Save your team 100+ hours annually with
our Pro Technical Interview Service

Transform your hiring processes by delegating the time-consuming technical candidate assessment to experts, ensuring your team spends their time speaking only to TOP candidates.

Contact us
Our technical interview as a service is for you if you are facing
Exhaustive, Unproductive Interviews

Your team spends endless time interviewing instead of focusing on their job.

Trial Period Failures

Your new team member cannot perform to the expected standard… a fact that an initial tech screening should have caught.

Lack of In-House Expertise

Does your staff have the expertise to check that a candidate has the skills you’re after? If not, how can you be sure they’re the right fit?

Scalability Challenges

Your business is rapidly growing or hiring for multiple roles and cannot handle the volume of technical interviewing.

Numerous Incompatible Candidates

Your external recruiters send a vast number of unverified candidates your way that you are unable to process yourself.

Book a call now
With our candidates technical assessment, you will get:
Comprehensive interview summaries tailored to your project’s needs
Receive in-depth candidate assessment reports that outline a candidates' expertise, key skills and suitability for the role.
Increase your interview-to-offer conversion rate by 40%
Optimize your hiring and see a significant uplift in your talent acquisition success when you receive a candidate sample based on quality, rather than quantity.
A humane and high-quality experience for the candidates
You’re not the only one who benefits. A more personalized and empathetic interview process enables candidates to present their skills and personality more effectively.

Time is money We save yours.

Here’s how our process works:
Stage 1.

Get in touch. We’ll walk through our service and you can ask any questions.

YOU SPEND 30 mins
Stage 2

Share the technical ins and outs of your project with our tech interviewer, as well as your expectations for hard and soft skills.

YOU SPEND 1 hour
Stage 3

Get only the candidates that have successfully completed our technical assessment, along with their evaluation forms tailored to your needs.

Stage 4

Run the final interview to choose the ideal candidate and verify their alignment with your initial expectations.

Founded Mobilunity in 2010
Cyril Samovskiy, CEO
As someone who’s run several businesses, I know how vital efficient hiring is. There were times when my team got caught up interviewing candidates who weren't the right fit, losing focus on crucial tasks. That's why we created a tech interview service –to ensure a thorough and friendly candidate evaluation that delivers the perfect hires for your project while saving your company time, money and frustration.
Some of our clients

...and many more!

Meet our tech interviewers:


Has 10 years of experience in senior tech roles and has conducted 100+ tech interviews.

  • C#
  • .NET
  • ASP
  • Azure
  • AWS

I love tech, but hard skills are not the only thing that makes a great team member. During the interview, I focus on whether they match the specific role more than anything else.



Has over 7 years of experience in senior tech roles and has conducted 30+ interviews.

  • Flutter
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Dart

Tech interviews are bridges between talent and opportunity. My approach focuses on technical acumen while respecting each individual's unique journey. I aim to combine a pleasant experience for candidates with a valuable assessment for the client.



Has over 7 years of experience in senior tech roles and has conducted 50+ interviews.

  • jQuery
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails

A tech interview allows me to uncover nuanced skills that automated tests often miss. This is what I love most about this approach: it allows me to look beyond the resume and yield a richer perspective on a candidate's capabilities.

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