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IT Outsourcing in Poland: Demand and Supply

Every day businesses are facing new obstacles due to the increased life’s tempo. Modern realities require companies to come up with new solutions that would allow them to stay competitive and at the same time profitable. Let’s be honest, this is not the easiest combination to pull off. However, the last decade brought business owners quite a few options that they were craving so much for. One of those options is called outsourcing.

In Europe especially popular became IT outsourcing Poland. Poland outsourcing is advantageous due to a number of pros over the countries of Western Europe, which will be discussed in this article.

Exploring the Thriving Landscape of Poland’s IT Market

Poland has evolved as a significant player in the dynamic field of technology, cultivating an IT ecosystem that not only reflects innovation but also drives economic success. The IT sector in Poland has been expanding rapidly in recent years, with an annual growth rate of 8.25%.

There are over 15,000 outsourcing companies in Poland at the center of this thriving industry. Whether a young startup or an established multinational, each of these businesses is crucial in developing Poland’s unique technological character. These businesses represent a rich tapestry of Poland’s IT capabilities, from software development and cybersecurity to AI and e-commerce solutions.

The 286,000 IT professionals in Poland are the unsung heroes of the country’s IT scene. They are responsible for every innovative piece of code, pioneering program, and game-changing technological solution. Their combined knowledge helps the industry expand and drives the country forward as a center of technical innovation. 

Poland’s achievements are not limited to its own borders. The country’s technological innovations are having a global impact, as seen by the $23.83 billion in exports. The IT sector would be unable to create its groundbreaking infrastructure without programming languages. PHP,.NET, Lua, Python, and Node.js are all part of Poland’s programming language orchestra. Each of these languages has its own set of advantages and uses, and together they allow programmers to compose elaborate solutions. Looking to elevate your projects? Look no further – hire Polish programmers and unlock a world of expertise and innovation.

IT Outsourcing in Poland: An Overview

Years ago, Poland was one of the last countries you would think of when speaking of IT outsourcing. However, now the situation has changed. Today, according to one of the latest research papers, Poland holds the 3rd place among all countries in the list of the best developers. Combine that with low rates of Poland developers and you will receive the best possible country for outsourcing. This is something leaders of major companies thought of before making IT outsourcing in Poland so popular lately. However, there are other reasons for you to turn to some outsourcing company Poland has to offer:

  • Stable economy. For the last couple of years ‘software outsourcing Poland’ became a ‘real thing’, which greatly affected the country’s economic state as the international investments started sinking in.
  • Big talent pool. There are thousands of IT graduates ready to become a part of your strategy of IT outsourcing in Poland. Not only you will receive qualified specialists, but they will also have a profile education, which is always a double win.
  • Data protection. Poland is a European Union country and software development Poland has to offer is strictly protected by its laws. Therefore, you can be sure about your data safety while passing your software outsourcing to Poland.
  • Dynamic growth of the IT industry. As discussed previously, Poland is among the most promising countries in the IT industry so it will be easier to find developer Poland can offer these days.
  • Cultural similarity. The level of software development Poland has is not the only good thing about it as this country’s culture is very much similar to those countries that tend to outsource their jobs to it.
  • English proficiency. Programming is a field where most of the communication is done through using of profile terms. Mobile app development Poland programmers are dealing with or be it any other IT job – English proficiency is a must.
  • Low costs. Software companies in Poland, as well as sole contractors, usually charge less, comparing to other European countries, it makes outsourcing development to Poland more beneficial. With Poland programmer salary, you will be able to significantly reduce your expenses.

As you see, software and iOS development Poland has to offer these days have many advantages which makes it appealing for companies of all sorts to outsource there.

Polands’s English Proficiency Index score of 13 reflects a High proficiency of English among its population.

Hire developers in other Countries

Access a wide range of specialized skills and fresh perspectives by hiring developers from different countries. Expand your team’s capabilities and drive innovation by tapping into the diverse global talent pool.

Poland’s Employment Landscape

  • The job market in Poland has changed a lot in the past few years, showing a wide range of industries. Manufacturing, IT, agriculture (18.61%), services (51%), and financial services are just a few of the industries that make up the scenery. Because of this variety, the job market is very competitive, especially for skilled workers, since the need for tech-savvy people keeps going up.
  • Most of the time, workers in Poland get their paychecks at the end of the month, with taxes already taken out. As required by labor laws, these taxes pay for health insurance, jobless insurance, and social security. The labor code sets the rates at which employers must pay to these funds.
  • Poland’s minimum wage has been slowly going up over the past few years, and it now stands at $702 per month. Overtime pay rates are also much higher than regular salaries, and they are set by labor rules to make sure that people who work extra hours are fairly compensated.
  • Poland’s employee benefits usually include things like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. These are all part of the total pay package. These benefits are very important for keeping employees happy and satisfied, which leads to a good work atmosphere and better health for employees.

Software Developer Salaries Across Poland’s Tech Hubs

  • Warsaw

Software engineers find themselves at the crossroads of creativity and ambition in Warsaw, the bustling metropolis at the beating core of Poland’s tech scene. Outsourcing companies in Warsaw are a thriving ecosystem where digital aspirations can flourish, with an average monthly salary of $5,924 and a community of 20,000 engineers. 

Exploring the intricate realm of technological innovation, businesses worldwide are increasingly discovering the transformative potential of IT outsourcing Warsaw Poland, as the city emerges as a burgeoning hub of technological prowess; concurrently, the concept of outsourcing IT Warsaw gains momentum, promising to reshape operational landscapes by leveraging the city’s pool of expertise and innovation.

  • Kraków

Kraków, Poland, is a city where modernity and tradition blend in harmony within the context of its vast historical architecture. With a monthly salary of $5,553 and a strong community of 15,000 developers, IT outsourcing Kraków enterprises provide a dynamic atmosphere suited to the realization of digital dreams. Amidst the city’s historic landmarks, software engineers and programmers negotiate a cutting-edge environment while crafting programs and solutions that pay homage to its past. Experience the transformative power of outsourcing IT Kraków as you tap into a hub of technological excellence..

  • Łódź

Originally a center for the textile industry, Łódź’s metamorphosis into a thriving digital cluster is nothing short of astonishing. With an average monthly salary of $4,566, the city’s 10,000 developers keep the creative juices flowing. Unlock the potential of your projects by exploring the realm of outsourcing IT Łódź, where innovation and expertise converge to redefine technological landscapes.

  • Wrocław

Wrocław is a fascinating city because of the way its history and outsourcing IT Wrocław blend together to create a setting that is ideal for software engineers. There are around 18,000 software developers living in the city, making an average of $4,743 a month as they explore a terrain steeped in history. These programmers, nestled away in the city’s winding backstreets and cutting-edge office buildings, create a symphony of code that echoes the city’s cultural history. Experience streamlined operations by delving into the realm of outsourcing HR Wrocław, where efficiency and expertise converge to elevate your workforce management.

  • Poznań

Poznań, a place full of historical resonance, gives new life to cutting-edge technology. With an average monthly salary of $5,030, the city’s 12,000 developers are a major factor in its technological progress. Developers of algorithms and programs that balance history and progress are working among the historic buildings, creating a synthesis of the old and the new. Here, the past is a driving force behind a prosperous digital future.

Choosing IT Company Poland

When choosing an IT company Poland it is important to understand what the IT market there has to offer. And it concerns not only the number of employees and their credibility. It also includes analyzing what technologies IT outsourcing services Poland can offer. Depending on what technologies or languages you are interested in, you can select the best professionals to hire.

According to the recent report, the most popular programming languages in the Polish IT market are:

  • JavaScript;
  • Java;
  • .NET;
  • Angular;
  • Python;
  • PHP;
  • Scala;
  • C++;
  • Android;
  • iOS.

Where JavaScript has 26.94% and C++ has only 3.17% of the market. It means that depending on the language the offer of qualified specialists is quite different. If you are looking for PHP software house Poland, you need to consider that PHP language takes only 8.42% among programmers there. At the same time, JavaScript development Poland is the most advanced part of the industry. According to specializations in demand, outsourcing IT Poland is divided by the following numbers:

  • Backend – 32.34%;
  • Fullstack – 19.03%;
  • Frontend – 11.09%;
  • Mobile – 4.85%

So if you are looking for software nearshoring to Poland in mobile development, you’ll have to look for employees much longer than if you need a full-stack team.

Here are three main advantages of software companies there, whether you are looking for React development company Poland or iOS development team:

  • Highly-qualified specialists with higher education and good knowledge of English;
  • Reasonable prices in terms of rates, taxes, rent, etc;
  • Great nearshoring opportunities, including comfortable for EU time zone, agile methods of development, and shared work values.

Check Profiles of Available Developers in Poland

We have several consultants available for hire right now – check their profiles below and inquire for more!

Marek Z.

Mobile Developer / Android Specialist

4 years of experience

Marek has 4 years of specialized experience in Android development, crafting intuitive and performant mobile applications. His proficiency in Kotlin and Java, combined with a thorough knowledge of the Android SDK, enables him to build applications that cater to diverse user needs. Marek’s focus on Mobile UI/UX design principles ensures that applications are not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to navigate. He utilizes Firebase to implement backend services like analytics and real-time databases, enhancing app functionality and user engagement.

  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Android SDK
  • Mobile UI/UX
  • Firebase

Aleksandra K.

Software Developer / Web Technologies Specialist

5 years of experience

Aleksandra has 5 years of dedicated experience in web technologies, focusing on creating responsive and efficient web applications. She excels in using JavaScript, React, and Node.js to develop user-friendly interfaces and robust backend systems. Her deep understanding of Web APIs integrates seamlessly into her projects, enhancing functionality and user engagement. Aleksandra’s commitment to performance optimization ensures that the applications she builds are fast and scalable, providing a seamless experience for all users.

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Web APIs
  • Performance Optimization

Piotr W.

Full Stack Developer / Cloud Integration Expert

6 years of experience

Piotr has 6 years of in-depth experience in full stack development and cloud services integration. He adeptly handles both front-end and back-end development using Python and JavaScript. His expertise in Docker and Amazon Web Services (AWS) facilitates the deployment of scalable and secure applications. Piotr’s strong focus on Continuous Integration practices ensures efficient workflows and high-quality software delivery, making him a vital asset in any development team aiming for agile and resilient application development.

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Continuous Integration

Ewa S.

Data Scientist / ML Platform Engineer

3 years of experience

Ewa has 3 years of concentrated experience in data science and machine learning, utilizing R and Python to uncover insights and build predictive models. Her expertise in a variety of machine learning algorithms allows her to approach problems with a diverse set of solutions, from simple regression to complex ensemble methods. Ewa is skilled in statistical analysis, which she applies to validate models and interpret results, ensuring that predictions are both accurate and actionable for decision-making.

  • R
  • Python
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Statistical Analysis

Mobile App Development Poland and It Benefits

Mobile app development is a rapidly growing industry. The demand for the professionals in this sphere grows exponentially all over the world and app development outsourcing Poland is no exception to this tendency. The professionals here are ready to fulfill global demand for the qualified workforce.

The reason is simple – the majority of internet traffic comes from mobile devices as for today. And the main activity on such devices comes from apps. For example, the worldwide mobile app revenue has grown from $97.7 billion in 2014 up to expected $581.9 billion in 2020. And by the year 2023, it is believed to reach $935.2 billion. That’s why more and more businesses look for mobile developers Poland as it is one of the main outsourcing destinations in Europe. First of all, Poland is a part of the EU, which makes it quite easy to work with for other EU countries, such as Germany or the UK. It is easier in terms of legislation, documentation, and taxes. And Polish employees have the same business ethics and share similar values. At the same time, local prices for rent or transportation are much lower than in, for example, Germany or the Netherlands. Taking it all into consideration, Poland IT outsourcing is actively gaining popularity.

As for today, the app development Poland is not the major demand on the market. As for specialization app developers Poland are only 4.85% of the whole IT industry. Yet, the demand and the offer grow and this number is going to be much higher in several years. It is expected that mobile app development is going to have a greater share of the whole IT market in the following decade.

The main strong point of local companies is in the Android app development Poland. According to the report job postings, it has grown by 106% in one year. At the same time, iOS development Poland has grown 34.79% in the same period.

It might mean that iOS outsourcing company Poland is a bit harder to find, but they are still experienced and qualified to perform flawlessly. If you are looking for a mobile app development company Poland, whether you are interested in iOS, Android, or web apps, all of them offer a great level of expertise and persistent work ethics.

Android or iOS development team Poland is a good investment in terms of quality/price ratio. Professionals here have a necessary level of education, experience in working on international projects, and prefer agile work methodology. Mobile app development Poland is a growing sphere that contributes to the stable national economy.

Many European businesses choose Android or iOS development company Poland for outsourcing and nearshoring because of the many benefits this destination provides. Polish professionals usually have good English skills and offer easy communication to international partners from Europe or the USA. They are also qualified and competitive while their rates are about 25-30% lower than among American employees with the same level of skills.

Software Outsourcing Poland vs Ukraine

These two countries seem to be leading when it comes down to outsourcing practices in Europe, however, which one is the best? For years Ukraine had been one of the best in Eastern Europe for outsource and nothing really changed since then. What distinguishes it from all other countries? First of all, it is the number of specialists that are currently available for hire. If you look for outsourcing company Poland has to offer, you will see, that generally, the number of Polish programmers is higher. According to the latest research, there are more than 270.000 IT specialists in this country and the number is growing day by day. But Ukraine can provide not much less – 200.000. On the other hand, Ukraine has lots of high education institutions that prepare certified IT specialists each year. According to this data, there are 13 technical universities in Ukraine while Poland can only provide 10. Finally, the last but definitely not the least thing to consider – the cost. Ukrainian economic state has been rough lately which resulted in a decrease in wages. This way if you want to hire developer Poland has – know that in Ukraine you could do that cheaper.

Middle Level DeveloperPolandUkraine
Mobile app$3,267$5,200
Web designer$1,505$1,030

In Poland’s rapidly developing IT sector, software engineer pay is a key component of the industry’s foundation. The compensation of these skilled individuals reflects not only their knowledge but also the nation’s commitment to technical growth as Poland outsourcing companies multiply and digital innovation quickens.

It is only fair to compare the salaries of various Polish software developers to those in Ukraine, given that the primary motivation for outsourcing methods is to save money. Let’s compare the software developer salaries in Poland and Ukraine to see if there’s a significant gap between the two.

Development in Poland: Unveiling the Advantages of Outsourcing

It’s inarguable that Poland is a major player in the outsourcing industry. Due to its large number of talented IT workers and active tech community, the country has become a popular outsourcing location. There is a culture of cooperation, creativity, and shared success thanks to the abundance of outsourcing firms in Poland, especially in its larger cities like Warsaw.

  • Access to Expertise

When businesses choose software development outsource Poland, they gain access to a wide range of skill sets. Software engineers, app developers, user experience and interface designers, and other specialists are readily available in the country. With so many qualified people available, businesses no longer have to worry about finding the right people to develop their app concepts.

  • Cost Efficiency and Quality Par Excellence

The low cost of outsourcing IT services Poland continues to be a major selling point. The value proposition for organizations is improved by the ideal balance between the low cost of outsourcing and the high quality of the job produced. Many Polish outsourcing firms provide reasonably priced services without reducing standards or features.

  • Accelerated Development Cycles

Time-to-market is a crucial component that might affect a project’s success in the fast-paced world of mobile app development. Due to the expertise and experience of the local workforce, outsourcing in Poland allows for more rapid iterations of software development. For cutting-edge mobile solutions, trust in the skills of Polish mobile apps developers to bring your ideas to life.

  • Cultural Compatibility and Communication

Successful outsourcing partnerships depend heavily on open lines of communication and mutual understanding of each other’s cultures. Poland’s English-speaking population and shared Western values make it easy to go around and communicate with locals. This common ground allows for more open communication, fewer misunderstandings, and fruitful collaboration.


Elevating Your Vision with Mobilunity’s Expertise

Our knowledge of the technological world is global, stretching from the busy United States to the innovation hubs of Poland. As a leading software development company Poland and Ukraine, we have access to a wide variety of tools, giving us the edge we need to hand-select the most qualified individuals to form a team that will help you bring your ideas to life. Mobilunity is committed to being the driving force behind your success, whether your project calls for complex and sophisticated coding, offshore software development in Poland, or cutting-edge digital solutions.

  • A Harmony of Accuracy: Forming Ideas into Reality

Choosing Mobilunity as your outsourcing partner is more than just signing a contract; it’s the beginning of a creative partnership that will transform your ideas into works of art. We take your ideas as our own and use our experience to make sure the end result is exactly what you had in mind. Our dedication goes beyond mere duplication; we will give form and function to your ideas by shaping them with care.

  • Your Project, Our Commitment

Mobilunity is a prominent factor to consider when evaluating a wide range of outsourcing choices. Our commitment has never faltered, and the impact we’ve made is undeniable. You’re not simply getting an outsourcing partner when you work with us; you’re getting a means to actualize your vision and carve brilliance into every facet of your projects.

Mobilunity’s Service Models

  • Dedicated Development Teams

This model is our most popular offering and a prime example of the synergy that can be achieved via teamwork. Here, you play a far more active role than that of a passive client; you’ll be helping to chart the course of your project with us. You, the client, will be in charge of overseeing a dedicated employee in this setup. Yet we don’t only deal with the nuts and bolts; we also handle HR, accounting, and helpdesk enquiries, creating a seamless environment. Expertise and collaboration come together to provide your project the care it needs in every respect.

  • Consultancy Services

When it comes to consultancy services, we give you the tools you need by providing advice that goes beyond common assumptions. Here, you’ll be in charge of overseeing a part-time employee, using their knowledge to propel your company forward. However, we play the role of facilitators behind the scenes, handling issues related to human resources, accounting, and the help desk. Our backing, in concert with your vision, composes a symphony of progress and enlightenment.

  • Recruiting Services

Talent acquisition is a complex process, but our recruiting services elevate it to a fine art. We have the ability to hire both locally in Poland, tapping into the wealth of local talent, and to scour the rest of Eastern Europe for the most promising applicants. Our achievements shed light on the story, whether it is our skill in negotiating the intricate Japanese market or our leadership in establishing vital strategic alliances.


  • What are the benefits of IT outsourcing to Poland?

IT outsourcing Poland offers several advantages, including access to a highly skilled workforce, competitive pricing compared to other Western countries, and a favorable geographical location for European businesses. Additionally, Poland has a strong educational background in technology, which ensures a steady supply of tech talent for software development outsourcing Poland.

  • How do outsourcing companies in Poland ensure the quality of software development?

Outsourcing companies in Poland adhere to international standards and certifications to maintain high quality in software development. Many companies implement rigorous quality assurance processes and utilize the latest technologies and methodologies, such as Agile and DevOps, to ensure that the final product meets client expectations. IT outsourcing services Poland provide global businesses with access to top-tier tech talent and innovative solutions at competitive rates, making it a leading choice for software development and project management.

  • What types of IT outsourcing services are most commonly provided by Polish companies?

Polish outsourcing companies offer a wide range of IT outsourcing services, including custom software development, mobile app development, IT system integration, and IT consulting. Additionally, services like software nearshoring to Poland and employment outsourcing Poland are increasingly popular, catering to both project-based and long-term needs.

  • How cost-effective is software outsourcing to Poland compared to other countries?

Software outsourcing Poland is generally more cost-effective than in Western European or North American countries due to lower labor costs. However, it maintains a high standard of quality, making it a preferred choice for many businesses looking to balance cost and quality in software development outsource Poland projects.

  • Can companies outsource complete IT projects to Poland, or is it limited to task-based outsourcing?

IT outsourcing Polen (Poland) is increasingly recognized for its exceptional talent pool and robust tech infrastructure, attracting companies worldwide seeking reliable and efficient technological partnerships. Companies can outsource complete IT projects to Poland. Many Polish IT outsourcing firms offer comprehensive project management services, from inception and development to maintenance and support. This flexibility allows businesses to engage in both comprehensive project outsourcing and task-specific outsourcing, such as outstaffing Poland for particular skills or roles.

  • What are the trends in IT outsourcing in Poland?

Recent trends in Poland outsourcing include an increase in demand for cloud computing services, big data, and artificial intelligence solutions. There’s also a growing emphasis on cybersecurity in the wake of global digitalization. Outsourcing companies Poland are rapidly adapting to these trends to offer cutting-edge solutions to their clients. Choosing an outsourcing company Poland can significantly enhance your project’s efficiency and quality due to the country’s highly skilled IT professionals and competitive pricing.

  • How does outsourcing to Poland differ from other popular outsourcing destinations?

Outsourcing to Poland offers a unique combination of geographical proximity to major European markets, cultural affinity, and strong technical education systems. This positions Poland favorably compared to other outsourcing destinations like India or China, especially for European companies looking at outsourcing or nearshoring options for better collaboration and time zone alignment.

Ready to revolutionize your projects? Experience unmatched excellence with outsourcing it services in Poland!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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