Hire Scala Developers
To Build Innovative Data-Intensive Apps

Get top-tier remote Scala professionals who have passed a rigorous vetting and tech evaluation process. Boost your project with proven expertise and a perfect cultural fit tailored to your business needs and vision.

Hire Scala developers who have hands-on experience in different industries. They successfully solved your type of challenges. Whether you need robust backend systems or data processing pipelines, our experts can get you covered.


weeks to find and onboard Scala developers


of hired programmers complete probation


clear and transparent engagement options


hard-to-find software engineers in our network

Hire A Scala Developer
to Achieve Your Goals Faster

Connect with the best software experts with rare tech stacks tailored to your business needs. We can help you quickly fill the skill gap, speed up project delivery, or employ the latest Scala and related technologies.

Choose Your Cooperation Model

Cooperation Models 2

Dedicated Scala Developers

Hire expert Scala developers and engineers with a maximum focused approach to your project. Bring extensive experience in functional programming, big data, and cloud-based solutions. Our specialists will work exclusively for you. They’ll ensure every detail aligns with your vision and global business strategy.

Models Of Cooperation image 1

FLEX Part-Time Scala Experts

Get specialized Scala expertise with a part-time developer. He will guide your team through challenges or address specific areas of your project. Flexibly and cost-effectively. Engage the best talents who can integrate seamlessly with your team. They’ll deliver measurable results, and help you achieve milestones on time.

Specialized Scala Expertise

With 20+ successful projects delivered, our top-notch Scala developers are proficient in a wide range of related frameworks like Akka, Play Framework, and tools like ScalaTest. Their hands-on expertise ensures that your projects are implemented using best practices, technologies, and practical solutions tested in action.

Access to Global Talents

We connect you with a vast talent network of pre-vetted Scala specialists in 40+ countries across the globe, We ensure you can find the exact expertise you need. Whether for functional programming, back-end development, or big data solutions – you can quickly get the right people without local limitations.

Strategic Approach

Prioritizing stability, we are proud to have many projects with close to 93% retention rate. We ensure that you hire top Scala developers. They’ll remain committed to your project, minimizing turnover and maintaining continuity. We focus on building meaningful relations with every client and software specialist we are hiring.

Flexibility and Agility

We have built a streamlined process and extensive recruitment capabilities for over a decade. We can hire Scala programmers quickly and efficiently. Mobilunity’s crew will take care of sourcing, screening, and testing your candidates. This will save you valuable time and effort and safeguard you from costly hiring mistakes.

Comprehensive Support

We handle all administrative aspects, including recruitment, onboarding, payroll, and HR management. This allows you to focus entirely on your development goals. Benefit from dedicated account managers for project alignment, and timely resolution of any issues. With greater transparency throughout the engagement.

Cost-Effective Rates

We understand that budget optimization is just as important as speed and quality. Mobilunity provides top-tier experts at highly competitive rates. We leverage the best Scala developers from regions with lower costs of living. Eventually, to cut your cost to hire – while maintaining high-quality standards and strong cultural fit.

Let Mobilunity Take Complexity Out of Hiring

Get the talent you need, who will be fully committed to your project success. We can hire experienced Scala developers with a proven track record in delivering high-quality solutions. Enjoy effortless hiring and exceptional results.

Industries we serve

Our experience ensures a customized selection of specialists to implement innovative solutions that contribute to success and growth in your specific sector.

Mobilunity vs Outsourсing Scala Developers

FeatureMobilunityFreelancersOutsourcing Providers
100% transparent and clear service models
Flexible upscaling / downscaling of the team
24/7 access for effective project management
Reliability and predictability in meeting deadlines
Niche expertise in Scala software development
Data security, confidentiality, and IP protection
Professional tech vetting of team members
Individual approach to each client
Least possible administrative costs
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Hire Remote Scala Developers
Who Understand Your Business

Get the best-in-class software expertise from Mobilunity. Whether you need help with performance tuning, implementing frameworks, or scaling your system – we can help you bridge the gap between challenges and talent solutions.



  • {Fin Tech}


  • {Django}
  • {Python}



  • {Restaurants Digitalization}


  • {Android SDK}
  • {Laravel}
  • {PHP}



  • {InsurTech}


  • {Laravel}
  • {PHP}



  • {GIS & ERP Odoo Angular}


  • {Angular}
  • {Cesium}



  • {Media Management}


  • {Firebase}
  • {NodeJS}

We tried to hire devs in Switzerland for a very long time. We were lucky to find Mobilunity who recruited and hosts our nearshoring dev team in Kyiv. We are very grateful that we have a partner who meets our tight scaling goals.

Philippe Lautier

I worked with 2 companies: 1 very big one and I worked with Mobilunity. And honestly, I preferred Mobilunity because the go beyond just providing resources. They establish communication and a deep understanding of your own culture.


Our problem was is that we wanted to develop a new application and we didn't have the resources. So we contacted Mobilunity to try to be able to develop this application with external resources.

Mirko Lagattolla

At the very beginning, we were looking for a mobile development firm. We were specifically looking for vendors that we could trust. That's definitely what we found when we were working with Mobilunity.

The dedication of the Klevu Ukraine team to delivering top-notch service has truly set a standard for excellence.
Especially during challenging times like those Ukraine has faced, the commitment and resilience demonstrated by the engineers have been outstanding. Their unwavering dedication has not only contributed to the success of our projects but has also showcased the strength of our partnership during difficult circumstances.

When one of our development team members passed away unexpectedly, and the release timeline was looming,
Mobilunity was able—within days—to provide a full-time resource to pick up the work where it was. The entire process was highly professional and needless to say, the gentleman is still on our team, and we added more resources from Mobilunity to our team. Working with Mobilunity technically and personally has been, and continues to be, a great pleasure.

Mobilunity takes a lot of weight off my shoulders by taking care of such HR things, as employee mental health check, performance appraisal, work anniversary & Birthday reminders and actual goodies delivery.
Those may sound like tiny things, but we all understand their huge value to the employees. It’s reassuring to know that someone close by is attentive to our team.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Scala Developers

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