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Looking for Developers? Choose the Best Destination

Ukraine is a country with great resource capabilities, which is developing rapidly. Particularly noticeable for the whole world is the IT industry, which is becoming more and more willing to cooperate and rent coders in Ukraine. Clients of IT companies want to get a high-quality solution in compliance with all deadlines from the supplier and good communication during the development process. Today, outsourcers perform a variety of tasks: from creating software to optimizing business processes in the company, and outstaffing helps to save money by moving staff to the company’s staff. What are the difficulties and how to avoid them looking for a web developer in Ukraine, we would like to explain in this article.

Overview of Ukrainian Outstaffing and Outsourcing Services

The emergence of new technologies and approaches that made it possible to reduce the cost or automate entire areas in the development chain significantly affected key trends in the global IT market. The development pole has shifted from IT outstaffing to IT outsourcing, although it didn’t become less popular. Instead of the usual human IT resource, the market now wants to get an IT product or even a comprehensive IT service. IT outstaffing continues to dominate the Ukrainian IT outsourcing market. Together with the ability to generate code, the developer is expected to own a set of DevOps practices. The average specialist now works in many areas: software development and engineering, automating the application life cycle, including design, development, testing, deployment, support, and monitoring. Companies looking to expand their development teams should consider destinations with a strong talent pool in both data science and software programming, offering opportunities to find a data scientist for hire and hire software programmer who can work together to create innovative and effective solutions.

How High Is Demand on Looking for Developers in Ukraine?

The process of looking for programmers and IT specialists is growing, so many universities are opening new technical departments to train new developers for the modern market. Ukrainian graduates receive a bachelor’s and master’s diploma at the age of only 21-23 years old, and upon graduation, they are ready to start a career in IT companies. For the most part, many students even before completing their studies begin to gain practical experience working in IT companies. All this affects the popularity of looking for a programmer in Ukraine who strives to maintain the status of the quality of their work and are constantly improving.

The international positioning of Ukrainian IT companies is improving: attracting investment in new start-ups, large M&A deals, new well-known contracts with IT giants, increasing positions in world ratings. Clients seek to diversify the number of simultaneous IT service providers, thereby increasing the opportunities for new sales of Ukrainian companies. An important role is played by the fact that the government is more and more involved in the development of the IT industry, using IT as part of the state international PR program. Looking for web developer in Ukraine helps both sides: it enriches foreign company with deep expertise of Ukrainian professionals and helps developers to grow both in local market and abroad.

Which Difficulties You Can Face Looking for Programmer in the IT Market Nowadays?

It is one thing to find a programmer among a large number of others, and it is a completely different thing to single out a really good programmer. This requires some experience and expertise because your choice can seriously affect the future of the project.

You can identify such difficulties while choosing a developer:

  1. Lack of technical education
  2. A limited pool of developers with the necessary skills
  3. Lack of communication skills necessary for remote work
  4. Not an attractive offer in comparison with competitors
  5. Salary expectations are too high

Useful Tips to Pay Attention Looking for Web Developer or Programmer

  • Test candidates with real cases

Looking for web developer, for instance, it is in your interests to immediately show potential developers what they will be dealing with, therefore, offer testing tasks close to the real situation. Thus, the chances of seeing how well this developer is suitable for your project increase several times.

  • Do not interview the candidate alone

We are all prone to make mistakes and succumb to prejudice. To have a clean look, while looking for programmer it is better to have HR or your partner from the management of the company at the interview. So, you can carefully discuss later all the advantages of this candidate and avoid mistakes in judgment.

  • Take communication skills into account

Especially when it comes to remote collaboration. In the process of looking for programmer keep in mind that a developer should be open to communication and discussion of work processes and receiving feedback.

  • Make sure your candidate is good at code

Carefully written code is of great importance, so pay attention to how well the developer code is written so that later there will be no questions.

  • Don’t be repelled by lack of work experience

Having experience is of some importance, but it’s a pain for all young good website developers Ukraine. Do not put an end to the candidate if he meets all your requirements, but does not have a full resume. As practice shows, the best dedicated developers are those that were created from scratch, and you may have just such a chance to create such an employee looking for developers.

What Is an Average Annual Cost of Ukrainian Development?

Let’s have a look at the comparison of cost for different technologies in Ukraine. As we can see, cooperation with Ukrainian developers is beneficial not only in terms of quality but also because of the price of services. It is worth paying attention while looking for developers that the average annual salary of website developers in Ukraine is much lower than in other European countries.

Technology Average cost per year
Java $27,358
JavaScript $26,225
Python $23,184
C++ $36,735
PHP $19,285

Looking for Dedicated Programmer in Ukraine? Choose Mobilunity!

In this article we took a close look at outsourcing and outstaffing IT services in Ukraine, so now you see the advantages and difficulties that are possible to be faced with. The IT outsourcing market is profitable and interesting for many countries. Mobilunity offers strong professionals for collaboration and outsourcing. For a startup you can hire a whole team of professionals, for a short-term project we can provide the exact specialist you need. If you are now in search of specialists, programmers, and top developers in Ukraine then we are pleased to offer client-oriented services.

The Mobilunity’s team is here to help. If you are looking for developers, just spend a moment to get in touch.

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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