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Hire MongoDB Developers

Hire MongoDB Developers

Full stack JavaScript developers offer the versatility of developing any part of an application, and can even complete an entire web app from front to back. As a result, full stack development holds great value for businesses, as it can dramatically reduce the cost of creating web applications due to the reduced number of developers. Moreover, full stack development also leads to shortened development times, which highly increase the popularity of hiring offshore JavaScript developer. Continuing this line of thought, the MEAN stack extends the advantages of full stack development by introducing further simplifications to the process.

The MEAN technology stack is an acronym for the four technologies, namely MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. It’s a highly notable technology stack due to its unique feature: all its four technologies share one base language, JavaScript. Thanks to it, a MEAN full stack developer only needs to master one base language in order to be capable of developing an entire application. You may read more about three of these technologies – Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js – and learn about NoSQL developers, as well as Tibco developer from our blog. Here, we will discuss the last technology in the stack: MongoDB.

Express JS, Node JS, MongoDB and AngularJS web development

MongoDB Development Overview and Reasons to Hire MongoDB Developer

Popular database systems like MySQL are relational databases, meaning they store data in the form of tables, and provide well-defined relationships among these data tables. On the other hand, NoSQL database systems, short for Not Only SQL, are databases that don’t store data in such tabular formats, but in some other format such as a key-value system, a document, or a graph format. MongoDB is among the most popular NoSQL database systems, and it stores data as documents. Documents basically store data as key-value pairs but encapsulate all information pertaining to a specific entry, which we call an object, in a single data entity. In the case of MongoDB, it uses the JSON syntax, or JavaScript Object Notation, to store these objects.

This powerful free open-source database first has been released on February 11th, 2009 by company MongoDB Inc.  It is a cross-platform document-oriented program, classified as a NoSQL database, which uses JSON-like documents. The newest version MongoDB 4.0.5 has been released on December 19, 2018. The database is written in C++, JavaScript and Go. It is able to work on most operating systems: Windows Vista and later versions, OS X 10.7 and later versions, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD. There is also a commercial version of the program, where the coders get the support from the company. The free source code is available on Github.

MongoDB is also open-source, so its codebase is publicly accessible and as a result, MongoDB developers can expect a lot of support from the online community of MongoDB developers. As of writing, MongoDB has the third-highest number of stars on Github among all NoSQL databases, with 11,892 stars. According to traffic analyzer Alexa, the country with the highest traffic on the MongoDB website is China, with 21.2% of all traffic coming from the country. This is followed by the United States (18.3%), India (12.5%), France (4.2%), and Italy (3.1%).

popularity of mongo development

Alexa data on countries with the highest traffic on the MongoDB website

Thus, from the above data, we can deduce that MongoDB is most widely used by developers and businesses in these countries. MongoDB for web development stays one of the most popular options for a long time already. Many famous companies are using it as a backend data store. Among them such giants as:

  • SEGA. SEGA Hardlight was moved to MongoDB to simplify ops and improve the users’ experience.
  • Nokia. The services of the connected world have been powered by the Mongo database.
  • Adobe. The important role of Mongo here is the creation of petabyte-scale data management in the cloud.
  • EA. The information of the Electronic Arts sports video game franchise also relies on MongoDB.
  • eBay. 99% of the biggest eCommerce store, working worldwide, is available thanks to MongoDB.

Among the other famous “clients” of this database are Facebook©, Google©, Cisco©, SAP©, Genentech©, and other companies. On the official website of the database, you will find the extended list of the users.

When and Where MongoDB Programming Is Used

As a document-based data store, MongoDB collects the information not in a structured format like in MySQL or PostgreSQL. The data stored is rather “schema-less”. This peculiarity plays a role of the advantage if you need a fast and scalable storage system and performance-critical applications. However, this database is not used for apps, requiring table joints, because MongoDB doesn’t support them. If you add such elements to the application, written on MongoDB, the performance might be too slow. It is also not ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliant, os it cannot be used in applications, requiring ACID compliance, such as those with database-transactions.

MongoDB programming is good for:

  • eCommerce catalogs;
  • mobile and social networks;
  • real-time analytics;
  • content management and blogs;
  • configuration management;
  • high scalability with rapid logging and caching;
  • location-based data maintenance.

It is better not to use it for:

  • the systems with the upfront designed data model and high transaction systems;
  • the tightly coupled systems.

Advantages of Having a Dedicated MongoDB Development Team

The main advantage for each MongoDB company is the ability to speed up data retrieval. It is possible thanks to storing all the data in a single “document” instead of putting it into the separate tables. This feature is especially helpful in the cases of big sites, having billions of visitors every day.

Among the other strong sides of the database there are:

  • Clustering. You can be sure, that there is no single-point-of-failure in the database server because of the data sharing across the nodes in a cluster.
  • Caching. The faster retrieval of the query results is possible thanks to the cashing of the big masses of data.
  • Support for Secondary Indices. For some applications, it is extremely important, that both primary and secondary index is available.
  • Easy work with data. It is easy to work with data intuitive, thanks to the flexible document data model. You can quickly build the application from the scratch or update the one you already have.
  • Data control. The programmer is able to control precisely the location of data and ensure fast performance in any place of the world.

Choosing MongoDB for web development, take into consideration the weak sides as well:

  • Most solutions are not ACID-compliant in comparison to RDBMS systems.
  • The transaction between databases is complex.
  • You have to bind the logic without any function or stored procedure.

MongoDB Salary: How Much It Costs to Hire MongoDB Developers

If you need a developer, who is able to work with MongoDB, for your project, there is no need to search for him only in your city. The possibility to hire remote programmers gives much more profit. You can choose the highly skilled performer, who will correspond to all your requirements and have the skills you need most of all. Moreover, hiring a remote coder for MongoDB application development, you make your project more cost-effective. Compare the programmers’ salaries from different countries to choose the best option for outstaffing.

  • The USA. In the United States, MongoDB developer salary ranges from $76,039 to $143,692 per year. The national average is $120,000 in a year.
  • The UK. In Great Britain, the average coder who uses this database earns £44,435 per year, which is about $58,567. The salary ranges from £15,000 to £88,000, according to the level of the programmer.
  • Germany. MongoDB average salary in Germany is €49,935 in a year, which is about $56,615. The Junior specialists have about €36,000, while the Senior developers can earn up to €65,000.
  • Italy. The average IT specialists earn €28,067 per year, which is about $31,821. The salary size ranges from €17,000 to €41,000 in a year. The bonus pay is about €2,054.
  • Ukraine. The average programmer in Ukraine earns $25,082 per year: from $12,000 to $48,000. The hourly MongoDB rate is on average $11.84 per hour.
mongo developer salary

Information is provided by PayScale and Indeed.com

Hiring the remote developers or a dedicated team from Ukraine, you get an outstanding quality for the lower price. And thanks to the comfortable location and comfortable difference in time, it is very comfortable to communicate with the programmers during the day. Outsourcing to Ukraine is a reasonable and cost-effective option for software development.

MEAN Stack MongoDB Developer Resume Samples

Here are 5 CVs of MEAN stack MongoDB developers to give you an idea of the type of projects they work on and other technologies they are exposed to.

CV#1 Senior MEAN MongoDB Developer


  • 6 years experience in full stack development
  • Building end-to-end applications using MEAN stack with both Angular 1 and 2
  • Managing NoSQL databases like MongoDB, as well as relational databases like MySQL
  • Development of cross-browser web applications and performing browser compatibility troubleshooting using Modernizr, Browser shots and Caniuse
  • Implementation of server-side code written in Node.js with Express framework to store and retrieve data in MongoDB using Mongoose
  • Processing of MongoDB data with Map-Reduce operation to compress large volumes of data

Skills and Knowledge

  • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Python, JQuery, jQuery UI/Mobile, ECMAScript 6, TypeScript, AJAX, JSON, XML, AngularJS 2.0/1.5, Node.js, Express, ReactJS, D3.js, FusionCharts, MongoDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, Jasmine, Karma, OpenStack, AWS, SVN, GIT, CVS, Grunt, Gulp, JIRA, HP ALM, Windows, Linux…


CV#2 Senior MEAN MongoDB Programmer


  • 7 years of experience in web development
  • Architecture and implementation of dynamic, cross-browser, and mobile-responsive web applications using MEAN stack
  • Writing of web service codes for a mobile application to synchronize local data with data stored on MongoDB in server
  • Development of browser-based text editor with Node.js as backend language
  • Refactoring of codes of a system built with AngularJS to implement MVC architecture


  • HTML, CSS, AngularJS, Sass, Node, Express, MongoDB, Gulp, Git, Jira, JavaScript API, Foundation, ReactJS, AJAX, Typescript, Angular 2, D3.JS, Bootstrap, GitHub, Ionic, Redux, Ext JS, Chart.js, Meteor, DHTML, XML, XSLT, Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL Server, MySQL, IBM WebSphere, Webpack, Grunt, Gulp RequireJS, Marko, Handlebars.js, WebLogic, Tomcat, JBoss…


CV#3 Middle MEAN MongoDB Expert


  • Development of an application for monitoring miner safety in different mining locations with MongoDB as database
  • Development of a technician ticketing system using MEAN stack with Bootstrap, OpenLayers, and NvD3
  • Development of an application for browsing politician profiles using AngularJS framework, and deployment to AWS server
  • Creation of wireframes to layout the UI of various websites during planning phase


  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, OpenLayers, Leaflet, NvD3 charts, Bootstrap, PHP, jQuery, Java, Javascript, SQL, C, Python, AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MySQL, MongoDB, CloudantDB…


CV#4 Middle MEAN MongoDB Developer


  • Usage of MEAN stack to develop a web application where users can post and answer questions
  • Creation of schemas in NoSQL (MongoDB) to store personal information of registered users in a web app
  • Development of an application that uses location services for emergency requests
  • Development of a web feature for getting real-time user responses


  • Java, Python, Javascript, TypeScript, Node.js, MEAN Stack, PHP, JQuery, MongoDB, MySQL, R, React Angular2, Electron, Redis, HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, Flask, D3.js…


CV#5 Junior MEAN MongoDB Coder


  • Usage of MEAN stack with MVC architecture to build applications
  • Usage of Mongoose to create schemas and insert documents to MongoDB database
  • Development of responsive single page applications using Bootstrap and Angular 1
  • Performance of unit testing with Mocha and Chai


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, ES6, MEAN Stack, Angular.js, GIT, Chai, Mocha, BDD, Agile, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Angular 2, Typescript…
Hire MongoDB developer from our pipeline

Hire MongoDB Developer with Mobilunity

If you’re looking to hire MongoDB developer, then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Mobilunity, we have excellent dedicated MEAN stack MongoDB developers that you can hire for your projects. As an offshoring company in Ukraine, the skills levels of our MEAN MongoDB developers and MERN stack developer are top-notch and among the best across all of Europe. We specialize in people, and our expertise lets us hiring specialists with different skillsets. Whether you are looking for a specialist skilled at Python Odoo or your goal is to finding PostgreSQL developer for hire we know how to help. If you’re looking to hire JavaScript consultants with expertise in NodeJS consulting, MongoDB, and AngularJS web development, you’re in safe hands with us.

Hire MongoDB developer now and boost your project’s success! Contact us to get started!

Disclaimer: All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate numbers based on the research done by our in-house Marketing Research Team. Please use these numbers as a reference for comparison only. Feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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