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Ukrainian Developers Are Worth of Being Chosen

Had a recent argument with a lead of ours, from France. His doubt was, why would he consider paying for Ukrainian Development that much, if he can get development team speaking French nearby, in Tunisia, for lower wage?

We then went to the restaurant, and when he was ready to make his purchase I suggested we replace his French wine order to something half-priced, maybe from Ukrainian Yalta. He has gently declined my proposition, explaining he understands wines, and the one he chose himself was better, and thus, costs more. He takes French wines on purpose, he said. Really?! Next morning I called him to revisit both conversations of ours. He got the analogy, and we sign a deal this week.

Development teams vary in their quality, skill, mentality, availability, capacity and cost. Global market makes Ukrainian Development cost what it does now.
You know wines, I know Development. Both must be worth every penny paid, so lets help each other making the right choices :)

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