Hire Qt Developers

If you want to get an easy and effective solution to make your project working on a desktop, mobile, embedded platforms and different operating system with a single codebase, you have probably found out that Qt cross-platform application framework would work best for you. To find a professional scientific software developer for your project, you need to get a basic knowledge about this framework, its application areas, and skills required for using it to build a cost-saving and easy-operating application. This article will provide you with all the necessary information on where to find and hire Qt developer with a solid experience and knowledge.
Usefulness of Qt Framework and Reasons to Hire Qt Developers
Qt framework is known as a time-saving solution for developers because they can use a single codebase with almost no amendments to make a project run on native speed and with a native look on different platform and devices. Thus, it gained popularity and broaden its audience during few last years, becoming an easy toolkit to use for application development.
Here is a list of platforms supported by Qt:
- Android (formerly known as Necessitas)
- Embedded Linux (personal digital assistant, smartphone, etc.)
- Integrity
- iOS
- Qt for iOS platforms (iPhone, iPad)
- macOS (for Apple macOS, supports applications on Cocoa)
- VxWorks
- Wayland
- Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, WinRT-based Windows 8 apps and Windows Phone 8)
- X11
Qt offers its own Integrated Development Environment (IDE), called Qt Creator, but other environment and Qt development tools can also be used. Qt also has a well-developed Qt Quick with its own scripting language called QML, so you can use JavaScript to provide the logic. With Qt Quick, Qt for application development is used in one project of five. Moreover, Qt mobile development became much easier because the logic can still be written with initial code with almost no changes. Qt app development can also offer such features to help to build the project as SQL database access, XML and JSON parsing, thread management, and network support. Securing the services of a freelance iOS app developer, even within a Qt-focused project, can provide invaluable insights into maximizing cross-platform performance and user experience.
Qt is not just a graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit. It worth noting that its modules can be used in cross-platform development in web technologies, networking, sensors, databases, OpenGL, communications protocols (Bluetooth, serial ports, NFC) and much more, so Qt development covers many areas, platforms, and devices to run your project on. The price for using Qt cross-platform framework is higher than Qt competitors offer but it is worth it. AngularJS framework for HTML5 and You.i TV are known as major Qt competitors, but they can not provide such functionality and compatibility as Qt framework. The price is the main reason why developers use other frameworks for app development, but if you want to make a top-notch project, it is worth going ahead with the Qt software developer to work on your application.
Where Qt Programmer Implements Qt Development Tools
Qt is not a stand-alone programming language, it is an application framework written in C++. All applications and libraries using Qt can be compiled by any standard C++ compiler like Clang, MinGW, GCC or the Visual Studio Suite. Thus, every software developer who works with Qt framework is primarily proficient in C++. If a person is a Qt software developer, you can be sure that he/she has a solid C++ experience and background. If you are looking for a specialist for creating remarkable GUI or you plan to run a multi-platform application on all the most used desktop and mobile platforms, Qt development tools are what you need. Why should you choose Qt? With this so-called widget toolkit, GUI programs get native-looking interfaces, while non-GUI applications such as command-line tools or consoles for servers can be also developed easily.
A list of software that can be created with Qt is impressive:
- 3D graphics software
- Antivirus software
- Educational software
- Email clients
- File sharing software
- Instant messaging clients
- Science software
- TeX editors
- Video software
- Web browsers
Qt Developer Salary Rates: Costs to Hire Qt Developer
The average income rates of Qt developers all over the world vary a lot. It depends not only on the experience and qualification of the developer but also on his country of residence. In the US, the average salary for C++/Qt developers with more than 5 years experience goes for approximately $80,018, while a general Qt developer earns approximately $69,083 per year. In Sweden, for comparison, the average rates of Qt Developer salary is about $53,531 per annum, while in the UK the same specialist could earn approximately £30,651 ($40,198) per year.
But if you take a look at Ukrainian specialists, the average Qt developer salary for a Ukrainian specialist here is $24,824 per year; yet, Ukrainian developers are known as one of the most proficient in the world with affordable salary rates. Thus, if you want to hire Qt developer, working with Ukrainian freelance Qt developer will be beneficial for you. You will get an experienced specialist and save a lot of money.
Qt Developer Resume Example
Here you can find a remarkable resume example of a freelance Qt developer that can help you to understand what skills, experience, and knowledge to seek in your future employees:
Find Your Ideal Qt Software Developer at Mobilunity
If you are looking for development assistance, our highly qualified QT or Embedded developers specialists are ready to help you with your project. We have a strong team of Qt developers that has created a number of remarkable and successful Qt products. In Mobilunity, we will be happy to put your idea into practice from scratch or join your project at any stage of development to help you to finish it shortly. Bringing on board a freelance mobile app developer with proficiency in iOS app development can significantly streamline your Qt development project, ensuring it caters to a diverse audience spanning across different platforms.