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How to Find Reliable Mcommerce App Development Company

Access to mobile devices has changed life considerably. From handling business tasks remotely and staying organized to managing finances and staying in contact with loved ones, thousands of daily tasks can conveniently be completed from a mobile phone. For businesses, one of the most valuable benefits of mobile phone usage is the ability to sell through mobile apps. 

With around 5.31 billion mobile phone users globally, the potential of selling through mobile apps is limitless. This process is called Mcommerce. In simple terms, mcommerce can be defined as any transaction done online, using a mobile device. 

There are three main types of mcommerce, including mobile payments, mobile banking and mobile shopping. These apps open up a whole new world of possibilities for businesses, as transactions can easily be done from anywhere in the world. 

Looking at some statistics, mcommerce sales reached $359.32 billion in 2021, a massive increase of 15.2% from 2020. Experts believe that by 2025, mcommerce sales should double to reach $728.28 billion only in the United States. Because of this potential, many modern businesses strive to have an app available in the mcommerce space. As a result, the demand for a mobile apps development team has seen a major rise. 

What Is the Difference Between Ecommerce and Mcommerce?

First coined in the 1970s, the term ecommerce has been around for many years. Ecommerce or electronic commerce involves buying and selling goods or services using the internet. Ecommerce is conducted by businesses and consumers using desktops or laptops. 

So, how does mcommerce differ from ecommerce? Mcommerce solutions are a subsection of ecommerce, but a much newer term. This method of commercial transaction has only become popular with the rise of and advanced development of mobile devices. Mcommerce is conducted strictly through mobile devices. 

Considering that just in the second half of 2019, around 79% of smartphone users used their devices to buy online instead of using a computer, mcommerce is seen as the logical next step in the expansion of ecommerce. To ensure a successful mobile commerce strategy, it’s crucial to hire eCommerce web developers who have experience in building robust and scalable mcommerce apps

Features of Ecommerce Apps

With the high demand for buying online, businesses must invest in ecommerce development to stay ahead of the competition. But with the rapid development of ecommerce and the flow into mcommerce, modern businesses must have a good understanding of the features of ecommerce apps to ensure they offer the best user experiences. Let’s now explore some of the top benefits of ecommerce apps: 

  • Onboarding

When a new client opens an app, they do not necessarily have the know-how to operate the app and may not understand how to navigate the interface. Therefore, it is vital to have an onboarding feature to show them how to use the app correctly. It can be made to be interactive and fun for the client with animations and compelling wording. 

  • Signing up element 

The logging in or registration process is usually not the most exciting activity for new clients. So, easing this process by making it as simple, short and convenient as possible will be highly beneficial for the user. An effective way of achieving this is to integrate existing Google, social media or mobile phone accounts into the app, ensuring efficient and effective sign ups or logins.   

  • User profile

Ensuring an app can store user profiles will mean clients can save their activity information on the app and just continue where they stopped with the previous session. It also makes payments easier as users can save their payment information on the profile and avoid the need to enter it every time. 

  • Shopping cart

Just like in physical stores, having a shopping cart in an app is a very useful feature. Every time a user chooses a product to purchase, it goes into the cart. When they are ready to pay, all the items will be grouped with the total cost, ready to be reviewed and paid for. This feature eases the process tremendously.

  • Payment options

Consumers are constantly looking for convenience, and the more payment options available, the easier it will be for them to quickly and easily pay for items. Today, there are several different types of payment options for businesses to choose from, including card payments, e-wallets, transfers, cryptocurrencies and more. 

  • Customer support options

What do users do when something goes wrong on the app while shopping? What options do they have when they have queries? Ecommerce apps should feature easily accessible, reliable customer support options. These options may include online chat tools and features to instantly send messages or emails to the support desk. 

The Benefits of Having an Mcommerce App for Businesses

Today, the importance of an online presence for any business is hard to overestimate. And with the growing number of mobile users around the world, businesses must also consider the benefits of having an ecommerce platform available for mobile users. The advantages of having a strong mcommerce app available include: 

  • Mcommerce apps are available 24/7 

The biggest benefit of mcommerce application development is that apps are available uninterruptedly to everyone with a smart mobile device. This means that anyone can shop through the app, no matter the time of day. 

  • Mobile apps take advantage of hardware-based functionality 

Mobile ecommerce apps can be developed to make use of smartphones’ built-in features, such as the camera and microphone. These features can then be used to make purchases via a voice assistant or take screenshots of products for future reference or share with other consumers. 

  • Mobile apps are generally faster than websites 

Today, shopping is all about efficiency. Consumers want shopping processes to be quick and effortless. Mcommerce apps are usually much faster compared to websites, making it convenient for consumers who value time. 

Steps Involved in Building an Ecommerce App

Once a business decides that the next step for them to grow is to invest in an ecommerce app, it’s time to begin the mcommerce app development process. But where do they start? Developing an ecommerce app can be a lengthy task. However, by following the right stages, the process can be shortened significantly. Here are all the steps involved in developing an ecommerce app fast and efficiently: 

1. Determine requirements

The first step is to determine the end goals of the app. Once these goals are set, the app’s requirements can be identified. This step may involve deciding what features to include, the style of the app and on which platforms it will be released. Determining requirements can be achieved by creating a mind map, and detailing all resources needed throughout the development cycle.

2. Market analysis

The next step is to complete thorough market analysis. Using a target audience, surveys and tests can be conducted. These sources will determine how well a product will be received and used without spending all the capital beforehand. 

3. Hiring a team

Probably the most important step is to hire ecommerce developer or even the whole team offering quality m-commerce solutions. This can be done by outsourcing a mcommerce solutions provider. The development team is what will largely determine the success of a project. The team should consist of: 

  • Project Manager 

The project manager is responsible for overseeing the project from start to finish. A project manager will also manage the team effectively to achieve the targets and objectives set out at the beginning of the project. 

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  • UI / UX Designers 

A UX mcommerce developer offering m-commerce solution services focuses on the user experience of the app and how this can be improved, while a UI designer focuses on the layout or overall look of the app. 

Hire UX/UI designer with Mobilunity, and make your product both attractive and unique! >>>

  • iOS Developers 

If an app will be available for download on Apple devices, hiring an iOS developer is crucial. This developer specializes in the development of mobile commerce solution services for Apple devices specifically. 

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  • Android Developers 

Equal to an iOS developer, an Android developer is required when an app is going to run on the Android operating system. They specialize in Android mobile commerce solutions.

Need a talented Android development specialist? Mobilunity is ready to help! >>>

  • DevOps 

When a large and high-loaded app is planned, it is advisable to hire one or more DevOps specialists, as they are trained in dealing with bigger projects. DevOps teams observe the entire development lifecycle, from the planning phases and development stages to the integration and testing steps. 

In search of dedicated developers? Mobilunity is here to help! >>>

  • QA Specialist

To ensure an app is easy to use and effective in its purpose, a quality m commerce solutions assessment team can be used to rate the product. Quality assurance is essential to boost confidence in consumers using an app. 

We know how to hire proficient QAs to make your product flawless. Get in touch! >>>

4. Project kick-off

After agreeing on objectives and targets with the team, due dates can be set for certain tasks within the project. After all stakeholders agree on all aspects of the mcommerce services, the team can start working on the brand-new e-commerce app. 

Salary Rates of Ecommerce App Development Specialists 

The most important step when planning to build event app projects or develop an ecommerce app is hiring the right dedicated team Ukraine. This comes at a cost and is often a determining factor for many businesses when considering investing in mobile commerce development services. To ensure money is spent wisely, it is important to do some research on the cost of hiring specialists from a mcommerce app development company. 

To give you an idea of the cost, let’s explore the average monthly salaries of the most important mcommerce development specialists involved in app building in five different countries:  

Project Manager

  • USA – $7,396
  • Germany – $5,754
  • Switzerland – $9,696 
  • Netherlands – $5,404
  • Ukraine – $4,500*

UI / UX Designers

Mobile App Developers

*Ukrainian salaries are provided based on Mobilunity’s Recruitment Team research on the local job markets. All salaries are net and do not include the service fee (in case of hiring on a dedicated team model). The salaries are provided for comparison purposes and could be not entirely accurate. Contact us to know the exact cost of hiring a developer corresponding to the required parameters.

It is clear from the comparisons above that outstaffing mobile commerce development in Ukraine can be a cost-effective option. Not only do they have the expertise, but there’s also a massive pool of talent in Ukraine and it comes at a considerably lower cost than many other countries. 

Why Choose Mobilunity as an Outstaffing Provider in Ukraine

With over 11 years of experience, Mobilunity is one of the preferred outstaffing companies in Ukraine for businesses around the world. With access to a large pool of highly skilled mobile commerce app development specialists, Mobilunity can provide candidates that bring experience, knowledge and innovation to projects. Connect with us now and hire Ionic app developer to drive your business to the top!

Through the years, Mobilunity has worked with many clients, big and small. Some of these include 42Matters from Switzerland, i-doit from Germany, FinExpert from Canada, and ServIT from Sweden.

Our popularity is due to our effective approach. We find out exactly what our clients’ requirements are. Thereafter, we source the best candidates and put them through vetting processes that include different interviewing stages. Once selected, we help our clients and their chosen candidates start a partnership while ensuring everyone’s needs are consistently met.

Take your business to the next level with the help of an effective mcommerce app development company! Get the best solutions effortlessly with Mobilunity! 

All salaries and prices mentioned within the article are approximate NET numbers based on the research done by our in-house Recruitment Team. Please use these numbers as a guide for comparison purposes only and feel free to use the contact form to inquire on the specific cost of the talent according to your vacancy requirements and chosen model of engagement.

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