JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages in the world that makes the webpage interactive by having numerous frameworks and programs to perform a particular task. Aurelia, ReactJS,...
Nowadays, JavaScript is the most popular programming language used by web, desktop, and mobile developers, sysadmins/DevOps, and data scientists all over the globe. Moreover, JS holds the leading position for...
What’s the difference between a JavaScript developer and a jQuery programmer? Where to find jQuery developer for hire vs JS? This is the question that is most frequently asked when...
Node.js developers are the brains behind developing server-side features of web applications using JavaScript. They usually build back-end components, design interface for the apps with web services, and work behind...
JavaScript was initially released as a frontend scripting language for web applications that can integrate with HTML and Java, but it has gone a long way since its inception. Today,...
SW engineer may specialize in frontend development, where they design web pages, layout web page components, and create user experience interface to guarantee customer satisfaction. Some specialize in backend development,...
JavaScript is, at the moment, the dominating language for web development. According to this year’s Stack Overflow developer survey, over 69% of respondents use JavaScript for development projects – last...