Hire Mobile App Developers
To augment your software development team

Get access to top-tier mobile app developer pros, skilled engineers, and experienced architects through Mobilunity. Our pool of talent boasts proven domain experts, ensuring that you collaborate with the finest talent in the industry.

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Our Expertise in Mobile App Development


Hire iOS App Developers

Boost your app’s performance with Mobilunity’s iOS experts. Our skilled mobile app developers use cutting-edge technologies to craft smooth and user-friendly iOS applications, ensuring your users get the best experience possible.


Hire Android App Developers

Hire mobile app developers with the right Android experience for top performance. Our remote developers specialize in creating custom Android mobile apps tailored to your unique requirements. Benefit from their expertise to make your Android app stand out in functionality.


Hire React Native App Developers

Tap into the versatility of React Native when you hire Native mobile app developers from us. Mobilunity’s React Native experts easily bridge the gap between native performance and cross-platform efficiency. Hire custom mobile software development team candidates from our talent pool to create visually stunning and functionally robust apps for both iOS and Android.


Hire Flutter Developers

Our Flutter developers are proficient in building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Mobilunity’s Flutter expertise ensures that your app is not only feature-rich but also cost-effective.


Hire Cross-Platform App Developers

Optimize development resources when you choose mobile app developers for hire with cross-platform expertise. Mobilunity’s experts specialize in frameworks like Xamarin and PhoneGap, ensuring your app maintains a consistent user experience across different platforms. Streamline your development process without compromising quality if you choose to hire mobile application development team candidates from us.


Hire Unity App Developers

Immerse your users in captivating experiences with Mobilunity’s Unity app developers. From games to interactive simulations, our experts harness the power of Unity to create immersive content. Hire dedicated mobile app developers to transform your ideas into visually stunning and engaging Unity-powered applications.

Our Stack for Mobile Development


Android, primarily powered by Java and Kotlin, is Google’s mobile operating system used widely in a variety of devices. Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization and flexibility, making it popular among developers for its vast application ecosystem. Android’s large user base offers a significant market for mobile apps, and its integration with other Google services enhances its functionality.

React Native

Developed by Facebook, React Native is an open-source framework allowing developers to build natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. Its primary advantage is the ability to write code once and deploy it on both platforms, significantly reducing development time and maintaining consistency in user experience across devices.


Ionic is a popular open-source framework for developing hybrid mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s known for its ease of use, quick development cycles, and the ability to deploy across multiple platforms from a single codebase. Ionic integrates well with Angular and other front-end frameworks, making it a versatile choice for web developers transitioning to mobile app development.


iOS, Apple’s proprietary operating system for its mobile devices, is renowned for its smooth, user-friendly interface and robust security features. Development for iOS typically involves Swift or Objective-C. It offers a lucrative market with users willing to pay for high-quality apps and provides excellent support for integration with Apple’s ecosystem of devices and services.


Flutter, created by Google, is an open-source UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language and is known for its fast development cycle, expressive and flexible UI, and ability to create high-performance applications that feel natural on each platform.


Kotlin, a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains, is now widely used for Android app development. Praised for its clean and concise syntax, it offers interoperability with Java and reduces the amount of boilerplate code, leading to fewer bugs and improved readability. Kotlin’s modern features make Android development faster and more enjoyable.


Titanium, developed by Appcelerator, is an open-source framework that allows for the creation of mobile apps on platforms like iOS and Android using a single JavaScript codebase. It provides native UI components which result in strong performance of the applications. Titanium is ideal for rapid development and prototyping.


Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language created by Apple for building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. It’s designed to be fast, modern, and easy to learn, making app development more accessible and efficient. Swift’s safe programming patterns and feature-rich environment encourage a more interactive and responsive coding experience.


Objective-C is a legacy programming language used for iOS and OS X development before Swift. It’s a superset of the C programming language and provides object-oriented capabilities and a dynamic runtime. Objective-C’s long history in Apple’s ecosystem means a vast amount of resources and legacy code are available, though it’s gradually being overshadowed by Swift.

Meet Our Expert Developers

We have several Mobile App consultants available for hire right now – check their profiles below and inquire for more!

Ivan P.

Android Developer

3 years of experience

Ivan, an Android developer with 3 years of hands-on experience, excels in creating high-performance Android applications. Proficient in Java and Kotlin, Ivan understands the intricacies of Google’s Material Design, delivering apps that stand out in both functionality and aesthetics. His commitment to optimizing user experience and staying updated on Android development trends makes him a valuable asset for your project.

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Android Studio
  • Material Design
  • SQLite

Olena G.

iOS Developer

4 years of experience

With 4 years of iOS development experience, Olena brings a wealth of expertise to your project. Her proficiency in Swift and Objective-C, combined with a keen understanding of Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, ensures the creation of seamless and visually appealing iOS applications. Olena specializes in crafting user-friendly interfaces, optimizing app performance, and staying abreast of the latest iOS trends.

  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Xcode
  • UIKit
  • CoreData

Andriy K.

Flutter Developer

3 years of experience

As a Flutter developer with 3 years of experience, Andriy K. specializes in creating natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop. Proficient in Dart, Andriy excels in building visually stunning and responsive apps that offer a native-like experience across platforms. His commitment to code optimization and staying updated on Flutter advancements ensures the delivery of high-quality applications.

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Provider
  • Firebase

Olga M.

React Native Developer

5 years of experience

With 5 years of experience in React Native development, Olga is a versatile developer adept at building cross-platform mobile applications. Her expertise lies in leveraging the flexibility of React Native to create efficient and visually appealing apps for both iOS and Android. Olga is committed to delivering cost-effective solutions without compromising on performance.

  • React Native
  • JavaScript
  • Redux
  • Expo
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Revolutionize your mobile app development with Mobilunity’s Mobile App developers!

Choose from a team of creative experts or an individual Mobile App specialist through our customized services to turn your app ideas into reality, reaching your target audience with exceptional mobile experiences!

We Cover All Industries

Real Estate & Property

Revolutionize property transactions with our mobile app developers hire solutions. From virtual property tours to seamless transactions, our developers create apps that redefine the real estate experience. When you hire Native mobile application development team candidates from us, they make property management and transactions more accessible and efficient.


If you’re wondering where can I find mobile app developers for an educational app, we can help. Mobilunity’s developers build interactive e-learning platforms, student management systems, and personalized learning apps, enhancing the education experience for students, educators, and institutions alike.


Drive innovation in the automotive industry when you hire dedicated mobile app development team from us. We develop apps for vehicle management, navigation, and connected car solutions, enhancing user experience and providing innovative solutions for the automotive sector.

Banking & Finance

Stay ahead in the digital era with our fintech app solutions if you decide to hire the best mobile app developers from us. Mobilunity crafts secure, user-friendly mobile apps for banking, finance, and insurance, enabling seamless transactions, account management, and financial planning for your clients.

Gaming & Leisure

Level up your gaming and leisure experiences when you hire mobile developers from us. Whether it’s mobile games, entertainment apps, or social platforms, Mobilunity creates immersive and engaging experiences that captivate users and keep them coming back for more.

Ecommerce, Retail & B2B

Elevate your online presence with tailored mobile apps when you hire React native mobile app developers. Mobilunity’s experts create user-friendly e-commerce, retail, and B2B apps, enhancing customer engagement, streamlining transactions, and boosting your business’s digital footprint.


Mobilunity develops health and wellness apps with the hybrid mobile app developers for hire that we offer. They provide appointment scheduling systems, and telemedicine platforms, ensuring accessibility and efficiency in healthcare services for both providers and patients.

Interview Questions to Hire Mobile App Developers

Our Cooperation Models

Hire a Dedicated Mobile App Developer

Our primary service model allows clients to hire a mobile app programmer and directly manage them full time while we handle HR, accounting, and help desk matters. With a dedicated developer exclusively focused on your project, you benefit from seamless collaboration, enhanced productivity, and a customized development approach.

Hire a Part-Time Mobile App Consultant

Opt for flexibility with our part-time mobile engineer app consultant service model. Clients retain direct management control over a part-time resource, ensuring adaptability to project requirements. Mobilunity takes care of HR, accounting, and help desk tasks, allowing you to access expertise without the commitment of a full-time role when you hire mobile programmers.

Benefits of Working with Mobilunity

Customized Solutions

We offer tailored solutions if you choose to hire hybrid mobile app developers, understanding that each project is unique. Our team collaborates closely with clients to create customized strategies, ensuring that your mobile app development aligns seamlessly with your business goals. Benefit from personalized approaches that set your project apart and drive success when you hire cross platform mobile app developers from us.

Innovative Mobile App Development

If you’re wondering where to find mobile app developers that are creative, we have the answer. Our skilled mobile app programmer experts embrace the latest technologies, delivering cutting-edge solutions that elevate your app’s functionality and user experience. Experience creativity in design and efficiency in development, positioning your mobile app as a frontrunner in the market.

Data Privacy & Security

Trust is important, and Mobilunity prioritizes data privacy and security when you find mobile app developers through us. Our robust measures include secure coding practices, encryption for sensitive data, and secure API communications. With regular security audits and adherence to the latest trends, Mobilunity ensures that your project remains safeguarded against evolving cyber threats.

Transparent Development Process

Experience transparency at every stage of development when you hire Ionic mobile app developers. Our client-centric approach involves clear communication, detailed project updates, and a commitment to openness. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients, empowering them with insights into the development process. Benefit from a clear roadmap, accurate timelines, and a collaborative journey towards project success if you choose to hire cross-platform mobile app developers from us.

How to Hire a Mobile App Developer with Mobilunity

Determine Your Needs

If you’re wondering how to find mobile app developers, we can help. Start by clearly defining your project requirements, including the scope, technologies, and skills needed for your mobile app development. Understanding your needs is crucial in finding the perfect remote mobile app developers hire for your project.


Get in Touch With Us Using the Form Below

Fill out the contact form below, providing details about your project, timeline, and any specific preferences you may have and we will explain how to hire mobile app developers. This initiates the conversation and allows us to better understand your requirements.


Receive Estimate and Offer From Us

Our team will carefully review your project details and promptly provide you with a detailed estimate and a customized offer. This includes the scope of work, estimated timeline, and the cost to hire mobile app developers.


Interviewing Candidates

If you need to hire cross-platform mobile app development team, we will present you with a selection of qualified candidates based on your project requirements. Conduct interviews with our skilled mobile app engineer talent to assess their expertise, experience, and alignment with your project goals. Hire mobile development team candidates that best fits your needs.


Start Your Cooperation

Once you’ve selected the best mobile app developers for hire, kickstart your cooperation with Mobilunity. We handle all administrative tasks, including HR and onboarding processes. Enjoy a seamless transition as you and your chosen developer take on a collaborative path to bring your mobile app vision to life.


Service Provider You Can Trust

Case Studies

Testimonials from Clients

Everything is going fine and we are very happy with the support from the team you hired for us. On the hiring side, the recruitment team is doing a great job as well. I'm astonished at how and where you find so many amazing candidates. Our cooperation is working great and we really appreciate all the support you provided us already.

Main point is that you guys were able to find the right talent at the right moment. That was the most important for us. Anton is the game changer for us. If he was not there, we would not be here now.

Mobilunity takes a lot of weight off my shoulders by taking care of such HR things, as employee mental health check, performance appraisal, work anniversary & Birthday reminders and actual goodies delivery. Those may sound like tiny things, but we all understand their huge value to the employees. It's reassuring to know that someone close by is attentive to our team.

It’s amazing we can rely on such a good partner as Mobilunity. Retention is key and thanks to Mobilunity’s inspiring work and our internal string culture, we make sure our hybrid colleague [remote part-time developer] really belongs to the same structure.

We are very satisfied with the quality of services provided by the Mobilunity-BPO team and flexibility in adjusting to our instructions. This cooperation allowed us to release the product faster and optimize the budget.

Mobilunity helps us to solve important projects with perfect selected high potential professionals in programming.The work processes are smooth with fast solutions. And all under family collaboration. We found a perfect partner to progress in technical way in our business model.

The dedication of the Klevu Ukraine team to delivering top-notch service has truly set a standard for excellence.

Especially during challenging times like those Ukraine has faced, the commitment and resilience demonstrated by the engineers have been outstanding. Their unwavering dedication has not only contributed to the success of our projects but has also showcased the strength of our partnership during difficult circumstances.

Thanks for all the support and the professional way of handling all topics and questions that came up. I experienced Mobilunity as a reliable partner which I appreciate a lot particularly given the difficult situation in your country.

We were lucky to find Mobilunity who recruited and hosts our nearshoring dev team in Kyiv.

FAQs on Hiring Mobile App Developers

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