VueJs vs Angular: Best JavaScript Framework for Your Project

Starting a new project or writing an application? Choosing a technology for the creation of a new product may be as challenging as the product itself. The variety of options makes the choice complicated. Compare the key points of several frameworks to understand, what is better for your project. Opposing of the most widely used frameworks is still a topic for web developers. Vue.js vs Angular: what is more convenient? Also, it is important get to know how and where to hire vue js developers and hire remote Angular developers.
Vue.js is a JavaScript framework, developed by Evan You. He also had worked with Angular during his work in Google. The number of the Vue’s fans grows fast, and it is widely discussed. Developers build functional and appealing UIs on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. If you need a VueJs example – it is used by Alibaba©, Baidu©, and GitLab©.
AngularJS is the open-source initial version of the framework, often used to create single-page apps. It is popular in front-end development among many companies, including such giants as Google©, WhatsApp©, Instagram©, Forbes©, and others. When deciding between Vue.js and Angular as the best JavaScript framework for your project, the guidance of a design staffing agency can help ensure access to talented designers, while considering the benefits of IaC DevOps practices for seamless deployment and scalability.
VueJS vs Angular: Differences & Similarities
Some developers say that the syntax of Vue and Angular is common at some points. That’s right: Angular gave a basis for Vue’s developers at the beginning of their work. But what’s about differences? In a comparison of VueJS vs Angular we should pay attention to several criteria, mentioned by the developers. However, this list doesn’t work for Vue vs Angular 2, because the next version has changed significantly with the update.
VueJs | Angular | |
Complexity | Simple in Application Programming Interface and design. Easy to learn. | There is a lot of associated information you should know to work: typescript, MVC, and other. A huge library. |
Flexibility | Flexible has modular solutions, easily adaptable to various projects. | Has a standard structure, leaving not much space for creativity. |
Binding of Data | One-way | Two-way |
Components and Directives | DOM manipulations are encapsulated through directives. Data logic and view of the components differs. | Directives are used for every task. Another type of directive is a component. |
Development time | Easy in setting up, does not require much time and changes in syntax. | Requires a complicated syntax to perform simple things. |
Size | Small, although contains a lot. Will work properly even on the cheapest and oldest smartphone. | The huge size causes long loading and performance issues. Especially noticeable on mobile devices. |
Why Use Vue.js: Benefits of the Framework
Software and application development is in demand now: it is one of the most popular and perspective fields of business. To create a successful project, developers need qualitative and reliable means – frameworks and tools. Professionals choose Vue for their work and mention such benefits of Vue.js as:
- Size. Size of Vue framework – 18-21 Kb. It is fast in downloading, interaction with the user, but it still has a lot to show.
- Simplicity. Thanks for the structure, it will take not much time to understand the principles of the framework and apply it to the project. Developers easily create small and large projects within a short period of time, using Vue.
- Integration. Do you need to add something to the existing project on JavaScript? Integrate components from Vue to extend your app. Create new apps or improve the previous ones.
- Documentation. It is so detailed that it is enough to know the basics of HTML and JavaScript to start working in Vue. The beginner easily copes with the framework.
- Flexibility. Users write the template in HTML, JavaScript, or JSX file with virtual nodes. Thanks to it React and Angular developers can also easily understand Vue.Js.

Which Tools Are Frequently Used for Vue.js
The Vue.js development environment is impossible without additional tools – small assistants, making the development process easier and faster (e.g. compilers, task runners, etc.). The popular tools, which you can often find in the Vue.js review, are:
- Bit. Create UI components and share them with others on Bit’s open-source platform. Use components of others like building blocks for your applications.
- Storybook. Develop UI components faster, explore a library in real-time, re-use components from your previous projects. Combining with Bit helps to create prototypes for different projects.
- Vue-devtools. This browser extension works in Chrome and Firefox. Use it to debug apps created on Vue.
- Templates and boilerplates of Vue. Using the templates, it is easy to create an app with a favorite setup and stuck in a shorter time. Popular variants are Webpack, Browserify, Simple, Pwa, and others.
Is Vue.js used for front-end development? Yes, but not alone, as it is mainly about the logic of the app, and not about the appearance. In combination with UI, the framework enriches interface, making your app more attractive and functional. It shows impressive results in cooperation with Quasar, Element UI, Bootstrap, and others.
Many developers are using Vue.js for app creation – it is convenient and progressive. It is easy to get into the topic and start working with even for the beginners, and comprehensive documentation proves it. Simplicity and flexibility help to apply the framework to different projects, for creating complex and uncomplicated applications. Benefits of Vue.js make it popular among the developers and it is also convenient for the users. Connect with us now and hire front end engineers or Vue.js developers to drive your business to the top!