Hire Visual Studio Developer

- Overview of Visual Studio Web Development
- Areas Where Visual Studio Developers for Hire Are Helpful
- Pros and Cons of Extending Your Team with a Visual Studio Developer for Hire
- Visual Studio Development Company: Are They in Demand?
- Industries That Rely on Visual Studio Web Programming
- Additional Tools Visual Studio Programmers Are Using
- Why You Should Hire Visual Studio Developer
- Hire Visual Studio Engineer at Mobilunity
Few integrated development environments have made an impact on the level that Visual Studio has. This tool from Microsoft brought a level of organization to the coding experience that was unparalleled when it was introduced in 1997. Since then, it has become even better, containing major features for modern software development. SSIS developer and others lean heavily on this integrated development environment to develop database applications, web apps, and even systems software.

Overview of Visual Studio Web Development
The Visual Studio web development package consists of:
- Visual C++
- Visual C#
- Visual Basic .NET
- Visual F#
All these features make web development with Visual Studio much easier and allow you to considerably save your time and money. Using the help of Visual Studio web developer allows companies to create their own console and graphics applications as well as websites, and applications for all kinds of platforms. The Visual Studio programming process also includes various tools for code customization and form editing which makes the process of web development times faster. Up to this day, there are more than 10 packages of Microsoft Visual Studio and most of them are widely used for various purposes.
Areas Where Visual Studio Developers for Hire Are Helpful
The first real big win for enterprises is the sheer versatility of Visual Studio. This has seen developers skilled with the tool developing solutions in all of the following software areas:
- Web applications – The IDE supports the development of apps using active server pages as well as modern web development frameworks such as ASP.NET MVC.
- Desktop apps – Visual Studio development tools are ideal for developing apps that run on all modern versions of the Windows operating system. It has the most extensive support for operating system features and libraries.
- .NET libraries and systems development – The IDE has excellent support for systems developers who need to craft software libraries to be used by others in their organization or external customers.
- Game development – Though many first-class game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity come with their own IDEs, Visual Studio programming software is a very capable IDE for game development. Its support for languages such as Microsoft Visual C++, C#, F#, Visual Basic, and others, ensures that it can be used with a large cross-section of game engines.
- Mobile development – Users of the IDE can use mobile development libraries such as Xamarin to develop mobile applications.
- JavaScript and open source development – With support for universal languages like JavaScript, the platforms that the IDE can develop for has exploded. This means developers using the IDE can code software for Node.js, Ember.js, Socket.IO, React Native, and many others from a single IDE.
As you see, Visual Studio web development has an extensive list of features that can cover many needs of various companies, which makes this software one of the most popular ones in the world.
Pros and Cons of Extending Your Team with a Visual Studio Developer for Hire
As you can see, any freelance Visual Studio programmer is capable of contributing an immense value across the entire stack and range of platforms. Microsoft’s support for this IDE includes training programs and up to date learning resources. For modern businesses that need to target not just mobile or desktop, but all relevant platforms, this makes these developers very valuable. Whether your choice is to develop in C++ for a stock trading system, or in C# for a corporate mobile app for Android, you can find talent from the Microsoft community with the right background.
Obviously, there are pros and cons to your decision to hire Visual Studio developer, however, you should keep in mind your project’s or company’s needs while doing that. If you are not sure about whether or not such a specialist will be a valuable addition to your team, you can always turn to any Visual Studio agency for a consult. In the realm of Visual Studio development, a team comprising a Cisco Spark developer, eCommerce web site developer, and Demandware certified developer can create custom, high-performing, and secure applications that enable businesses to expand their online reach, engage customers, and drive revenue growth.
Want to Hire Visual Studio Developer? Learn About Him First!
First of all, let’s make it clear, who a Visual Studio web developer is in the first place. Visual Studio developers are users of the IDE who leverage its supported libraries to build a range of solutions. The actual languages and libraries that are supported include Visual C++ and C#, alongside many others, but all available in the IDE. A few blockbuster historical features made the product the obvious winner for many programmers in the field, including:
- Support for all Microsoft’s programming languages in one IDE
- Library support for everything to do with Windows development in the IDE
- Advanced intelligence
- Elimination of building and compile complexity
In this post, we will explore the areas that a Microsoft Visual Studio developer can help your business with. We will also uncover why using Microsoft Visual Studio is a suitable approach to software development for the enterprise.
Visual Studio Development Company: Are They in Demand?
With such a wide range of opportunities that are being opened up by Visual Studio for programming, it is only obvious, that the demand for these technologies is rising day by day. You can see yourself from this report, that Visual Studio is the most popular technology among all of its competitors. Also, according to the very same report, among all of the websites that hire Visual Studio programmer for their needs, 88% use the 7th version of it. Its popularity is also determined by the fact, that with each year this technology gets updated and receives new features. However, some beginner programmers are often scared away by this, as new features often mean more complexity to the technology itself. Visual Studio’s focus on Windows is both its biggest strength and its greatest weakness. It will cover the bulk of what a Windows-focused developer needs, while it is not as focused on accommodating other platforms. The following table gives you a handy guide to the pros and cons of this tool.
Industries That Rely on Visual Studio Web Programming
Below are some industries and scenarios where Microsoft Visual Studio software development could be of big help:

The versatility of developers using the tool does not, however, mean that they are the perfect developers for every job or project. There is still room for developers specializing in other stacks. So if you want to determine if your project is a fit for the IDE, you must carefully evaluate it in view of the platform’s development strengths and weaknesses and only then decide whether you should hire Visual Studio engineer or not.
Additional Tools Visual Studio Programmers Are Using
If you intend to hire Visual Studio developer, you need to know first, that the IDE can be integrated with just about any tool that a determined developer wants to use, but it works more seamlessly within the Microsoft ecosystem. Some of the tools that come with excellent out of the box integration with the IDE include:
- Libraries – .NET, LINQ, Entity Framework
- Databases – SQL Server, DB2
- Programming languages – C#, Microsoft Visual C++, F#, VB.NET
Third-Party Tools Used by Visual Studio Engineers
In addition, certain tools are routinely used in other stacks but have excellent integration for use with the stack. Microsoft has been making the IDE more and more focused on the web, and this has resulted in interop with a wide range of tools, some of which are traditional and some recent open-source inventions. The range of tools that will work with the IDE from this list include:
- Databases – Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, MySQL
- Libraries – Boost, C++ STL, Mono, QT, WxWidgets
- Programming languages: JavaScript, Python, HTML5, CSS3, LESS, SASS
- Tools – GNU Make, Grunt, Gulp, Git, Mercurial, SVN
- Visual Studio Web Developer and Design Support
Visual Studio also comes in handy for web design and is therefore useful for web designers. The IDE comes with a web page design view which enables WYSIWYG editing for HTML. The IDE’s HTML editor makes it possible to rapidly compose web pages for both designers and developers. The Visual Studio engineer can switch seamlessly from source code view to design view.
Visual Studio Developer Salary: How Much It Costs to Hire Visual Studio Programmer
Developers that leverage this IDE work for a variety of employers and under different titles. For example, a Visual Studio programmer may have the title of “Visual C++ Developer” or “.NET Developer.” The range of industries and specific job titles creates considerable variability in the salaries of Visual Studio developers.

A 2012 Visual Studio Magazine survey showed that Visual Studio developers working for “independent software vendors” earned the highest average salary of $106,435. Those in other industries earned less. For example, the average for a Visual Studio expert working for “government” or “education” was $78,688, while those working for “corporate IT” earned an average of $95,015. Around the world, there is even greater variability of Visual Studio development cost. For example, in Germany, the average Visual studio salary is $55,793, according to data by Payscale. Glassdoor gives a figure of $76,832 for the U.S. Compare this to the U.K, where it is $46,074 according to Neuvoo. In Ukraine, a Visual Studio developer salary, according to Payscale, it is $27,464.

Why You Should Hire Visual Studio Developer
First of all, your decision to start looking for a Visual Studio development company should be dictated by your company’s or project’s needs, as it is not entirely a universal tool that can solve any problem. Hiring a Visual Studio developer would be a great choice if you are:
- an owner of a company that specializes in video/PC games’ creation. Over the years Visual Studio proved itself to be a terrific tool when it comes down to creating games of all sorts.
- in need of a custom solution. Visual Studio is great for creating all sorts of bespoke projects, making sure that your needs will be satisfied and the project will look exactly as you intend it to.
Necessary Skills for Visual Studio Developers for Hire
Before you hire a Visual Studio developer for your team, you should get familiar with necessary skills one should have:
- Proficiency in JavaScript
- Proficiency with C#
- Proficiency with C++
- Ability to work as a part of the team
- Respect for deadlines
- Knowledge of PHP and HTML
- Well-built portfolio
- Outstanding leadership qualities
- Ability to work under pressure
Now keep in mind, that while technical skills are very important for any type of developer, it is not a good idea to ignore social ones. You see, Visual Studio developer often has to communicate with other members of the team for better performance and the final quality of the product he is working on.
Hire Visual Studio Engineer at Mobilunity
The variability of Visual Studio developer salary around the world creates some room for organizations to cut costs on development. We have already shown you the great contributions these developers can make to your business given their software development skills. However, to save money on development costs, you should consider looking for a Visual Studio programming company somewhere in Ukraine, Eastern Europe and similar locations where costs are lower. You will be able to find talent faster and access more skilled developers in comparison to those, that might be available in your local vicinity. When seeking to build a tailored solution, businesses can hire bespoke software house with an optimal software development team structure, which can provide a flexible and agile approach to software development, resulting in custom applications that meet specific business needs.
However, what is it that makes Ukraine so appealing for outsourcing for foreign companies? Well, this country has an enormous talent pool due to a big number of high education institutions. Basically, whenever you outsource your Visual Studio tasks to Ukrainian specialists you can be sure that they have all the necessary certifications and a diploma within the field. Secondly, Ukrainian programmers have years of experience in the outsource as this is something, that is very common in this country. Finally, Ukrainian Visual Studio programmers, as well as other IT specialists, are among the very best in the world, according to the recent research by Hacker Rank. Hopefully, now you do not have any more questions about whether or not you should outsource your Visual Studio tasks to Ukrainian companies.
However, how to choose that “perfect” Ukrainian outsourcing company? Well, you do not have to look any further because there is one, that will be good for you. It is called Mobilunity and it is long enough on the market to know how to satisfy its customers’ needs. If you still have any doubts, here is the list of reasons for you to start working with Mobilunity:
- lots of Visual Studio professionals to choose from
- responsive customer support team
- respect for deadlines
- years of experience
- transparent and low prices
- convenient location in the heart of Eastern Europe
- fast process of hiring a Visual Studio specialist on your team
- multilingual specialists
Discover how Mobilunity makes Visual Studio developers hiring easy! Contact us now to find your ideal Visual Studio developers for hire!
Disclaimer: All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate numbers based on the research done by our in-house Marketing Research Team. Please use these numbers as a reference for comparison only. Feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.