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Cost to Hire Developers in Ukraine in 2024

Nowadays, many people, companies, and startups decide to hire developers in Ukraine, as Ukraine’s booming IT industry plays an important role in driving the country’s economic growth. Ukrainian job posting website DOU reports that, as of 2018, Ukraine has nearly 160,000 IT professionals, 60,000 people increase from 2016. The number of IT companies in 2018 is also reported to have increased by 23% from 2017, while the demand for these companies for IT professionals has increased by 38%. This growth may well have been catalyzed by the Ukrainian government’s support for the IT industry, as it has implemented several policies to aid IT businesses, such as tax exemptions and improved protocols on intellectual property rights. The future of Ukraine’s IT industry is brighter than it has ever been. No wonder why companies worldwide prefer working with Ukrainian programmers and hire developers from Ukraine.

Cost to Hire Developers in Ukraine

You might be wondering: how much does it cost to hire developer full-time Ukraine? Moreover, how does the Ukraine developer salary compare with the dev salaries in other countries? Or if you’re a web developer, you might be asking: how much engineers make a year? Perhaps you’re looking for a salary calculator on the annual earnings of web developers. To answer these questions, let’s dive into a salary comparison of the developers for different software technologies in different countries, and see how Ukraine stacks up. While independent ERP consulting or hiring a project manager freelance can bring valuable expertise to your development project, understanding the cost to hire developers in Ukraine ensures you make informed decisions to optimize your budget and achieve successful outcomes.

Consider both the specialization to hire Salesforce developer for CRM solutions and the versatility of a full stack web developer for hire, as these roles encompass a broad range of skills that can impact overall project expenses.

Front End Developer Salary

Front end developers are responsible for developing the parts of a web application with which a user interacts. Therefore, they are responsible for making sure that a website looks visually appealing, and that it delivers the best possible user experience. As of 2018, 37.8% of all developers worldwide were front end developers. Below are the net monthly salaries of frontend developers in different countries according to PayScale:

  • US – from $5,000
  • UK – from $3,800
  • Ukraine – from $2,267*
  • Switzerland – from $6,560
  • Israel – from $4,100

Comparison of Front End Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The predictions say, that the cost of frontend developers of Ukraine will change within the next years. We can see that frontend developers rates in the UK will be increasing with each year. As for 2018, it was $1,548. In 2020, according to Neuvoo.co.uk, in the UK front end programmer earns 4,608 per month. In case you wonder how much does it cost to hire a programmer, in the USA the annual earnings of such developers will rise to $80,232 making $6,686 of monthly salary.

It should be pointed out that the salaries provided above are for junior-level engineers, thus, the costs of middle and senior programmers may be way higher, sometimes rising up to twice. Besides, you will have additional expenses in terms of taxes, and these expenses vary a lot depending on the country. So what will the best option to find front end web developer for hire? However, there is a place where you can hire front end developers in Ukraine or the whole front end development team in Ukraine at a fixed price, which includes everything starting from taxes, sick leaves, vacations and finishing with office space and equipment – Mobilunity.

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JavaScript Developer Salary

JavaScript is the programming language that fuels the world wide web, as it powers every web browser running on every internet-connected device. Stack Overflow ranks it as the most popular programming language of 2018 for the fifth year in a row, with 62.5% popularity, up from 55.4% in 2017. If you’re wondering about the typical freelance JavaScript web developer hourly rate 2020, below are the average net monthly salaries of JavaScript developers:

  • US – from $6,800
  • UK – from $5,032
  • Ukraine – from $2,167*
  • Switzerland – from $6,280
  • Israel – from $4,000

Comparison of JavaScript Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Based on the salaries which are given above you may wonder how much will JavaScript developers earn in 2018 and 2020 compared. We have compiled some researches, made predictions, and found out, that a few next years will influence various countries in different ways. For instance, monthly JavaScript developer salary in Ukraine – $2,167, in UK  – $4.324, in the USA finding a JavaScript for hire will cost you $4,343 per month.

By net salaries we mean that this is not the final price you will have to pay for a web developer Ukraine. There will be different additional fees like taxes, working spaces, sick leaves, insurances, and much more. What’s more, we have provided net wages only for junior JavaScript coders, meaning that middle and senior rates are much higher. If you are curious about a particular level JavaScript developer salary, which includes all additional expenses mentioned above, contact us and we will give you the final price of a coder as you’ve come to the best place to hire JavaScript developers Ukraine!

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AngularJS Developer Salary

There are a large number of JavaScript frameworks available, and AngularJS is one of the most popular among them. Stack Overflow ranks AngularJS as the second most popular software framework of 2017 at 36.9% popularity. Moreover, being open-source, developers can bank on healthy community support. In fact, it holds the largest developer community among all JavaScript frameworks on Github, with 1,604 contributors, and the second-highest number of Github stars at 57,596. Moreover, SimilarTech reports a 4.11% market share for the framework and a 1.57% increase in usage from 2016. Below are the average net monthly salaries of AngularJS developers:

  • US – from $6,100
  • UK – from $5,030
  • Ukraine – from $2,433*
  • Switzerland – from $7,100
  • Israel – from $3,000

Comparison of AngularJS Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The salaries of AngularJS developers will be changing a lot within the next few years. We will see how they will drop a lot in Ukraine. Yes, in 2018 junior Angular developers were making $609 and now in 2020 they get $372. This is connected to the release of the new versions of Angular, as they are being launched almost every 6 months. However, in such countries as the UK and US, the average AngulaJS developer salary rates are $4.915 and $6.410 accordingly.

As these are prices of junior Angular developers, the middle and senior programmer wages differ a lot from junior ones, as they can be almost twice higher in each country. Still, this is not a final price even for junior Angular programmer, as these salaries don’t contain the taxes and the rest of additional expenses. So you may be asked much more to pay your offshore coders at the final point. Luckily, Mobilunity always provides the final cost to hire software developers in Ukraine, so you will be aware of your expenses from the very beginning.

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ReactJS Developer Salary

React is a hugely popular JavaScript library developed by Facebook and Instagram. It ranks third among the most popular software frameworks and libraries of 2020 on Stack Overflow and ranks third among the most loved frameworks and libraries by developers. SimilarTech reports a 0.054% market share of the library across the web and a 1.26% share among the top 100,000 websites. Moreover, it has seen a 3.76% increase in usage from 2018. Below are the average net monthly salaries of ReactJS developers in 2020:

  • US – from $6,850
  • UK – from $5,500
  • Ukraine – from $2,567*
  • Switzerland – from $6,200
  • Israel – from $5,000

Comparison of React Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Here’s the answer to the question “How much does an engineer make a year in the future?” Predictions inform that annual junior react js developers for hire salary with the next few years will vary a lot from the rates above. Ukrainian software developers are making $892 per month in 2020. The annual earnings of developers in the USA and the UK are also a bit lower. In the US junior ReactJS programmers make $6,410 in 2020 and in the UK – $3,596 monthly.

Just for your information, middle React developer salaries are much higher as well as senior ones. Sometimes, senior programmer wages are twice higher as junior ones. What’s more, usually such rates don’t include taxes and other similar expenses, so these rates are not quite accurate. This is just to give a general idea of approximate rates and to compare them in different countries. So, you should be ready. If you are in your way to hire Ukrainian developers, choose outsourcing Ukraine React Node and want to know how much money in total you are going spend, hit us up and we will give you a final price of React developers immediately.

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TypeScript Developer Salary

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that improves on the JavaScript language by adding static data typing to it, hence its name. In fact, it is a syntactical superset of JavaScript, so all JavaScript codes can also be run on TypeScript. Stack Overflow ranks this language as the 4th most popular programming language of 2018. According to PYPL, TypeScript holds a 1.4% market share, up by 0.2% from 2016. Below are the average net monthly Java computer programmers salary 2020:

  • US – from $8,750
  • UK – from $5,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,433*
  • Switzerland – from $16,500

Comparison of TypeScript Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Due to the rising interest in this technology, our predictions say the cost of hiring junior TypeScript developers will be much higher by 2021, especially in Ukraine. In 2018 junior TypeScript developers in Ukraine made $2,200per month and in 2020 such a developer Ukraine get $2,433. The wages of the USA programmers have become higher as well. In 2019 they earned $5,044 and in 2020 salaries have increased to $9,750.

However, there is one point that should be taken into account. These rates provided above are of a junior TypeScript developer, thus, it doesn’t concern the rates of middle and senior coders. The last is way higher than indicated above. Plus, the prices from such salary websites can be not quite accurate, as they only say how much money you would spend on developers’ work. Although, they don’t point out how much the taxes and other additional fees will be paid. Obviously, this is very misleading, thus, Mobilunity tries to avoid such confuses, so we provide the actual price of video game developers in Eastern Europe or any other IT expert from the start.

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Back End Developer Salary

Back end developers are concerned with making sure that all the business logic within an application are correctly implemented and work optimally. Such business logic includes retrieving, storing, and manipulating data to and from the database, as well as processing these data and passing them to and from the front end of the application. Back in 2018, 57.9% of all developers worldwide were back end developers. Back end developer hourly rate depending on different factors like experience, technology, etc. If you’re curious about the front end developer vs backend computer programmer salary, below are the net monthly salaries of back end developers:

  • US – from $5,600
  • UK – from $5,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,233*
  • Switzerland – from $6,500
  • Israel – from $6,250

Comparison of Back End Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.8

Backend developers will always be in high demand for sure. According to our researches, junior backend programmers in the UK were paid $6,103 per month in 2018. As for the US, we are noticing a recession of backend programmers. In 2018 their salaries reached $3,994 and in 2020 they make $8,468 per month.

Above you may find the net salaries of junior backend developers to give you the general idea of how various their wages are in different countries. Obviously, the prices of middle and senior programmers are almost twice higher. Plus, these numbers don’t include taxes and much more different expenses. If you want to hear the real and fair price with all expenses included of a developer you need, don’t hesitate and ask us now!

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Node JS Developer Salary

Node.js is a runtime environment and JavaScript framework that extends the powers of JavaScript to the back end of the application by allowing JavaScript codes to be executed on the server-side. This enables developers to use JavaScript for full-stack development. According to Stack Overflow, Node.js ranks first in popularity among all frameworks and libraries at 66.4%, a big jump from just 47.1% in 2017. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Node JS developers:

  • US – from $6,000
  • UK – from $5,800
  • Ukraine – from $2,267*
  • Switzerland – from $7,100
  • Israel – from $5,000

Comparison of Node JS Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

You may be interested in Ukrainian website coders for hire pricing with Node JS in 2020. Based on our research the wages of junior Node developers in the UK were $5,341 in 2019 and have reached $6,147 by 2020. If we take the US, the salaries were lower in 2019 – $4,619 but in 2020 Node JS developer earns $9,375 per month.

These rates can be not that accurate, as they are, first of all, only for junior developers and the rates for middle and senior developers differ a lot from junior ones. Second of all, such prices usually don’t contain the amount of money you will have to pay for taxes, vacation, sick leaves, insurances, etc. of a developer. That’s why lots of people are surprised with the final payment check they are providing to programmers. Mobilunity knows how misleading and confusing it can be, so we give the final rate instantly, so you know how much and what you are paying for if you hire Ukrainian developers.

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Java Developer Salary

Java is a highly popular programming language that’s commonly used for back end web development, as well as to develop mobile applications. According to Stack Overflow, as of 2017, 50.7% of developers use the language, up from 39.7% in 2016. W3Techs records 3.4% usage of the technology in 2018, down from 3.3% in 2017. If you’re considering to hire a Java programmer and curious about their salary in the USA, below are the average net monthly salaries of Java developers in 2020:

  • US – from $6,000
  • UK – from $5,800
  • Ukraine – from $2,167*
  • Switzerland – from $7,400
  • Israel – from $5,400

Comparison of Java Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

According to our researches, the rates of Java coders will be decreasing in Ukraine within the few next years. As for 2018, the net prices of junior Java developers were $2,333, and in 2020 they have dropped to $2,167. As for the UK, in 2019 the cost of such devs was the same as in 2018, although in 2020 Java programmers earn $6,182 per month.

It should be mentioned that rated indicated above concern only junior Java coders, so, obviously, the prices of middle and senior developers are way higher. As it was already pointed out, these are net wages, thus, no additional expenses like taxes, etc. are not included, so at the end of a day, it will be paying much more. Fortunately, Mobilunity is here to help you out. We also don’t like such misleading, that’s why we always provide the final prices of our developers, especially when you need to hire Ukrainian Java developers.

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C# Developer Salary

C# is another popular programming language developed by Microsoft and is the language used in most Windows desktop and mobile applications, as well as for back end web development. PYPL records a 7.6% market share of the language, down 0.9% from last year. Below are the average net monthly C# development team salary:

  • US – from $5,700
  • UK – from $4,500
  • Ukraine – from $2,300*
  • Switzerland – from $6,800
  • Israel – from $6,100

Comparison of C# Developer Average Monthly Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Due to its popularity, C2,000*velopers will remain to be in high demand. Thus, salaries will continue to rise. If we take Ukraine, the wages of C# developers is $1,833 and in the UK – $4,610 in 2020. In the USA C# developers earn $9,045 in 2020.

Let’s point out that the salaries above were net for only junior C# experts. meaning that other level engineers like senior and middle are paid almost twice higher and these wages don’t include taxes, insurances, sick leaves, vacations, and other additional fees. If you want to know right from the start how much you are going to spend if you want to hire Golang developers Ukraine or any other coders, contact us now because we provide the all-inclusive cost to hire development team Ukraine at the beginning.

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Python Developer Salary

Python is popular among developers as a high-level and user-friendly programming language. Stack Overflow ranks it as the fifth most popular programming language worldwide, with 68% popularity, up from 32% in 2017. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Python web developer salary:

  • US – from $7,300
  • UK – from $5,800
  • Ukraine – from $2,200*
  • Switzerland – from $7,750
  • Israel – from $6,750

Comparison of Python Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

In case you are wondering how much junior Python developers earn, we have made some researches. In the US the average salary of such developers is $9,156, in the UK – $5,909 per month and the Ukrainian salary of a Python developer is $1,801.

Let’s be clear, the prices above are for junior-level experts, so if you are willing to hire Python coder with a higher level of expertise, get ready to pay much higher wages. The net salaries don’t contain such expenses as taxes and other additional fees. Basically, you see the number of money you will have to pay only for developers’ work. However, in case you are wondering what’s the final payment of hiring a programmer, for example, chatbots developers Ukraine, blockchain developers Ukraine or other coders, get in touch with us.

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C Developer Salary

C is a general-purpose programming language that is popular for its speed and has become a standard to which new programming languages are being compared. As of 2018, Stack Overflow ranks it as the eighth most popular programming language at 19%, up from 15.5% in 2017. Below are the average net monthly salaries of C developers:

  • US – from $7,500
  • UK – from $3,250
  • Ukraine – from $2,000*
  • Switzerland – from $7,100
  • Israel – from $5,700

1Comparison of C Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

uk*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Regarding salary rates in 2020, the junior net C developer salary in Ukraine hasn’t changed very much: in 2019 C developers were making $2,200 and in 2020 – $1,833.

We need to point out that these rates are for C programmers with junior level, thus, if you want to hire middle or senior C coders, you should be ready to pay way higher prices. Moreover, taxes, vacancies, sick leaves, insurances, and other additional expenses are not included. The rates above show, basically, the amount of money you would be spending on only developers’ work. Luckily, Mobilunity always provides the all-inclusive rates to hire IT developers from Ukraine from the very beginning.

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PHP Developer Salary

PHP is a general-purpose programming language that is most popularly used for web development. Stack Overflow ranks it as the sixth most popular programming language with 41.6% popularity, up from 28.1% in 2017. W3Techs records a whopping 83% usage of the technology among websites, the highest among all technologies on the site. Below are the average net monthly salaries of PHP developers:

  • US – from $5,200
  • UK – from $3,900
  • Ukraine – from $2,233*
  • Switzerland – from $6,300
  • Israel – from $5,400

Comparison of PHP Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Regarding junior PHP developer salary in 2020 in Ukraine the salaries have remained the same – approximately $1,833 per month. If we take the USA, in 2019 junior PHP programmers were earning approximately $3,451 and in 2020 – $5,373. As for the UK, PHP developer salary there in 2020 has reached approximately $4.097.

However, PHP developers Eastern Europe rates are given above are for only junior-level programmers, hence hiring middle or senior PHP experts you will be asked to pay much more. And the second main point, these are net salaries, so this is not the final price you will have to pay to your developers, as taxes and other additional fees are not included. In case you want to know developers’ gross wages right from the beginning, let us know. We are always providing such all-inclusive rates as well as can help you to hire Symfony developers Ukraine or dev PHP Ukraine.

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Ruby on Rails Developer Salary

Ruby is an open-source programming language that focuses on simplicity and aims to maximize productivity, and Ruby On Rails is a popular Ruby framework for web development. Stack Overflow reports 10.1% popularity for the language, up from 9.1% in 2017. W3Techs ranks it sixth in terms of technology usage in websites, with a 0.5% usage share. If you’re curious about the Ruby on Rails dev salary the UK, below are the average net monthly salaries of Ruby developers with experience of RoR development:

  • US – from $5,900
  • UK – from $7,100
  • Ukraine – from $2,567*
  • Switzerland – from $10,100
  • Israel – from $5,250

Comparison of Ruby Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

As for 2019 and 2020, the net salary changes of junior Ruby developers will amaze us, especially in the UK, because in 2019 it was $8,394, and in 2020 cost has decreased to $6,147. Unlike in the USA, the average Ruby developer salary in 2020 – $6.377. In Ukraine, we can notice the descending of prices to $2,600 and $2,567 in 2019 and 2020 accordingly.

Be aware that all salaries above are only net wages for junior Ruby programmers, meaning middle and senior rates will turn out to be way higher, plus the taxes and different additional expenses are not included. Mobilunity knows how misleading and inconvenient it can be, so we are always providing the final prices of any developer you are interested in from the beginning of our cooperation. So don’t hesitate and contact us now to know for sure how much would it cost you to hire Ruby on Rails developers Ukraine.

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Full Stack Web Developer Salary

Full stack developers combine frontend and backend development, and thus they are capable of front-to-back development of web applications. Full stack developers make up the majority of developers worldwide, with 48.2% of all developers doing full stack development. Below are the average net monthly salaries of full stack developers:

  • US – from $6,250
  • UK – from $5,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,400*
  • Switzerland – from $11,300
  • Israel – from $6,000

Comparison of Full Stack Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

According to our researches and predictions, the junior full stack web developer salary will be pretty much the same in the UK, it will remain in the $5K area. For example, in 2020 it has reached $8,817. However, in the USA we will notice how much the computer programmer salary California will be dropping within the next few years. As for now, 2018, junior full stack developers maвe $4,940 and in 2020 in the USA they earn $6,123.

These are prices of the junior level developer. The salaries of middle and senior full stack developers are much higher, sometimes they can be twice higher in each countries, so you should be prepared. Moreover, these salaries don’t include the amount of money you will have to pay for taxes, sick leaves, vacancies, etc. of a developer. Mobilunity knows how inconvenient it can be, so we are always providing the final prices of our developers, which include all additional fees in case you need to hire full stack developers in Ukraine.

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Android Developer Salary

Android is the most *popular mobile operating system, powering 66.74% of all mobile and tablet devices in the world. It is developed and maintained by Google. Android applications are written using the Android SDK, which itself is written in Java. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Android engineer salary in 2020:

  • US – from $6,750
  • UK – from $6,000
  • Ukraine – from $2,500*
  • Switzerland – from $6,000
  • Israel – from $5,000

Comparison of Android Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Here we have an interesting situation with Android developer salary in 2018 and 2020. It would be predictable if Android programmer salary (similar to Ukraine WebRTC developers) would be increasing as Android app development is very popular today. Still, we will be noticing a huge recession in prices around the world. For instance, the rates to hire Android developers Ukraine has changed from $2,267 in 2019 to $2,500 in 2020. The same has happened in the USA – in 2019 junior Android developers were earning $3,799 and in 2020 – $2,950.

Just a little note: the prices are put above belong to junior Android developers, hence, hiring software developers in Ukraine, middle or senior developer, you will have to pay much higher rates, sometimes even twice higher than for junior ones. The second thing that should be pointed out is looking at these salaries doesn’t mean this is how much you will be spending on recruiting your coders. Don’t forget about taxes, office expenses, equipment for Android developers Eastern Europe. Good thing Mobilunity always provides the all-inclusive rates at the beginning as well as with the best Android developers in Ukraine, so you know how much and what you are paying for when you hire Android developers Ukraine.

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iOS Developer Salary

iOS is another vastly popular platform that powers Apple’s mobile and tablet devices. iOS Apple’s iPhones and iPads, which together hold a 31.46% market share of the mobile and tablet market. iOS development is typically done using the Swift programming language. Below are the average net monthly salaries of iOS developers:

  • US – from $6,800
  • UK – from $6,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,500*
  • Switzerland – from $7,800
  • Israel – from $5,100

Comparison of iOS Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The situation with junior level iOS developer salary looks different in various countries. For example, to hire iOS programmer Ukraine will be much more expensive. In fact, in 2019 iOS programmers made $2,267 and in 2020 – $2,500. On the contrary, salaries in the US will be much lower. From $6,779 they have changed to $5,515 in 2019 and $5,106 in 2020. 

If you are looking for an iOS developer Ukraine and want to get more specific salaries for iOS developer of any level of proficiency, you may contact Mobilunity and we will provide you with any information of prices in case you need to hire Ukrainian iOS developers, because all the salaries above are net and only for junior level experts with iOS knowledge.

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Cordova Developer Salary

Cordova is a popular software framework for developing mobile applications. It enables developers to create mobile apps using only JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and as a result, it allows front end web developers to extend their domain to mobile app development in an instant. As of 2018, Cordova ranks as the 7th most popular software framework on Stack Overflow. According to AppBrain, Cordova holds 6.64% market share of all mobile applications, and it ranks fifth among all mobile app frameworks. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Cordova developers:

  • US – from $7,500
  • UK – from $6,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,333*

Comparison of Cordova Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

As for predictions for 2019 and 2020, we will see significant changes in Cordova developers in the UK. In 2019 devs aksed $3,082 and in 2020 – $3,709.

The main disadvantage of these app developers Ukraine salaries as they are all net, meaning they show the approximate amount of money you will be spending only on developers work. However, hiring programmers you also should take into account other expenses, like taxes, office space costs, vacations, sick leaves, insurances. Thus, the rates above might be not that accurate. Besides, they are only for junior level developers, so hiring middle or senior developers you will be asked to pay almost twice more. Although, Mobilunity always provides the final all-inclusive app developers in Ukraine wages right away, even for Ukraine game developers, Unity developers Ukraine, or any other IT specialists in web development Ukraine.

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Objective-C Developer Salary

Objective-C was the primary programming language used Apple for iOS and OSX application development before they shifted to Swift. As of 2017, it has a 7% popularity among developers on Stack Overflow, down from 6.4% in 2017. On PYPL, it ranks as the eighth most used programming language, with a 3.15 % market share, down by 0.9% from 2018. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Objective-C developers:

  • US – from $8,010
  • UK – from $5,800
  • Ukraine – from $2,500*
  • Switzerland – from $9,250
  • Israel – from $5,600

Comparison of Objective-C Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The net salaries of junior Objective-C developers will be increasing, according to our predictions. In Ukraine, we may see the monthly wage of such Ukraine programmers $2,267 in 2019 and $2,500 in 2020. However, in the UK the prices have changed from $5,032 to $4,553 in 2019 and to $4,349.

Although it doesn’t concern the gross rates, they will differ a lot from the wages provided above, as none-taxes and additional fees are included. Plus, the rates are only for Objective-C developers with junior level proficiency, resulting in way higher prices for middle and senior Objective-C developers. If you want to get more specific wages of any developer you are willing to hire, for example, Ukraine video game developers or any other coder, contact Mobilunity and we will give you any info you are interested in before you hire developer full time Ukraine.

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HTML CSS Developer Salary

HTML and CSS two fundamental technologies in web development, and today’s cyberspace would not be possible without these technologies. Though technically not programming languages, HTML and CSS define the appearance of every web page that a user accesses, and are therefore critical components of front end development. Below are the average net monthly salaries of HTML and CSS developers:

  • US – from $6,400
  • UK – from $4,700
  • Ukraine – from $800*
  • Switzerland – from $6,900
  • Israel – from $2,800

Comparison of HTML & CSS Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

HTML CSS are one of the most popular and wide used technologies among all. Thus, the demand for such developers will always be high. As for salaries, in Ukraine, they have remained the same in 2019 and 2020 – $600 per month, as well as in the UK – $4,254. Although, we may see how junior HTML CSS programmer salary have increased in the USA: in 2019 – $3,472 and in 2020 – $4,713.

Let’s make it clear that these wages were supposed to be for junior level developer, meaning the middle and senior rates can be even twice higher in some countries. Still, this is not a final price for junior HTML CSS developers, as these numbers don’t include all other additional fees you will be paying hiring coders. If you want to know how much you would spend on your developer right from the start, contact Mobilunity, as we are giving all-inclusive prices to hire a Ukrainian development team.

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R Developer Salary

R is a programming language that’s highly popular as a tool for scientific and statistical computing. PYPL ranks it as the ninth most popular programming language at 4.04 %, up by 0.2% from 2018. Below are the average net monthly salaries of R developers in 2020:

  • US – from $6,250
  • UK – from $6,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,300*
  • Switzerland – from $9,000

Comparison of R Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

According to predictions, R developer salary will rise a lot by 2020. Ukraine software developer fluent in R was earning $2,000 in 2018 and $2,300 in 2020. And if we take the UK, R coders earned $6,690 in 2019 and $7,030 in 2020.

We want to be fully honest with you warning that these salaries don’t include all additional fees hiring a developer like taxes, vacations, sick leaves, and insurances, thus the rates may be not that accurate. Moreover, the concern only junior R coders, so recruiting senior and middle may be way expensive than pointed out above. Fortunately, Mobilunity always gives the final cost you will have to pay hiring IT experts.

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Scala Developer Salary

The Scala programming language combines the object-oriented and functional programming paradigms to enable maximum code reusability and extensibility. Scala ranks at number 15 on PYPL, with 1.19% popularity, up by 0.1% from 2018. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Scala developers 2020:

  • US – from $8,500
  • UK – from $7,600
  • Ukraine – from $2,333*
  • Switzerland – from $7,100

Comparison of Scala Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Based on our researches, the USA is providing very profitable rates for junior Scala developers. For example, in 2019 the average price of Scala coders was $11,619, and in 2020 it has reached $16,227. In the UK the situation with prices remains pretty much the same: $7,425 in 2019 and $7,712 in 2020. If we take Ukraine, we may see that cost has dropped to $2,100 in 2019 and has risen to $2,333.

However, browsing through such salaries be aware they are almost all net, meaning they show only those numbers you would need to pay for your programmers’ work without any additional fees, so the final price turns out to be way higher, which surprise the future customers. We at Mobilunity know how this is inconvenient, so we always provide the final rate of the developers.

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Odoo Developer Salary

Odoo is a popular provider of enterprise solutions for business, with products such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) system. Odoo developers enable businesses to implement these products and tailor-fit them for specific business needs. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Odoo developers:

  • US – from $6,350
  • UK – from $5,500
  • Ukraine – from $1,933*

Comparison of Odoo Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

There is no doubt Odoo is becoming more and more popular. There are a lot of companies that are interested in this platform. That’s why the demand for Odoo programmers will be increasing leading to the growth of the salaries. In Ukraine such junior developers were earning $2,033 per month as for 2019 and $1,933 as for 2020. In the UK in 2019 the cost dropped to $6,039 in 2019 but has risen in 2020 to $6,768.

The rates, although, are only for junior level coder, so the wages of senior and middle Odoo experts get much higher. What’s more, these are net numbers, so no additional expenses are included. So, lots of people are surprised why the final price turns out to be a lot higher than on the websites. But no need to worry! Mobilunity is here to clear the situation out. We will provide you with any information you need right away or even help you to hire Odoo developers in Ukraine.

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SQL Developer Salary

SQL is the programming language that powers the vast majority of databases in use in many industries. It’s the technology that powers most back end functions of websites, similar to JavaScript’s role in the front end department. Stack Overflow ranks it as the second most popular programming language in the world at 57.5% popularity, up from 51.2% in 2017, Below are the average net monthly salaries of SQL developers:

  • US – from $6,500
  • UK – from $5,050
  • Ukraine – from $1,767*
  • Switzerland – from $6,600
  • Israel – from $3,000

Comparison of SQL Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Regarding salaries for 2019 and 2020, in Ukraine, these are much lower. As for 2019, the cost of junior SQL developers was $1,355 and in 2020 – $1,767. The same situation we may notice concerning the rates in the US, where coders were asking for $5,554 in 2018 and $5,115 in 2020.

You need to know that the rates above concern only junior level SQL developer, so, obviously, hiring a middle or senior developer you would need to spend much more, sometimes the cost can be even twice higher than provided above. Plus, the wages above are net, meaning they don’t include various additional costs like taxes and office expenses, etc. If you want to know your price to hire developer Ukraine, contact Mobilunity and we will give you any info you need.

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Perl Developer Salary

Perl is another high-level and general-purpose programming language that is procedural in structure. Stack Overflow reports 4.3% popularity for the programming language among developers. Both PYPL and W3Techs report a slight decrease in its Perl’s usage compared to 2017. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Perl developers:

  • US – from $9,200
  • UK – from $4,250
  • Ukraine – from $1,550*
  • Switzerland – from $6,100
  • Israel – from $3,000

Comparison of Perl Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

As this technology is gaining its popularity, it is pretty reasonable why the net salaries of junior Perl developers will be increasing. That’s right, in Ukraine, the costs were changing from $1,300 to $1,690 per month in 2019 and to $1,221 in 2020. Still, the biggest change in Perl salary has happened in the USA, where the rates increased to $12,955 and $18,563 in 2019 and 2020 accordingly.

Be aware that the prices above are only for junior Perl programmer. So, if you want to recruit senior or middle expert, you would be asked to pay much higher wages. Plus, the final number of money for hiring will differ from what you see, because these are only net salaries without any taxes and other stuff. If you want to get more specific about the salaries of any developer you are interested in, contact us now, and you will get all the info concerning the rates to hire software developers Ukraine immediately.

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WordPress Developer Salary

WordPress is a highly popular web platform and is by far the most popular content management system for websites according to both BuiltWith and W3Techs. Around 32.7% of all websites are reportedly written created with this platform. WordPress uses PHP and MySQL for its websites, and WordPress developers help to fully customize these sites. Below are the average net monthly salaries of WordPress developers:

  • US – from $4,800
  • UK – from $2,750
  • Ukraine – from $1,667*

Comparison of WordPress Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The net rates of junior WordPress developers are dropping in different countries. Predictions inform that in Ukraine junior WordPress salary was $1,000 in 2019 and in 2020 they get to $1,667 per month. The same will happen to the UK, where in 2019 coders were earning $2,262 and in 2020 – $1,710.

As you can see from above, the salaries are only net and for junior level programmer with WordPress knowledge. So, they may be not quite accurate. They are just to give you a general idea of how the same salary may vary in different countries. But if you want to get more specific about prices or you’re interested in PHP outsourcing Ukraine, contact Mobilunity and we will give you the info you need instantly.

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Salesforce Developer Salary

Salesforce is a very popular customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps businesses with every aspect of their interaction with customers. As for 2018, Salesforce has 30.3% of developers’ interest worldwide. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Salesforce developers in 2020:

  • US – from  $6,800
  • UK – from $6,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,333*
  • Switzerland – from $7,300
  • Israel – from $9,400

Comparison of Salesforce Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Here we are noticing also an unstable situation with Salesforce rates, especially in Ukraine. By 2020 the cost of such developers has become bigger than in 2018, nearly $2,333. However, in the USA the rates have increased as well, and in 2020 Saleforce devs earn $6,458 per month.

Need to admit, these numbers can be not that accurate, as they are only net and for junior level developer. If you want to know the rates of middle and senior Salesforce developers, you would need to make deeper research, or just click once to contact us and we will give you all the info about the salaries you want.

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Magento Developer Salary

Magento is a popular e-commerce platform that enables businesses to expand their clientele to the online world. According to Datanyze, BuiltWith ranks it second among all e-commerce platforms with a 9% market share, while Datanyze ranks it fourth with a 7.33% market share. Magento developers help businesses adopt the system or integrate it with their existing systems. Below is the average net monthly Magento developer salary:

  • US – from $7,800
  • UK – from $4,700
  • Ukraine – from $2,067*
  • Switzerland – from $7,785
  • Israel – from $2,000

Comparison of Magento Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The net rates of junior Magento developers reached $13,250 in 2019. We may also see the growth of salaries in the UK, but not as significant as in the US. Still, from $4,238 per month to $4,735 in 2019 and to $5,423 in 2020.

Obviously, rates above may vary depending on different factors and can be not pretty accurate, plus they are only net salaries, so no taxes, sick leaves, vacations, insurances, office spaces etc. included. What’s more, the rate we have provided is only for junior Magento coders, thus, the prices for middle and senior programmers can reach twice higher. If you want to know the final prices for hiring Magento developers of any level, you may contact Mobilunity now, and we will give the info you are interested in.

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C++ Developer Salary

C++ is another highly popular programming language that aims to improve upon C by introducing object-oriented programming (OOP) structures. Stack Overflow ranks it as the seventh most popular programming language of 2018 at 25.4% popularity, up from 22.3% in 2017. Similarly, it ranks sixth on PYPL at 6.31% up by 0.3% from 2017. Below are the average net monthly salaries of C++ developers:

  • US – from $5,800
  • UK – from $6,300
  • Ukraine – from $1,833*
  • Switzerland – from $7,800
  • Israel – from $6,300

Comparison of C++ Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Due to its incredible popularity, C++ remains to be widely used in various businesses within next years. Interesting, that Ukrainian wages are remaining the same – $1,833 by 2020. But the cost of coders from the UK will be dropping with each year, as in 2019 it costed $5,045 to find C developers junior and in 2020 – $4,807.

Let’s clear out the main key points which should be taken into account. First of all, the salaries above are only for junior C++ experts to have a chance to compare the same rates in different countries, meaning the middle or senior C++ coders salaries may get way higher. Second of all, the rates are given are the only net, so no additional costs are included. However, Mobilunity is aware of how misleading it can be, thus, we always give the final rates of programmers right from the start if you want to hire developers Ukraine.

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Go Developer Salary

Go is an open-source programming language developed by Google, and is designed to be a simpler and more concise version of C. It has 4.3% popularity among developers on Stack Overflow as of 2018, and is the fifth most loved programming language by developers with 63.3% approval, though this has dropped from 68.7% in 2016. According to PYPL, Go has a 0.7% usage share, up by 0.3% from 2016. Below are the average net monthly salaries of Go developers:

  • US – from $10,200
  • UK – from $7,000
  • Ukraine – from $1,833*

Comparison of Go Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

The changes of net junior Go programmer salaries are not that significant. Most likely the rates will stay the same. For example, in 2019 Go developer salary was $6,367 and in 2020 it has reached $6,656.

Although, you should be attentive checking such salaries, because, as a rule, they always come net, so no taxes are included. Plus, we have only provided the junior Go coders rates and the middle and senior programmers rates come way higher. Good news, Mobilunity always gives the prices of developers at the very beginning, even for Eastern Europe Unity developers or any other coder. If you are interested in those, don’t hesitate and contact us now.

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Shell Script Developer Salary

A Shell Script is a program that’s typically run via a Unix-based command-line interpreter. Developers typically use shell scripts to perform file and system manipulations and program executions, especially when accessing and deploying to servers. Shell scripting is therefore an essential skill for advanced web developers. Below are the average net monthly salaries of junior Shell Script developers:

  • US – from $6,250
  • UK – from $4,300
  • Ukraine – from $2,300*

Comparison of Junior Shell Developer Average Monthly Net Salaries in Different Countries

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could not be entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

Junior Shell programmer salary will be changing a lot in different countries and in Ukraine in particular. In 2019 Shell programmers were making $3,020 every month and in 2020 the net rates – $4,140.

Making it clear for you, these rates are only for junior programmers, so middle and senior prices may vary a lot. Furthermore, the salaries above are only net, thus, don’t expect this can be the final price you will be paying your developers, as additional fees are not included. Do you want to get more specific and get the accurate number of money you would need to pay your coders, get in touch with us and we will give you the final rate if you want to hire web developers in Ukraine.

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Changes of Web Developers Salaries Within 2018 and 2024

The situation with salaries has always been and will remain to be unstable. The wages of developers with the knowledge of such popular technologies like PHP, JavaScript, HTML, Java, and Python will almost not undergo any changes and will be pretty much the same. However, the rates of Perl, Scala, and Magento developers will increase with a huge speed by 2020, especially in the USA, where coders will be making $18,563, $16,227 and $13,249 accordingly. On the contrary, there are some rates that will also be dropping within next few years, like WordPress, Angular, Android and iOS. These rates may not be very accurate, as they are based on our researches and salary calculators. Still, it gives a general idea of costs of developers you should expect in 2018 and 2020.

The main reason we bring to our potential customers about going to Ukraine is value Ukrainian software developers will commit to their business. However, we also understand the cost of developers, the cost of their onboarding and the costs of remote collaboration with the Ukrainian team play a very important role too. Look at the numbers, and you will agree Ukraine is definitely not the cheapest destination for outsourcing. But if you see the value you get for the money - no doubt, Ukraine is on top nearshore remote IT destinations.
Organization Development Director at Mobilunity

Full Research on Developers Rates 2015-2020

Changes in Ukrainian Legislation

In 2017, the tax code of Ukraine experienced a specific set of amendments and changes. The main changes are below. New tools were introduced such as taxpayer’s electronic cabinet, and clear divergence between the consultations general tax and individual. Dlapiper writes that the taxpayer’s e-cabinet will be multifunctional and should provide users with understandable data and electronic services including ordering tax reports, electronic VAT systems, tax overpayments, e-notification about tax audits, etc.

No major changes took place in the corporate profit tax (CPT). Mondaq informs that CPT general rate remained the same of 18%, however, changes refer to tax purposes. For example, those who pay interest under qualifying Eurobonds don’t have to pay the Ukrainian withholding tax. The 5% tax rate will apply to start from January 1, 2019. The real estate tax is not within the scope of CPT. Small businesses that have not more than UAH 3 million annual income are released from CPT until the end of 2023. If the firm purchased equipment and machinery in 2017-2018, they become a subject to reduced depreciation of 2 years.

VAT rate remained the same, but a special VAT regime for the businesses in agriculture that allowed them to keep a part of VAT in order to use it for production purposes was repealed. Agriculture firms received state subsidies instead. There will be more VAT exemptions for specific industries such as filmmaking, paper waste, and metal scrap recycling, aero and space, coal. Businesses that import wood processing equipment or plastic and rubber processing equipment for the medical industry can pay their VAT in installments for 3 years. The two VAT refund registers that existed in 2016, will merge into one. But still, there will be a temporary register for VAT refunds that were filed before February 1, 2016. Tax authorities received the right for temporary suspension of VAT invoices registration.

Personal income tax (PIT) is at the rate of 18%. If residents of Ukraine receive dividends that are not subject to CPT, they should pay a special reduced 5% tax. The mandatory pension fund fee that was paid in case of foreign currency purchase by an individual was repealed by the law. Regarding property taxes, a number of vehicles will become subject to the transportation tax on an annual basis.

Regarding 2018, Interfax informs that Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman states that the 2018 national budget draft does not foresee the taxes increase in the next year. However, some changes to laws will be enforced on January 1, 2018, if signed by the President. For example, the Law “On changes to the Law of Ukraine “On financial accounting and reporting in Ukraine” (Draft Law No.4646-д) adopted by The Parliament of Ukraine in October 2017, according to EY. Or the Law of Ukraine “On Obligatory General Insurance” adopted in October 2017 (No. 2148-VІІІ) that lists a number of businesses and individuals exempt from the single social payment, as Svobodafm informs. What is more, as Aztoforex puts it, the world is waiting if Ukraine will become the most crypto-friendly country. Some Ukrainian officials suggest that cryptocurrency income tax will be exempt.

Changes in Ukrainian IT and Why Ukrainian Developers Are So in Demand

The IT industry in Ukraine is developing at a very high pace. According to export volumes, the IT industry in Ukraine in 2016 was at the 3rd place and displayed $3,2 billion. The food industry and metallurgy remain export leaders in Ukraine with $15,2 billion and $8,1 billion correspondingly. In 2017, the export volume of the IT industry in Ukraine has reached $3,6 billion. So, the contribution of the IT industry to the GDP of Ukraine has grown by 3,34% within a year, while total taxes paid by the IT companies have made UAH 16,7 billion this year. The expected growth of the Ukrainian IT industry in exporting by 2025 is by 4,65%, which is supposed to be $8,4 billion.

Among other achievements of Ukrainian IT industry are the following:

  • Ukraine has become a top supplier of IT services and products to Great Britain
  • More than 100 companies of Fortune 500 have chosen Ukrainian IT firms for their services
  • 13 Ukrainian IT companies have entered the 2017 top-100 of the Global Outsourcing list.
  • The number of IT clusters in Ukraine is 16
  • There are 4 business IT associations in Ukraine
The demand on web developers is extremely high nowadays, and more and more customers decides to hire web developers with the knowledge of rare technologies from Ukraine. Still, the highest demand among our customers remains on frontend developers with high skill in JavaScript and its numerous frameworks. As for now, we have nearly 10 dedicated teams working on various JavaScript projects.
Project Manager/Resource Manager at Mobilunity

Office Space, Equipment and Perks Expenses

Starting a new business is not an easy task, as there are a lot of things to manage and consider. One of them is the cost of the rent of office space, office perks, and equipment for each developer. We at Mobilunity are very lucky to be located in the heart of Europe, Ukraine. This is not only convenient in terms of geography, as all our clients can reach us within 2-3 hours, but Ukraine also has the lowest costs of living in the whole of Europe. Founded in 2010 Mobilunity has been noticing the changes in office expenses for 10 years. The costs were always unstable. For instance, the average cost of office space rent in the city center of Kyiv in 2010 for 10 people was $1,314, in 2013 – $1,500 and in 2017 – $1,208. Concerning the equipment, this is probably the most expensive spending you need to manage. As for 2017, it costs $450 to buy a decent laptop per developer. The laptop prices were also changing in a very interesting way. In 2010 the average laptop price for developers cost $600, in 2012 – $375 and in 2016 – $300. Having a business, as a businessman, you should not forget to make comfortable conditions and a pleasant atmosphere of working for your employees. Having over 200 workers in our office, we are buying such products as tea, sugar, milk, coffee, lemons, and cacao every month. It total, in October 2017 we spent $1,519 for office perks. For the comparison, in November 2016, our expenses were $760, although, the number of employees is rising every year resulting in the tremendous growth of expenses.

Establishing a new business you should always take into consideration everything, including the cost of office perks and space. You Andrianashould be aware this is not as cheap as you think, as you need to provide your employees with all the comfortable conditions. We believe, that the comfort of our workers' reflexes on the productivity of their work. That’s why office expenses are very important for every business and worth of every businessman attention
Resource Manager at Mobilunity

Which is More Profitable: an Hourly Developer Salary or Long-term Employment?

Hiring new employees can be a challenging task. Not only do you need to find candidates with the right skills and experience, but you also have to figure out what is the best way for you to pay them. Is it more profitable to hire full-time employees and pay them a fixed salary, or is it better to hire candidates part-time and pay them an hourly rate? Let’s explore: 

The financial benefits of long-term employment

Long-term employment typically involves businesses hiring employees to work under a signed contract. This can be an in-house contract or a remote work contract. For businesses, the financial advantages of this type of hiring model is:

  • They can plan their budgets more efficiently because they know what to pay every employee every month. 
  • They own all hardware and software used by employees, which becomes an investment for businesses.
  • They can better monitor employees, so the risk of losing costly working hours or missing deadlines becomes lower. 

There are also some financial downfalls to hiring long-term:

  • Buying or renting office space can be expensive.
  • Setting up contracts and getting employee insurance in place can be pricey. 
  • Paying employee benefits and payroll administrative staff can be costly. 
  • The financial benefits of hiring developers by the hour 

Hiring developers by the hour usually involves businesses hiring remote workers from freelance platforms or outsourcing vendors. For example, businesses can hire experts from a Ukrainian outsourcing company at a low software developer hourly rate compared to hiring full-time in-house developers. 

Here are all the financial benefits of hiring programmers at a WordPress developer hourly rate

  • Businesses can save on buying or renting office space. 
  • They also save on heating, electricity, air conditioning, and other types of expenses that keep an office running.
  • They can save capital on setting up contracts and investing in employee insurance. 
  • They can save on hiring an HR team or payroll admin staff. 

The downfalls of hiring developers at an hourly rate include:

  • No guarantee of employee retention, resulting in costly project risks. 
  • No ownership of software or hardware used by remote workers.  

From the above points, it’s evident that it can be much more beneficial, from a financial aspect, for businesses to hire employees at an hourly rate. For example, the cost of hiring a software developer in Ukraine by the hour can be much more cost-effective, compared to hiring an in-house employee locally. Outsourcing companies can offer a reduced cost to recruit a software developer in Ukraine and provide low Ukrainian software developer rates without compromising on quality, because of a low cost of living.

If you want to hire developers that are skilled and experienced, it’s essential to choose a reputable hiring company such as Mobilunity. With over 10 years of experience, Mobilunity is a top outsourcing company based in Ukraine. We have access to a large pool of talent and follow a highly effective approach when sourcing and placing candidates for businesses. We work with companies around the world and take pride in helping them achieve success by hiring the right candidates at a generally lower Ukrainian developer hourly rate

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Why You Should Hire Ukrainian Software Developers

Perhaps you’re planning to start a software project, but you’re concerned about high developer rates, and the possible increase in web programmer salary 2020, so you’re looking for the most cost-effective options of hiring developers from Ukraine. In that case, it’s always better to scout the entire market and look for the most practical option.

While analyzing the cost to hire developers in Ukraine, it’s also insightful to consider the benefits of opting to hire developers in Israel, known for its innovative tech landscape and highly skilled professionals, as a comparative benchmark in global tech hiring strategies.

We’ve just seen a comprehensive comparison of the salaries of developers in different countries including rates for software developers Ukraine and across a wide range of software technologies. In all these technologies, it is very evident that Ukraine developers offer the most affordable and practical Ukraine outsourcing rates for development, with hourly rates that are far below those of developers from other countries. Are you thinking to hire Unity programmers or real estate mobile app developer? By looking at the Ukraine software developers salary, it becomes clear that hiring from Ukraine and contracting IT developers from Ukraine will be your best option if you want to get the best value for your money. Not only will you be able to save a huge amount, but you’ll also be getting Europe’s best and most talented IT professionals to work for you no matter if you need to hire Ukrainian full-stack developers or IT specialists in any technologies. Hire developers in Ukraine now and you’ll soon realize that it’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.

Disclaimer: All the statistics provided by Stack Overflow, PYPL, and W3Techs. Salary statistics provided by PayScale, IT Jobs Watch, DOU and DOU statistics, Indeed, Neuvoo, Angel.co, CWjobs, Glassdoor, UA Trud, Salary Expert.

If you’re interested in how to hire top developers in Ukraine, you’re in the right place! Build a strong team with IT experts from Ukraine at affordable prices!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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