Paidy and many more!
Here you can hire specialists no matter what needs you have! For this exist two ways of cooperation: dedicated teams of developers that are super suitable for large projects, and part-time consultancy services Mobilunity that are a good idea for the short-term projects or projects with a small load.
So, you can find a team for the video live streaming app development no matter what the scale of the project is. From our side high quality services and great results are guaranteed.
Looking for a team for video streaming app development? Do not waste time, contact Mobilunity!
Disclaimer: All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate numbers based on the research done by our in-house Marketing Research Team. Please use these numbers as a reference for comparison only. Feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.