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Web Widget Development Tools and Technologies

Web development is rapidly evolving and more and more innovative solutions are being implemented. The creation of interesting widgets for websites and mobile apps is a rising trend. A lot of widgets have already become a must for any web application and are looked upon as obligatory elements rather than optional, among them are various survey and application forms, order/booking systems, social media widgets and a lot more. Nevertheless, the range of technology available for frontend and backend developers today gives the opportunity to create web widget sophisticated both in design and architecture. When exploring web widget development tools and technologies, businesses can leverage the expertise of a remote recruitment agency to hire RoR developer who possess the necessary skills and experience to create dynamic and interactive widgets for enhanced user engagement.

Anyone visits a certain website in order to satisfy specific needs or achieve specific targets. Therefore, any widget used in a web application should first and foremost offer users the possibilities that will assist with reaching their initial goals and in general, enhance their experience with the website. Still the visual side of the widget also matters and there now exist tools, with the help of which one can create web widget of high quality and with fascinating visual effects. To enhance your project that involves web widget development tools and technologies, hire remote Flutter developer can be a strategic decision, as their expertise in creating highly interactive and visually appealing cross-platform applications can extend the functionality and user experience of your web widgets.

Web Widget Development Tools

One of such powerful visualization tools for frontend development of web applications and website widget creator is D3.js. This framework serves for dynamic visualization of data-driven content. With the help of the platform, one is able to affix data to DOM (Document Object Model) components and then style, add effects and transitions to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using HTML and CSS3. D3.js functionality makes further transformations and adds interactivity to the data. The framework lets manipulate the code in any imaginable way and reuse it multiple times. D3.js runs well on the web and doesn’t require the installation of any additional plugins to function in web browsers. Besides, it makes use of the functionality of the browser itself, thus simplifying work for D3.js developers. The D3.js framework is used by some of the noteworthy companies and projects, such as The New York Times, and OpenStreetMap for web widget development.

Another useful frontend website widget creator is CSS preprocessor Sass. A great thing about preprocessors like Sass, is that they are real time-saving tools, that generate organized and easy-to-update code. Sass is considered to be the best CSS extension language by many frontend developers, as it possesses a list of features unavailable in usual CSS. Moreover, it is compatible with any CSS version and, ultimately, allows using any CSS libraries. The preprocessor also keeps style sheets concise and modularizes the code. Unlike regular CSS, Sass helps easily specify and change some elements like color and size via defining the variables. While changing the variable once, all the same variables are changed automatically throughout the entire project.

To assist modular coding and provide module structure to web widget development, ECMAScript 6 (ES 6) may be used. It’s an upgraded version of JavaScript, and though not all the browsers and operating systems of mobile devices are 100% compatible with ES6, BabelJS preprocessor can easily handle these compatibility issues. Modular coding with ES6 helps to keep the code in separate blocks or modules, which eases the maintenance a lot.

One more tool worth using in web widget development is Underscore.js. It is a lightweight JavaScript library, that enables one to create the code, which is easy to read. Besides, the functionality of the platform allows us to use it for template building, at the same time simplifying code syntax.

In the process of any web application or web widget development task runners, such as Gulp.js or Grunt.js are extremely handy. With the help of dedicated task runners, one can automate often-performed tasks. To be more specific, task runners provide the following abilities:

  • Prefixing CSS files for various browsers
  • Minifying and concatenating JS and CSS files
  • Compiling Sass files into CSS
  • JavaScript linting etc

Similar task runners and tools to scaffold the building process of frontend web applications can be found on Yeoman website.

Shipping Cost Calculator Widget

Mobilunity often gets involved in development of web applications where creation of custom widgets is needed. As most often the projects we work on for our clients are confidential, the Mobilunity team was tasked at offering a widget design, similar to the ones we usually build for our customers. Here is a postal shipping calculator widget design that may be built into a website for delivery services, postal offices, logistics companies, and transportation agencies.

Site Cost Calculator Widget

We are currently working on a custom web widget development for our own corporate website. It is planned to estimate the cost of building eCommerce marketplaces, based on various criteria and options our customers are going to choose from. Mobilunity General Manager came up with the idea of creating such a site cost calculator since it would facilitate the process of giving project estimates often requested from our team.

The client, who wants to get an estimation should first enter our site cost calculator and choose from two types of marketplaces – Service or Product. After that, the customer gets a set of components most typical for the selected kind of marketplace and can specify additional elements and extensions he or she wants their marketplace to include. Finally, on the basis of certain marketplace configuration the site cost calculator widget is going to provide the cost of the project and time needed for its completion.

Provide your customers with useful functionality in the form of beautifully designed, dynamic, and handy widgets! Contact experienced website widget creator, that will satisfy all your requirements and create web widget your clients will definitely appreciate.

Easily create web widget for your application with an experienced Mobilunity team!

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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